Don't ask where people go

Chapter 434 The Murderer

Chapter 434 The Murderer
Fang Zilan stared fixedly at the person in front of her, her eyes flushed with excitement, she suppressed her emotions and said word by word: "Master Yang Zhiqing's death is unclear, His Majesty did not order anyone to investigate the truth, but instead used his death Do you want to stop everyone talking?"

"Fang Zilan, if you are willing to tell everything you know, why are you here?" Li Shengxuan's voice was full of forbearance, "What kind of existence is the ghost gate?"

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and then the corners of her lips curled up as if relieved, "Your Majesty knows that the deaths of the two adults are related to the ghost gate. It seems that Zhuge's family has found out."

Her expression returned to calm, Li Shengxuan was taken aback, as if he did not expect her to be so calm.

"The gate of ghosts, as the name suggests, is the shelter of lonely souls and wild ghosts." Fang Zilan said quietly: "Who in the world can be called lonely souls and wild ghosts, I think your majesty should know."

"The old people who can't be seen in the past." Li Shengxuan answered, Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "That's right. Although Emperor Tai'an was amnesty at the beginning of his enthronement, many old people from the previous dynasty were not held accountable, and even entrusted with important tasks, but the dynasty changed. At that time, the seeds of hatred were sown, and with the passage of time, not only did they fail to disappear, but they gradually grew stronger and cannot be ignored."

She paused as she spoke, "In the past, the Ghost Gate was only found in the rivers and lakes. It is the most famous killer organization after Miluo Tianying and Baiyue Trial Hall."

Li Shengxuan was silent for a moment, then said: "Miluo Tianying, Baiyue Trial Hall, all of them interfered in the political situation and caused the court to shake. Is the ghost gate trying to follow in the footsteps?"

"Your Majesty is only half right." Fang Zilan took a deep breath and said, "Even if he interferes in the political situation, there are differences. Miluo Tianying guarded the high priest during the war between the three kings a hundred years ago, maintained the Yancheng Villa, and waited for the Haiqing River Empress Yan disappeared. But Baiyue's Trial Hall killed the famous officials Xie's family, severely injured the general who defended the country, and caused Baiyue to become a bloodbath, and was finally destroyed by Xia's army."

"What about the ghost gate in Dajing?" Li Shengxuan answered as if asking himself, "It seems to be the latter."

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and remained silent, as if tacitly acquiescing, Li Shengxuan looked at her thoughtfully, "But I'm curious, why do you know so clearly?"

"Even a killer needs to know where he came from." Fang Zilan said casually, but he said it very seriously, "The lessons learned from the past are the guides for the future. The lessons learned from Miluo Tianying and Baiyue Trial Hall are not over a hundred years old, so we must not repeat the same mistakes."

Li Shengxuan met her gaze, and asked, "Are these words from your heart, or from the master of the ghost gate?"

Fang Zilan didn't answer his question, but asked instead: "Does Your Majesty want me to be related to the ghost gate?"

"If I wish, can you have nothing to do with the ghost gate?" Although Li Shengxuan's words were a question, they revealed a message with certainty - he was convinced that Fang Zilan was from the ghost gate.

Fang Zilan did not shy away, nodded and said: "I can think about it."

There was a hint of helplessness in Li Shengxuan's eyes, Fang Zilan smiled, "If there is anything else you want to know, you might as well ask it together. As long as your Majesty asks today, I will answer."

"According to Xu Youtong, you told him that the murderer who killed Wu Sheng and Yang Zhiqing was the same person." Li Shengxuan said slowly, "Do you know who the murderer is?"

"I know." Fang Zilan admitted neatly, "I can identify the murderer, but please ask Your Majesty."

"What's the matter?" Li Shengxuan had a vague premonition that her request should be related to Yang Zhiqing.

Sure enough, Fang Zilan said without hesitation: "I implore Your Majesty to announce to the world that Lord Yang did not buy Master Wu to kill Lord Wu, but someone killed Lord Wu and then blamed Lord Yang."

She spoke faster and faster, as if she had been thinking for a long time, just waiting for this opportunity to confide in full, "As for the truth, His Majesty will continue to investigate, or stop here, I will identify the murderer and give it to Mr. Su and everyone in the world." An explanation."

"Your request is not difficult. If there is a murderer, it is enough to give an explanation." Li Shengxuan's eyes darkened, "But I want to know the truth. Is it the master of ghosts—Juning Wang Ji Ningtian who planned all this? "

"The search was really fast." Fang Zilan sighed softly, and Li Shengxuan heard it in his ears. He didn't know if it was an illusion or something, but he felt a sense of relief.

"The identity of the Lord of the Ghost Gate is mysterious, and no one has ever known his true face." Fang Zilan bit her lips, as if she had made up her mind, and said, "What's more, everyone knows that King Yuning is disabled and cannot walk. Such a person How can you be the master of the ghost gate?"

She knew that once these words came out, Li Shengxuan would definitely suspect that Ji Ningtian was not really disabled, and thus suspect Fang Chongzheng who broke Ji Ningtian's legs back then.

But she knew better that Fang Chongzheng and Ji Ningtian were probably related, as can be seen from the fact that she fell into the water and disappeared.The Fang family still has a third young lady presenting herself in front of the public, if it wasn't for Fang Chongzheng's handwriting, who would be able to do it?
That being the case, she took the initiative to let out the rumors, and with Fang Chongzheng's scheming, it is always possible to act wisely and protect oneself after hearing the wind, right?
Of course Li Shengxuan didn't know her small thoughts, but he did have doubts, so he simply stated clearly, "Although Ji Ningtian hid in Hong'an Pavilion after receiving the false title of King Yuning, his His mother, Concubine Shu, also died of illness. But I suspect that Ji Ningtian is not as peaceful as he appears on the surface, and his leg is not broken either."

"Since Your Majesty doubts it, wouldn't you know the answer if you try it out?" Fang Zilan said it as a matter of course, completely unaware that she had fallen into Li Shengxuan's routine again.

"That's exactly what I mean." Li Shengxuan agreed, "When the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet is held, I will invite Ji Ningtian to enter the palace, and then I will also ask the Duke of Yue to present a sword dance, and give him a try."

Fang Zilan was stunned, and it took a while to realize, "Your Majesty, you..."

The corners of Li Shengxuan's lips twitched slightly, "Why, my Lord Yue is not willing?"

Fang Zilan took a deep breath, Li Shengxuan said he was testing Ji Ningtian, so why not testing her?If she doesn't want to do it, it means that the love of ghosts is confirmed, but if she does...

It will be regarded as betraying the ghost, and what awaits her is endless pursuit.unless……

"Fang Zilan?" Seeing that she didn't respond, Li Shengxuan called her name, pulling her back from her thoughts, "What?"

"I have agreed to what you asked for, and if you don't say anything about what I want you to do, I will assume that you have agreed." Li Shengxuan did not give her a chance to repent, and changed the voice: "Since you want to give an explanation, you have to Tell me, who is the murderer?"

Fang Zilan's mind was full of the matter of the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, and her voice was muffled with worry, "The murderer is King Chujiang, one of the ten kings of hell in the ghost gate."

"How do I find this person?" Li Shengxuan asked seriously, and Fang Zilan's voice became deeper and deeper, "I will hand over the portrait of this person to His Majesty, and His Majesty only needs to order the Ministry of Punishment to issue an arrest document at sea. But this person is not bad at all." , you must be careful when arresting."

"Okay." Li Shengxuan coughed lightly, and said, "The portrait..."

Fang Zilan thought for a while, and said honestly: "I'm not good at painting, please ask Your Majesty to invite a painter over here."

 Fang Zilan: ... Please change the name of this article to the Dajing Emperor's Thousand-Layer Routine, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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