Chapter 438
A few days after Fang Zilan sent off Mrs. Yang's mother and son, the Yang family came to her door, Yu Shitai was also waiting for the wind, and her playbooks were delivered to Li Shengxuan in an endless stream.

However, the Yang family who boarded the gate of Yue State's mansion were driven away by Zheng Yan without even seeing Fang Zilan's face. The Yin family will file a complaint."

And Li Shengxuan's argument was similar. After all, Fang Zilan, as Yang Zhiqing's boss, cared for his family after he was killed. It is really unreasonable to say that she hid Mrs. Yang's mother and child because of this.

The Yang family gritted their teeth with hatred, and Yu Shitai was also resentful, but Fang Zilan's matter was impeccable, without leaving any evidence. For a while, Jingzhao Yin's residence was also very embarrassed, so he could only count Mrs. Yang's mother and son for the time being. Treat as missing.

When Xiao Xuan'er and Fang Zilan were talking about this, Fang Lihui was also beside him, smiling a bit to show off, "How is it, Master Fang is still satisfied?"

"Satisfied." Fang Zilan nodded, "But seeing Mr. Fang is so leisurely, I think the money you owe me will be delivered soon, isn't it?"

Fang Lihui's expression froze, he shook his folding fan lightly and said, "Master Fang, the two years we agreed to last have not yet come..."

"Since the money owed to me has not been collected, what are you doing at my house?" Fang Zilan interrupted Fang Lihui unceremoniously, and he coughed lightly, "Master Fang, I am in urgent need of a helper, please send Ah yes, young master, leave it to me."

"Ah, I don't want to, what's the use of you telling me." Fang Zilan took the tea cup at hand and took a sip.

"Master Fang, can you allow me to see Mr. Ah Shi?" Fang Lihui spoke earnestly, Fang Zilan put down the teacup, thought for a moment, and finally nodded.

Fang Lihui looked at the thatched cottage three times, and his heart was enough, but Ah Shi never agreed, and she never let go.But now Fang Lihui just wanted to see Ah Shi, it wasn't an excessive request, and she couldn't refuse it straight away.

Xiao Xuan'er led Ah Shi into the hall. Seeing that Fang Lihui was a bit cautious, he saluted quickly, and then looked at Fang Zilan, "Master Fang, are you looking for me?"

"It's not me looking for you, it's Mr. Fang who wants to see you." Fang Zilan pursed her lips after saying that, "I asked Miss Xiao to invite you here without asking you, you..."

She didn't continue, but Ah Shi curled his lips, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, since Mr. Fang wants to see me, then just see me." When he spoke, he looked at Fang Zilan with bright eyes, with indescribable concentration serious.

Fang Lihui sized up the young man in front of him thoughtfully, and then glanced at Fang Zilan. He got up and saluted, "Master Fang, I have a heartless request."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, Fang Lihui continued, "I would like to ask Mr. Ah Shi to stay with me in Fang's residence for three days. After three days, he can decide whether he wants to stay in Fang's house. I wonder if Mr. Fang can agree? "

"Ah Shi is free to come and go, I will not be his master." Fang Zilan said calmly, Ah Shi opened his mouth to speak but stopped, "Master Fang, I..."

"It's okay, you can decide for yourself." Fang Zilan eased her tone, with obvious encouragement and comfort in her eyes.

Hearing this, Ah Shi seemed to feel relieved, but before he could open his mouth, Fang Lihui said: "Young master, don't be too busy rejecting me."

Ah Shi was stunned, and just gave Fang Lihui a chance to be persuasive, "Young master, my Fang family has been in business for generations, and I have always had my own skills in keeping accounts. If you come, you will definitely learn a lot. It’s not a loss if you don’t stay in the future, isn’t it?”

Seeing Ah Shi wavering, Fang Lihui put away his folding fan and continued: "With your ability, the more you learn, the more you can help Mr. Fang. Don't you want to?"

"I am willing." Ah Shi blurted out, then realized what he said, and covered his mouth suddenly.

Fang Lihui raised his brows and curled his lips into a coquettish smile. Seeing this, Ah Shi slowly put down his hands, lowered his eyes and said, "As long as it can help Mr. Fang, I'm willing to do anything."

A very light sentence, but it reveals an indescribable firmness.When the young man raised his eyes to look at Fang Zilan again, there was a hint of sharpness in his eyes that was bound to win.

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought it was his own illusion, and was about to distinguish carefully, but the young man had already restrained his sharpness, and he was still as cute as before.

Fang Lihui had a panoramic view of this scene, and the smile on his face was even wider. He spread his folding fan to cover up a little, "Since Mr. Ah Shi agrees, if Mr. Fang has no objection, I will take him away today."

Fang Zilan didn't say anything more, and Fang Lihui didn't stop any longer, and led Ah Shi back to Fang's house.

Everyone in the Fang family was somewhat curious about the Ah Shi brought back by Fang Lihui. He looked very good, especially his pair of eyes, which were shockingly clear, as if they could penetrate all the secrets in the world.However, he was very cold-tempered, taciturn and methodical, and had hardly been to other places except the account room and the wing room in the three days.

Fang Lihui didn't hide any secrets as he said, as long as Ah Shi wanted to see the account book of the Fang family, he could pass it on.During the period, the accountant and the housekeeper also chattered with him, but he dismissed them lightly.

Three days later in the evening, after Ah Shi had his dinner, Fang Lihui came to look for him in the wing room, "Ah Shi, young master, the three-day period has come, what do you think?"

Ah Shi was silent for a while, and asked without answering, "Master Fang, does Mr. Fang want me to stay at Fang's house?"

"Naturally." Fang Lihui smiled slightly, but the hand holding the handle of the fan involuntarily tightened a little.

"In this case, let's make a price." Ah Shi looked calm, "I am satisfied with the price offered by Mr. Fang, so I will stay at Fang's house."

"I don't need to make an offer." The smile on Fang Lihui's face faded a bit, "As long as your goal is Mr. Fang, staying at Fang's house is the best choice."

Ah Shi met his gaze, completely free from the embarrassment of being exposed, and was completely different from the obedient and shy young man next to Fang Zilan before, "I want to be someone who can stand side by side with Mr. Fang, not just the Fang family." A choice."

"Yes." Fang Lihui's fingers stroked the folding fan inch by inch, and the shrewd expression in his eyes was clearly seen, "But the other choices are not good enough."

As he spoke, he put the folding fan in his hand on the table, and said word by word: "Young master, although you are very talented, but now you are over sixteen, half a year old, if you want to learn something in a short time , and even stand side by side with Mr. Fang, do you have a better choice besides the Fang family?"

"Master Fang thinks you can convince me with just a few words?" Ah Shi smiled suddenly, his eyes were still extremely clear, but there was an inexplicable coldness, "I am not the Fang family, but Master Fang must be me, right? "

Fang Lihui also laughed, as expected, he saw the right person.It's a pity that he dared to negotiate terms with him based on what he found in three days.

He simply showed an appearance of being poked into a sore spot, and said generously: "Young master, why don't you just tell me, what do you want?"

 Fang Lihui and Ah Shi: The duel between the big fox and the little fox~
(End of this chapter)

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