Chapter 426
For a moment, Fang Zilan thought she had heard wrong.In any case, she never thought that Li Qiyou would take the initiative to marry Di Rong's princesses, and there were two of them. Did he give up on himself after being rejected?
Everyone in the hall was shocked, but Li Qiyou didn't change his face, and repeated what he said just now, "My king has long admired the beauty of the princess, and hereby begs His Majesty to bestow the two princesses on me as the right and left concubines."

The left and right concubines are not without precedent in the previous dynasty, but this is the first time in the Great Beijing Dynasty. It sounds a bit like imitating the previous dynasty. For a while, even Di Rong's envoys were shocked from ear to ear.

Li Shengxuan looked at Li Qiyou steadfastly, his expression was very calm, and there was no hint of anger in his tone, as if he had already made up his mind and was just waiting to bring it up in front of everyone today.

After a moment of silence, the envoys of Di Rong whispered for a while, and then said that if Li Shengxuan agreed, they would have no objection.

Fang Zilan couldn't help laughing, thinking that the appearance of Di Rong's mission was very similar to dealing with errands.But having said that, Li Qiyou's identity is the only one in Dajing. If Li Shengxuan has no heirs, then the person who will inherit the great line in the future...

She didn't think about it.For some reason, it was clearly a matter of course, but she felt tightness in her chest. If someone else was on the throne, she would not be able to stay.

Li Shengxuan was silent for a long time, and finally agreed to Li Qiyou's request.Li Qiyou breathed a sigh of relief and bowed his head in thanks.

Several Di Rong envoys celebrated with their foreheads and hands, and other courtiers present also congratulated one after another, saying that the happy event has been decided, and the auspicious day is just a few days away.

Fang Zilan looked at Li Qiyou through the crowd, and there was some inexplicable emotion in her heart, which seemed to be wronged, more like unwillingness.

Even if it wasn't Li Qiyou, there would always be other members of the royal family to stand up and ask to marry Di Rong's two princesses.Thinking about it this way, there is no one in the world who is not involuntary.

As if feeling something in his heart, Li Qiyou looked in Fang Zilan's direction, and smiled at her with the corners of his lips curved, as if to comfort her.

Fang Zilan avoided his sight, her lips pursed even tighter.Amidst the joy, several envoys of Di Rong spoke cautiously, trying to ask General Miago to go back.

Li Shengxuan did not directly agree, but threw the question to Fang Zilan, "Your minister Mi Agu hurt my Duke of Yue. Although he has made an apology now, it cannot be decided by me alone whether to pardon Mi Agu. Duke of Yue, what do you think?" Woolen cloth?"

Everyone's eyes focused on Fang Zilan, she thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, the subject is fine. Now that the two parties have formed a good relationship between Qin and Jin, it is better to let Mi Agu go. Jing’s sincerity.”

The envoy of Di Rong who heard the words hurriedly said: "Your Majesty Yue has a broad mind, which is admirable. Di Rong is very grateful to His Majesty and His Majesty Yue..."

Before Li Shengxuan could speak, Di Rong's envoy was already full of gratitude, so he pushed the boat and ordered someone to bring Miagu up.

Miagu injured an arm and only saved his life after amputating it.However, the new envoys from Di Rong didn't know the reason, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, "Your Majesty..."

As soon as one of them opened his mouth, Li Shengxuan cut him off, "No one has ever been able to stand here well after hurting my Duke of Yue."

The implication of his words is obvious, it is very merciful for Miagu to be able to live, if Di Rong still has complaints, then he doesn't mind detaining the entire mission, and come to a thorough questioning.

The envoys of Di Rong were as silent as cicadas, and hurriedly pulled Mi Agu, whose face was as pale as frost beating an eggplant, and hurried away after bowing to thank you, saying that they would come to watch the ceremony on the day of Li Qiyou's wedding with the two princesses.

Seeing this, Li Shengxuan asked Xia Houzhang to accompany Li Qiyou to report to the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager, set an auspicious date for the wedding, and then dismissed the others, leaving only Wei Subaru and Fang Zilan in the hall.

"You really didn't find anything about the robbery and murder of the two princesses Di Rong in the suburbs of Beijing?" Li Shengxuan looked at Wei Subaru, and he stepped forward and said, "To tell the truth, Your Majesty, I did find something, but it was only in Di Rong In front of the mission, there are some things that are inconvenient to say."

Li Shengxuan said softly: "What did you find out, let's hear it."

"I found some combustible powder at the place where the incident happened. After burning, most of the pattern of plum branches appeared." Wei Subaru said, took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, and displayed it in front of Li Shengxuan, "This is the copy of the pattern , Your Majesty, please take a look."

Li Shengxuan glanced at the pattern on the paper and asked, "What pattern is this?"

"As far as I know, this plum branch pattern belongs to the killer Zixiu, and it is her unique logo." As soon as Wei Subaru finished speaking, Li Shengxuan looked at Fang Zilan calmly, "Duke Yue, do you recognize this plum branch pattern? "

Fang Zilan said calmly: "Report to Your Majesty, I recognize it."

"Then what's your opinion on this matter?" Li Shengxuan asked, and Fang Zilan said slowly: "There is only one killer, Zixiu, but it is obvious that one person did not kill the two princesses of Di Rong. I thought someone deliberately borrowed the killer The name Zixiu intends to cover up her true purpose."

She paused as she spoke, "If Di Rong and the two princesses were killed in Dajing, Di Rong would ask for an explanation no matter what. At that time, the dispute between the two parties would be on the verge of breaking out, which is inevitable."

Wei Subaru glanced at Fang Zilan thoughtfully, and said, "Master Fang is right, but I don't understand one thing. There are so many killers in the world, why does the person behind them have to use Zixiu's name?"

Fang Zilan didn't answer, Li Shengxuan came out to help her and said: "There are many doubts about this matter. Before the investigation, no one knows what the person behind the scenes is going to do. Wei Subaru, now the two princesses of Dirong and Yucheng King are engaged. The matter is closed on the surface, but I want you to continue to investigate secretly until the truth is found out."

"Yes." Wei Subaru took the order to leave, Fang Zilan was about to leave, but Li Shengxuan said: "Why does the person behind it have to use your name, don't you really know?"

Fang Zilan hesitated for a moment, then said quietly: "I offended someone before, so I guess I took this opportunity to take revenge on me."

Li Shengxuan was noncommittal, and Fang Zilan added, "They are all desperadoes. I will go and beat them up and settle this matter. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Li Shengxuan thought to himself, if the people behind this incident really wanted revenge, why didn't they attack the people in her house, instead they went at Princess Di Rong who had nothing to do with her?It was an obvious lie, she said it so smoothly, but he didn't want to expose her.

He would rather believe that this matter had nothing to do with her, and would rather turn a blind eye and let her handle it by herself.As long as he doesn't turn to the bright side, he will always have a way to protect her.

Fang Zilan didn't know Li Shengxuan's thoughts were changing, but she could clearly feel that Li Shengxuan was much more indulgent to her than before.She couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, but she accepted this almost partial connivance with peace of mind.

However, she is very clear that the person behind this matter is Ji Ningtian, and I am afraid he will not be kind.

 It's New Year's Eve, happy new year!
(End of this chapter)

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