Chapter 427 The Truth
Fang Chongzheng was a little dazed when he heard the report from the housekeeper. He and Mr. Zhuge hadn't seen each other for more than ten years.

Ever since Master Zhuge left the court, the two of them hadn't had any contact with each other.Now a sudden visit...

What should come will come eventually, Fang Chongzheng straightened his clothes, went to the front hall with the housekeeper, and met with Elder Zhuge.

After the two met, there were not many polite words.Although people like them, who have lived in the court for a long time, are used to seeing the scenes of dismantling the purpose into pieces and probing each other with subtext, but obviously today, neither of them wants to do this.

After a cup of tea, Fang Chongzheng dismissed the servants in the hall, and said in a low voice, "Why is Master Zhuge doing this, you might as well tell me directly."

Elder Zhuge's expression was dim, and he said slowly, "Lord Fang, do you know Lord Fang, the Duke of Yue?"

"I know." He answered without any hesitation, and Master Zhuge asked again, "Does Master Fang know Fang Zilan?"

This time Fang Chongzheng was silent for a moment before he said, "I know."

"It really is you." Master Zhuge seemed relieved, "Why did you do this?"

Fang Chongzheng looked as calm as water, "She is my daughter, why does Master Zhuge think I should do this?"

Elder Zhuge's expression froze. In the past, he only suspected that Fang Zilan was an orphan from the previous dynasty, but he didn't think of her and the third lady of the Xiangfu. Unexpectedly, Fang Chongzheng admitted it generously.

"What is she going to do?" Elder Zhuge's voice was a bit colder, "Is it your order?"

"When a child grows up, he will always have his own thoughts and actions. I think Mr. Zhuge knows better than me." Fang Chongzheng said frankly: "I have nothing to teach."

Master Zhuge said calmly, "Master Fang, is she determined to support her to the end?"

Fang Chongzheng's expression remained the same, but his words were more calm and pretentious, "Master Zhuge, I have three daughters, and two of them are out of control. The only one left, if I can't do it for you If she persists to the end, how can she be worthy of being a father?"

"If it wasn't for her, how could your two daughters be involuntary?" Master Zhuge showed a cold face, "I came today to ask you to tell the truth, who is she?"

He spoke every word with great emphasis, as if he wanted to ask the teacher for his crimes, and all of a sudden there were swords drawn in the hall.

Fang Chongzheng lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, took the teacup on the table casually, took a sip, and after calming down for a while, said quietly: "If Mr. Zhuge is asking about the little girl Fang Zilan, then it is an extra question. If Zhuge The boss is asking about Master Fang Zilan, the Duke of Yue. I can only say that I know her. As for her identity and background, I don’t know anything about her. All I know is that she serves the country and the people, and she still fulfills her duty even though she is injured. , to arouse the suspicion of others."

Before he finished speaking, the atmosphere in the hall became tense again.Master Zhuge couldn't help but clenched his fingers tightly, but didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Fang Chongzheng paused for a moment, and continued: "Let's not talk about the court, let's talk about the battle of the four realms. If it weren't for the Duke of Yue, how could the northern border be peaceful today? Master Zhuge forgot that the northern border was buried. how many people?"

Master Zhuge took a deep breath, how could he forget?His son and daughter-in-law were all buried in the north.He is of the Zhuge lineage, and he knows better than anyone how much blood has been shed in the northern border. If he calculates carefully, he may be comparable to the Shangguan family in the northern border.

But he never wanted to count.

To eat the king's salary will be smashed to pieces for this country.Even if there is only one Zhuge family, they still want to protect the country and the people, and seek prosperity for the world.

Therefore, after he suspected Fang Zilan, he really understood A Yu's hesitation and contradiction.This suspicion is born of protection, but those who doubt also do the same thing of protection, which is shocking.

Most of his life has passed, and occasionally he would ask himself, does background really matter?It can be seen that after the gloom of the family dispute over the change of dynasty, it is difficult for him to convince himself.

Thinking of this, he sighed and said, "Master Fang, there are not many old people left in the capital. After the death of Mrs. Su three years ago, we are probably the only ones left. Now that you have even Won't you tell me a word of the truth?"

"Whether I say it or not, what's the difference to Mr. Zhuge?" Fang Chongzheng breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had removed the mask he had been wearing all along, his expression became a little more vivid, and there was emotion in his eyes, " They're so alike, aren't they?"

He finally let go, because he knew who he was facing.Even if it can be concealed for a while, it cannot be deceived forever. One day, Master Zhuge will find out the truth.

If we wait until that day, Mr. Zhuge will suspect Fang Zilan even more of ulterior motives.Instead of this, it is better to give him a reassurance with half truth and half lie.

Sure enough, Mr. Zhuge knew it clearly, but there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.Based on his understanding of Fang Chongzheng, if it was related to the previous dynasty, even for the sake of Fang's family, he would bite him to death.It was really surprising that he opened his mouth so easily today.

"I know that Master Zhuge's sense of loss just now is just a way to find out the truth." Fang Chongzheng said meaningfully: "But I would rather believe that there is a sincere heart in it."

Master Zhuge subconsciously let go of his clenched fingers, Fang Chongzheng watched him, "After all, even in the past, there are always one or two people who understand righteousness..."

"How can it be compared!" Elder Zhuge suddenly interrupted him, his tone agitated, "He is a god of killing, if it is related to him, it will be a major event that will change the color of the mountains and rivers and turn the world upside down, don't you know?"

"I believe her." Fang Chongzheng met Zhuge Zhuge's eyes without any fear, "It's like believing in the god of death you talk about, trusting her."

Lord Zhuge stared blankly at the person in front of him, as if through him he saw Fang Chongzheng, a young man who stood in front of the old hall of the former court many years ago and spoke for King Pingnan, the general of Zhenbei.

Many years have passed, and everyone thought that the fierce tiger and lion who used to be full of blood had smoothed his temperament and become unpredictable, but they didn't know that he was still the same as before, only hiding his sharpness, not having no temperament.

If someone tried to tempt him, he would still not hesitate to show his minions, he was still a fierce tiger and lion, majestic and majestic, and he would not give an inch.


"Believe it?" Master Zhuge repeated the word, calmly said: "If I remember correctly, back then you believed, and all you got in return was continuous war."

Like a stone thrown into the sea, Master Zhuge's words that almost exposed the scars did not make Fang Chongzheng lose his temper. On the contrary, he smiled and asked, "So what?"

Master Zhuge's complexion changed slightly, he left a sentence to do it for himself, and walked away.

Fang Chongzheng looked at his back, and the smile on his face gradually faded.Back then, General Zhenbei, King Pingnan...

Everyone thought that he was defeated by Xia Yunzhao, and his generals were defeated one after another. In the end, he had no face to face him, and ended up committing suicide in the deep sea.

After hearing the news, the covetous Jin people rushed to the land. At the critical moment, an unknown general suddenly appeared from the Qi family in the northern border and guarded the northern border.If this is not the case, how can the Li family be able to sit firmly in the world?If the golden man's iron cavalry stepped on it, there would only be a scene of broken mountains and rivers.

Then the general of the Qi family died suddenly overnight before the Li family's imperial decree of reward arrived, and he only got a generous burial and a posthumous name.

Later, the Qi family declined, and the former unknown general was gradually forgotten.Zhenbei general Pingnan Wang was added the embellishment of the previous dynasty and became the hero in the storybook.The madam whose music is so famous in the world is no longer known. She ruined her face and entered the prime minister's mansion with a baby in her arms...

Fang Chongzheng slowly closed his eyes, letting the past reappear like a revolving lantern.The world knows, but one-sided.That being the case, why care?

 It's the first day of the new year again, listen to the roar in your heart, and be a tiger and a lion!
(End of this chapter)

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