Chapter 433
After hearing the news, the servants of the Jingzhaoyin Mansion surrounded the scene, but they couldn't stop the discussions around them.They are all ordinary people in the capital who are begging for a living. They are used to peace. How can they see such tragic things as someone dying on the street?
All of a sudden, the sound of fear, crying, and indignation filled the ears, even if the governor Xu You came with him, it was difficult to appease.

Fang Zilan's face was livid, and she looked at Yang Zhiqing's corpse without saying a word. She paused for a long time before slowly squatting down and closing his eyes with her hands.

"Master Fang!" Xu Youtong's voice was a little flustered, but he managed to calm his face, walked up to Fang Zilan and said, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, it's better to send Master Yang away as soon as possible."

"I see." Fang Zilan stood up and beckoned, Cao Hong and Zheng Yan covered Yang Zhiqing with a piece of white cloth, and carried him out squarely.

The servants of the Jingzhao Yin Mansion blocked the sight of the common people cooperatively. Fang Zilan walked up to them and said in a loud voice: "I am Fang Zilan, the Duke of Yue. Please be quiet."

After her words fell, the noisy crowd gradually quieted down, so she continued: "The incident happened suddenly at the moment, and it will take time to find out the truth. , so as not to get into trouble."

She paused as she spoke, and took a deep breath, "After this case is investigated, I will give everyone an explanation."

The crowd of onlookers seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, Xu Youtong took the opportunity to hastily command the yamen servants to evacuate, and the turmoil finally subsided.

After the people dispersed, Fang Zilan still stood where he was, and Xu You said in the same manner: "Master Fang, Master Yang's body must be temporarily taken care of by the Jingzhao Yin Mansion, and the blood book in your hand..."

He didn't go on, Fang Zilan handed him the blood book casually, "This is not written by Mr. Yang."

"This..." Xu Youtong showed a perplexed look on his face, "If Mr. Fang has any clues, please let me know."

Fang Zilan said quietly: "This case and the assassination case of Mr. Wu Sheng are both committed by the same person."

She didn't wait for Xu Youtong to ask, she explained to herself: "The method of killing is exactly the same, even the wounds left are the same, it should be the work of a quack killer."

Xu Youtong glanced at the bloody book in his hand, and quickly realized, "Master Fang, what you mean is that someone bought the murder of Lord Wu Sheng, and then killed Lord Yang Zhiqing to divert attention, so that he can be exonerated?"

Fang Zilan was noncommittal, "What the truth is, this is the business of Mr. Xu."

Xu Youtong stared blankly at the figure that was fading away, always feeling that she knew something, which seemed to be closer to the truth than him.

Fang Zilan only felt chills all over her body, and after returning home, she slept with the quilt in her hands and felt warmer.When she woke up, she saw Awan sitting beside her with frowning eyebrows, muttering in a low voice: "It's not yet autumn, why are you so afraid of the cold? Could it be that the toxicity has become stronger..."

"Awan." Fang Zilan called her in a low voice, and she came back to her senses, "What's wrong?"

"Ask for leave for me." Fang Zilan curled up in the corner of the bed wrapped in a quilt, with indescribable fragility in her eyes.

"Ask for leave?" A Wan was stunned for a moment, "I heard about Mr. Yang's matter, so please accept your condolences."

A simple sentence, but she said it very stiffly.

Fang Zilan felt a little sad when he heard it.She lowered her eyes and said nothing, but tightened the quilt around her body a bit, and she looked like a rice dumpling.

A Wan felt strange, and reached out to touch Fang Zilan's forehead. The temperature was normal, and the condition didn't look like poisonous hair. What's going on?

Fang Zilan avoided A Wan's probing gaze, and said softly, "I'm tired and want to sleep for a while."

Awan nodded and said nothing more.For the next few days, Fang Zilan fell asleep and woke up, with very little time to wake up in the middle, and did nothing except eat and drink medicine.

This day, Fang Zilan finished drinking the medicine and was about to go back to sleep when she saw Mo Han rushing over, "Sister Lan, Your Majesty has summoned you to the palace for an audience."

"No, just say I'm sick." Fang Zilan turned her back and fell asleep.

Mo Han looked at the shadow that was obviously escaping through the screen, and raised his voice: "Doctor Wen is outside, sister Lan, you can't hide it."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan sat up angrily, "Didn't His Majesty summon you? What is Wen Ya here for?"

Although she said so, she still changed her clothes and walked out, took the tea Mo Han handed over, drank it all, and swept away the previous sloppy fatigue, and her whole body was much more energetic.

Seeing this, Mo Han was much relieved, and raised his hand as a gesture of invitation.Fang Zilan pursed her lips, but walked out slowly.

However, there is no Wen Ya in the courtyard, only a servant standing with his hands down.Fang Zilan gritted her teeth and glanced back at Mo Han, only to see him smiling complacently.He also shrugged his shoulders to show his innocence.

Fang Zilan followed her servants into the palace as if resigned to her fate, and Li Shengxuan's expression in the imperial study was tense, which made her heart beat uncontrollably—could something have happened again?
When Li Shengxuan saw Fang Zilan, his face relaxed a little, and he asked her about her health condition with concern, which made her confused, so she had to bite the bullet and answer.

After turning to the main topic, Li Shengxuan suddenly asked: "Do you know why I transferred Wu Sheng to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to revise the law?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, but just as she was about to speak, she heard Li Shengxuan say, "Partly because he has ideas, and partly because he is the disciple of Master Su Heng."

A flash of astonishment flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, and Li Shengxuan sighed and said, "Even with me behind, Zhuge Yu's implementation of bureaucratic reform will still be hindered, and he still needs an old man who is highly respected in the court and China to stand by his side to support him. Zhuge Yu My lord wants to avoid suspicion. My original intention was to invite Mr. Su Heng to return to Beijing to take up his post, but with the will of the late emperor, and when Mr. Su Heng was demoted, he was quite chilled, so it would be inappropriate to invite Mr. Su Heng back rashly. Therefore, I I want to use Wu Sheng as an opportunity to show my lord Su Heng and the people of the world my heart for governing the world, and it won't be too late to invite him back."

"But now Lord Wu Sheng..." Fang Zilan's voice was barely audible. She did not expect that Li Shengxuan's intentions were behind Wu Sheng's transfer to the Criminal Department. It seems that Wu Sheng's death was not necessarily caused by her alone.

"I ordered people to check, and Wu Sheng is the only disciple of Master Su Heng in the capital." Li Shengxuan looked complicated, "I must explain to Master Su Heng and the world, do you understand?"

Fang Zilan was dazed for a moment, and subconsciously asked: "How will Your Majesty explain this?"

Li Shengxuan remained silent, Fang Zilan clenched his hands hidden in his sleeves into fists, and said through gritted teeth: "Then who can give Master Yang Zhiqing and his family an explanation?"

Although she had been muddled for the past few days, she still listened to Xiao Xuan'er's words to some extent.She knew that it was rumored in the capital that Yang Zhiqing hadn't been promoted for many years, because he was jealous of Wu Sheng's transfer to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, he bought a murderer to kill him, and later because the clues in the letter were exposed, in order not to drag the whole family down, he feared crime and committed suicide in front of Jing Zhaoyin's mansion.

After the news spread, everyone in the capital scolded Yang Zhiqing. There were people clamoring and throwing stones in front of his house every day, which disturbed the whole family.

It seems that everyone has lost their memory. No one remembers that Yang Zhiqing was a parent officer who had been guarding the smoky southeast for eight years. When he left office, he received a Wanmin umbrella.

They only remembered that Yang Zhiqing was jealous and murderous, cruel and narrow-minded, and was not worthy of being an official at all.

As for Wu Sheng, he became the most innocent victim and was infinitely beautified.Master Su Heng's protégé, brilliant talent, good character... Everyone who knew him but didn't know him was full of admiration and regret, as if the loss of him would be a great loss to the court.

When a person dies, he can only be instructed by others, can't he even keep his name after death?
 Settle the affairs of the king and the world, and win the fame before and after his life.It happened in vain
(End of this chapter)

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