Chapter 437
The documents for the arrest of King Chujiang were issued quickly, and the bulletin board outside the imperial city also clearly stated that Wu Sheng and Yang Zhiqing, the two court officials, were both victims, and their names should be rectified.

In the gate of ghosts, Ji Ningtian sent King Chujiang to Jiangnan to hide, and visited Qianjinfang by the way.Therefore, more than half a month has passed, and there is no news of King Chujiang's arrest.

Fang Zilan was not surprised. When she threw King Chu Jiang out, she never thought that Li Shengxuan's men could really catch him.The ghost gate has a deep foundation for so many years, and as the master of it, not everyone can move it.

However, if Chujiang King is living outside, it is inevitable that he will encounter Qianjinfang doing things, so she asked Xiao Xuan'er to send a letter to Wan Jun and Zhen Mier's couple, and try to keep a low profile, and don't expose it.

As for the Yang family, there were frequent disturbances.First, the Yang family stood up and forced Mrs. Yang to set up an archway to observe the festival, and handed over the youngest son to be raised by Yang Zhiqing's elder brother, and then Yang Zhiqing's mother fell ill under repeated blows, and it may not be a few days.

Fang Zilan found many excuses, and ran to Yang's mansion every day, but later she didn't even bother to think about excuses, and directly used her status as a public servant to block the door of Yang's mansion, and blocked the elders who came to the door, and did not let Mrs. Yang separated from his young son.

"They...are deceiving people too much!" The old man was lying on the couch dying, and Madam Yang suppressed her tears and comforted her: "Mother, it's okay, Mr. Fang has already driven them away."

"Okay...ok..." The old man coughed unsteadily, but he still managed to speak: "You must...don't let...they take away..."

"I know, mother." Mrs. Yang grabbed the old man's hand raised in mid-air and held it tightly, "Don't worry, I won't let them take Yuan'er away."

Fang Zilan stood silently by the door, while Awan walked over from the old man's bed and shook her head at her.

The two looked over together, and vaguely heard the old man say the word "Fang", Fang Zilan walked over quickly, "I am here."

"Fang..." The old man was on his deathbed, he seemed unable to see the person in front of him, but he still held his last breath and gritted his teeth, "Please... take care of them... I'll be like a cow... En..." Before she finished speaking, she tilted her head and swallowed.

Fang Zilan held the hand of the old man who was still warm, and said word by word: "Don't worry, I will take good care of them, and I will definitely not let them be wronged."

When Mrs. Yang heard this, she seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. She yelled "Mother" loudly while crying, and soon she lost her strength and fell over.

Seeing this, the maid beside her quickly helped Madam Yang back, Fang Zilan said to A Wan: "Go and see, did Zheng Yan invite Miss Xiao?"

"Here we are." Xiao Xuan'er came lightly before seeing her and heard her voice, and said with a salute: "General Zheng and I have just arrived, but I heard that the old lady is seriously ill and it is not easy to come in to disturb me, so I press Mrs. Fang first." According to the instructions, I went to the housekeeper and asked for the account books."

"How do you see it?" Before Fang Zilan finished speaking, Ah Shi ran in, "Sister Xiao, wait for me."

"Ah Yes, why are you here too?" Fang Zilan frowned, Ah Shi was taken aback when he saw her, then lowered his head, and called "Master Fang" obediently.

"I brought Ah Shi here on my own initiative." Xiao Xuan'er explained: "As for looking at the account books, Ah Shi is better than me."

Hearing that Fang Zilan didn't want to pursue it any longer, she calmed down and said, "Let's get down to business."

Ah Shi plucked up his courage and said, "Sure enough, as Master Fang expected, the Yang family has already secretly transferred all the land and houses under Master Yang's name to Master Yang's brother..."

He didn't go on, Fang Zilan knew it, "Just tell me how bad Mrs. Yang's situation is."

"Mrs. Yang's dowry was not much. A few days ago, the Yang family took a lot of it because of the memorial archway. If you don't follow the Yang family's words and set up the memorial archway to observe the festival, I am afraid that you will have to leave the house." As Ah Shi spoke, his voice became softer, "And according to Sister Xiao, as a widow, Mrs. Yang is breaking the law once she leaves the Yang family..."

"That's enough." Fang Zilan interrupted him, "Children's family, it's okay to see some people's sophistication, but don't be too pessimistic."

Ah Shi nodded sullenly, Fang Zilan looked at Xiao Xuan'er, "I ask you to ask about Fang Lihui, how did you go?"

"Mr. Fang said that it is not difficult to help Mrs. Yang, mother and son out of the city, and it is not difficult to find a place for them to settle down. They will make a living in the future..." Before Xiao Xuan'er finished speaking, Fang Zilan said bluntly: "What does Fang Lihui want? Promise another year for the money?"

"No." Xiao Xuan'er waved her hand, "Young Master Fang wants Ah Yes."

"What?" Fang Zilan glanced at Ah Shi, who was also shocked, "Master Fang, I..."

"Don't be afraid, I won't just hand you over to others." Fang Zilan comforted Ah Shi, and then asked Xiao Xuan'er, "What does Fang Lihui want Ah Shi to do?"

"Before Mr. Pei exposed the Fang family's smuggling, Mr. Fang broke his left and right arms. Recently, he has been looking for new people to replace him." Xiao Xuan'er pursed her lips, "Mr. Fang didn't know where he found out about Ah Shi, so he wanted to find an opportunity to take over He's going."

"It seems that this is not the first time." Fang Zilan looked at Xiao Xuan'er firmly, she nodded slightly, "Yes, I saw Mrs. Fang was busy with affairs, so I thought it was not a big deal, so I didn't report it."

Fang Zilan pondered for a moment, if Ah Shi followed Fang Lihui, it wouldn't be a bad thing.It's just that she doesn't know Ah Shi, and the other is that if she agrees to Fang Lihui easily, there will be endless dignitaries in the future. After all, in terms of business, she can't get any benefit from Fang Lihui.

"Master Fang..." Ah Shi's voice sounded suddenly, with an indescribably pitiful voice, "I don't want to follow Mr. Fang, I just want to follow you."

"You can't follow me forever." Fang Zilan sighed softly, "But since you don't want to, then I won't hand you over to Fang Lihui. Miss Xiao, please help me send a message to Fang Lihui. I'm going to send Mrs. Yang, mother and son away, if he doesn't help, don't blame me for being ruthless, and just come to collect the debt."

Xiao Xuan'er complied, thinking that Fang Zilan was inferior to Fang Lihui in business, but in terms of playing tricks, no one could beat Fang Zilan, not to mention that Fang's family still owed her a large sum of money.

So two days later, during the funeral for Mrs. Yang, Fang Zilan quietly sent Mrs. Yang's mother and son out of the capital.

It stands to reason that it is not yet the day of the funeral, but people die like a lamp going out. After Yang Zhiqing left, this family of orphans and widowed mothers was not welcomed in the Yang family, and he wished he could see them for nothing.And Mrs. Yang's natal family heard that there was a widow in their family, so it was too late to separate the relationship, let alone care about her life or death.

For the Yang family, the usefulness of the mother and son is Mrs. Yang's dowry and an official position recommended by her youngest son when he grows up. Not looking very carefully, just gave Fang Zilan a chance to send everyone away.

When Mrs. Yang took the child away, she didn't have the slightest nostalgia for the capital. On the contrary, Fang Zilan talked a lot, "When my mother was guarding the memorial archway, the husband lived under the fence. It was rare for their mother and child to see each other. Master Fang, I will definitely go through this too. I am not afraid, but my Yuaner, he is younger than my husband back then, what if he is treated harshly, what if he grows up and does not recognize me... ..."

Fang Zilan put her hand on her shoulder, "Mrs. Yang, your mother and son have left the capital and will never see the Yang family again. No one can take Yuan'er away from you."

"Yeah, Yuan'er and I will never be separated." Mrs. Yang shook her head violently, as if she could get rid of the anxiety these days.

After a while, she calmed down, and then continued: "Yuan'er has been catching butterflies these days. You tell him that Mr. Fang, if you catch the most beautiful butterfly, you can go to find daddy. Now that he is leaving, he will go to see you." Excited to see more butterflies."

As she spoke, she hugged the child in her arms even tighter, and smiled after a long absence, "Fortunately, there is Yuan'er, he is also my butterfly."

 Fang Lihui: If there is no panacea like me, what would Mr. Fang do...

(End of this chapter)

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