Don't ask where people go

Chapter 422 Little Wife

Chapter 422 Little Wife

Mo Han and Xiao Xuan'er walked in, and saw three women in the room, who were pinching Fang Zilan's legs and shoulders, teasing and feeding wine, "Master Fang, you brought someone here?"

The woman next to her echoed, "Yes, this elder sister looks familiar, she seems to have seen it before."

Fang Zilan held the woman's wrist, and said coldly: "Say what you should say, and what you should not say, don't let out a single word."

"Yes." The woman became more obedient immediately, but she still smiled and said, "It's all my slave's fault, Mr. Fang, don't get angry, come and have a glass of wine to calm down."

"Knowing that you are not good, I will punish you for drinking this glass of wine." Fang Zilan handed the wine to the woman's lips. The woman's vermilion lips parted slightly, she bit the wall of the glass, and drank it all in one gulp. "I am willing to be punished."

Fang Zilan chuckled, and seemed to feel much better.Seeing this, Mo Han couldn't help frowning and said, "Sister Lan, do you really want to do this?"

"Didn't you see it all?" Fang Zilan reached out and pinned the broken hair of the woman beside her behind her ears, Mo Han's lips were pursed into a straight line, "Sister Lan, even if this can be done, the result is as you expected, but your Your reputation will be ruined, you..."

"Fame? What kind of thing is that?" Fang Zilan sneered, "Among the court, I am the only one who seeks pleasure with three wives and four concubines? Do you see anyone whose reputation has been ruined because of it?"

"But..." Mo Hanfu paused as soon as he opened his mouth, and swallowed the last half of the sentence.He couldn't say that she would provoke criticism just because Sister Lan was a woman.

Xiao Xuan'er understood, she bit her lip lightly, "Master Fang, if you are determined to do this, I..."

She didn't go on, Fang Zilan's eyes were more playful, "How are you doing?"

"I'll help you." Xiao Xuan'er heard her own voice and heartbeat, her voice was trembling, her heart was beating like a drum, but there was only one thought in her mind - if Fang Zilan couldn't find a way out, then they would have no way out up.

"Thank you." Fang Zilan took a deep look at Xiao Xuan'er, she saluted solemnly, then turned and left.

Mo Han looked at Fang Zilan who seemed to be surrounded by stars, and felt powerless and sad in his heart.He knew that in this world, if he wanted to challenge the imperial power, he was doomed to lose, just like a moth to a flame.

But he knew better that no matter what decision sister Lan made, he would follow, even if his body was broken, he would not back down half a step.What's more, it's just reputation, if it can cancel this involuntary marriage, it's worth a try.

"I'll go help." Mo Han left behind these words and left firmly.

Fang Zilan looked at his back and let out a wry smile.How she wished they didn't understand what she was doing, or even turned their backs on her, but they didn't.

That being the case, what else does she have to worry about?How can fame and face be less important than them?

"Lord Fang?" The woman's delicate voice was close to her ears, and Fang Zilan raised her hand to wrap her arms around the woman's slender waist, "Beauty, please go and ask your mother for me, why hasn't someone delivered yet?"

"Master Fang is really impatient." The woman supported Fang Zilan's shoulders to stand up straighter, and the woman on the other side said angrily, "Master Fang thinks that we are not serving you well?"

"Okay, what's wrong?" Fang Zilan took the woman with the other hand, hugged her left and right, and said, "Beauty, are you jealous?"

"Lord Fang..." It was the first time for the woman to be so intimate with the same sex, her ears flushed, and she said shyly, "How dare I..."

Fang Zilan watched her blushing more and more amusedly, and only then did she start teasing her, when she heard a knock on the door.

The woman who had just left came back, followed by a cautious boy who lowered his head and did not dare to look at anyone, but the woman forcibly pushed him in, "Get in soon!"

"Master Fang..." The woman smiled, and was interrupted by Fang Zilan just as she was about to speak, "Okay, people stay here, you can go."

"Yes, yes, yes." The woman hurriedly backed out, not forgetting to close the door before leaving.

The boy stood by the door, curled up into a ball, and if there was a hole in the ground, he would have to crawl right into it.

"What are you doing standing so far away? I won't eat you." Fang Zilan beckoned, "Come here."

The boy glanced at Fang Zilan cautiously, and moved over step by step.A woman spoke for him: "Master Fang, don't blame me, this younger brother is a newcomer, he is a little shy."

Fang Zilan pulled the boy over impatiently, and frivolously raised his chin, "What's your name?"

"Ah yes." The boy whispered two words, Fang Zilan forced him to look at her, and continued to ask: "How old are you?"

"Eighteen." The boy named Ah Shi lowered his eyes, never daring to look at Fang Zilan.She looked at Ah Shi carefully, his face was very good, especially his eyes, which seemed to hold a handful of stars in them, which were indescribably bright.

When she entered the building just now, she met these eyes and couldn't help being shocked.People with such eyes should not appear in this kind of place.

Seeing that Fang Zilan didn't speak, Ah Shi couldn't help but sneak a glance at her, but saw her curl her lips and said casually: "It's not a good habit to lie to others."

Before she finished speaking, Ah Shi was already trembling. If she hadn't grabbed his arm, he might have fallen to the ground.

"Ah Shi, I will give you one last chance." Fang Zilan looked at Ah Shi's embarrassment with great interest, and it took him a while to hear him say: "You will be sixteen next month."

A flash of surprise flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes. Looking at the child's body, she thought she would be no more than 14 years old, but unexpectedly he was going to be sixteen.

Seeing Fang Zilan's suspicion, the shy woman before said hurriedly: "Master Fang, Ah Shi's family is too poor to survive, and there is a younger brother under him, so that's why he sold him. He was hardly full before. Rice, naturally look at..."

"Xing'er!" The woman next to her stopped her words, she suddenly reacted and knelt down, "Master Fang, forgive me, I didn't mean to talk too much..."

"It's okay." Fang Zilan loosened Ah Shi's hand, and helped Xing'er who was kneeling on the ground, "I know what I look like in the rumors, but the rumors can't be true. I have a good temper, and I don't Killing at every turn."

Xing'er smiled shyly, Fang Zilan couldn't help pinching her face, "You look beautiful when you smile."

"Master Fang..." Xing'er's face turned redder, and Fang Zilan laughed, "Okay, I won't tease you." After she finished speaking, she looked at Ah Shi, "What else do you do besides playing the piano?"

Ah Shi shook his head, "No, I haven't learned to play the piano for a long time, and I only know one piece of music."

"Okay, then go play the piano." Fang Zilan pointed casually, Ah Shi looked at the piano in the room, walked over obediently, wiped his hands on his clothes repeatedly, and then stroked the piano religiously on the string.

Fang Zilan stared intently, with the woman's laughter next to her ears, "Master Fang really likes this child, Ah Ye?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan withdrew her gaze, and said in a low voice, "Go to your mother and ask her to pick some smart young men over."

 Sure enough, flirtatious playboys also need talent.But as long as the play is true enough, who cares about the truth?
(End of this chapter)

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