Don't ask where people go

Chapter 447 Marriage

Chapter 447 Marriage
Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, according to what she thought before, the best situation is to escape under the protection of Li Shengxuan, as for the ghost gate, if she deals with Ji Ningtian again, there will always be a way to protect herself and the family. people.

But she never expected that Li Shengxuan's real purpose was not only to test, but also to bestow marriage.

Speaking of which, she already knew about Ji Ningtian's marriage contract with Wu Qing, but she has not fulfilled it for a long time.Ji Ningtian once said it himself, it was for her.

In the past, Fang Zilan believed it, but she...

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan looked around and suddenly understood.It doesn't matter what the reason is, as long as His Majesty in Dajing doesn't speak, it is impossible for Ji Ningtian and Wu Qing, who are orphans from the previous dynasty, to get married.

Moreover, Ji Ningtian's reluctance to marry Wu Qing may also be because she is not the real daughter of King Pingnan, the former Zhenbei general, but just a cover to attract people's hearts.

According to the news obtained by Mo Han, the former General Zhenbei King Pingnan has no descendants...

"Your Majesty." Su Yun's voice suppressed the discussion in the hall. He got up and walked to the center of the hall, saluting: "King Yuning and Princess Wuqing belong to the Ji family and are cousins. According to the laws of Dajing, Intermarriage is not allowed within three generations of the same family. Please think twice, Your Majesty."

Hearing that Zou Hongqi also stood up and stood side by side with Su Yun, "Master Su's words are justified, please think twice, Your Majesty."

At the side, Wang Quanrui also saw the empress dowager's wink, and stood up, "Your Majesty, please think again."

The three important adults stood up, and the other officials looked at each other, hesitating whether to second, so Li Shengxuan said: "I remember that before the death of Concubine Shu of the previous dynasty, she used the jade pendant as a token to make an appointment for King Yuning and Princess Wuqing. Marriage is also her last wish."

He paused as he spoke, "My father, Emperor Tai'an, also promised this marriage when he was in power."

Su Yun took a breath and looked at Zou Hongqi who was beside him, but the other party was indifferent and still stood upright.It was Wang Quanrui who spoke up, "Since your Majesty said so, I don't want to speak out. I just don't know where the token jade pendant is, can I wait and see? It can also prove that this marriage is justified."

Li Shengxuan was noncommittal, the Empress Dowager breathed a sigh of relief, and followed Wang Quanrui's words: "The Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites is right. King Yuning, Princess Wuqing, please take out the token jade pendant, so that all my ministers in Dajing can open it." Open your eyes."

Before she finished her sentence, someone echoed: "Yes, I heard that the pair of jade pendants were presented by Persian Jin to King Pingnan, the general of Zhenbei, to celebrate the wedding. They are unparalleled in the world!"

Fang Zilan's heart was tense when he heard the jade pendant, and he felt even more complicated when he heard that it was a Persian jade pendant.

However, Wu Qing's face turned pale, and her whole body was trembling. She looked at Ji Ningtian as if asking for help, but he didn't respond at all, as if he hadn't recovered from the fright just now.

Seeing that everyone vowed not to give up until they saw the jade pendants, Ji Ningtian said slowly: "Your Majesty, the pair of jade pendants were buried with my mother when she passed away."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked, but what Ji Ningtian said later was even more astonishing, he said quietly: "However, if Your Majesty and all the adults want to see it, I can order someone to take it out of mother's coffin."

When he said these words, his expression and tone were too calm, as if he was a submissive puppet, numb and humble.

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, she couldn't stop glancing at Ji Ningtian out of the corner of her eyes, she wanted to find some different expressions on his face, but she couldn't explain why and what she was looking for.

Wang Quanrui hesitated to speak. When Ji Ningtian said that the keepsake jade pendant was buried with him, he originally wanted to say that since the keepsake had been buried, the marriage contract would not be counted, but Ji Ningtian added such a sentence, and it seemed too mean for him to speak again. up.Is it really necessary to open the coffin?If he is really aggressive to that point, what face does he have to be Minister of Rites?
Su Yun just wanted to say a few words on the scene, but he never thought that Ji Ningtian would think of himself and said: "I am extremely happy to win His Majesty's mercy on the matter of the marriage contract, but I don't know if Princess Wu Qing is willing?"

Wu Qing bit her red lips lightly, folded her hands in front of her body, and without waiting for Li Shengxuan to ask any questions, she took the initiative to say: "I am also extremely happy, Your Majesty will decide everything."

Fang Zilan felt that the words of the two people were extremely respectful, and it was extremely harsh.It's clear that he is unwilling, but he can only let it go.

Li Shengxuan's eyes swept over Ji Ningtian and Wu Qing, and finally fell on Fang Zilan. She was like an outsider, watching with cold eyes, neither sad nor happy.

But according to Zhuge Yu's investigation, Zixiu and the Lord of the Ghost Sect have a deep relationship. If Ji Ningtian is really the Lord of the Ghost Sect, why would Fang Zilan not respond?

"Since no one has any objections." Li Shengxuan said without anger: "Master Wang, this marriage will be arranged by your Ritual Department."

Seeing that the situation was taking a turn for the worse, Wang Quanrui responded neither should nor should, and looked at the Empress Dowager eagerly, only listening to her calmly say: "Your Majesty, the marriage between King Yuning and Princess Wuqing should be discussed in a long-term way."

"The empress dowager has any objections?" Li Shengxuan raised his eyebrows, the empress dowager's hands hidden under the case were clenched into fists, and he cut off the conversation when he was about to speak, "Since there is no objection, why bother to discuss it?"

"Your Majesty..." Li Shengxuan interrupted the Empress Dowager next to her, "Master Wang, did you hear clearly?"

"Listen clearly." Wang Quanrui saluted hastily, "Your Majesty, Wang Quanrui, obey the order."

When the dust settled, both the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager looked unhappy. Li Qiyou remained silent, but he couldn't hide his dullness.

Not to mention that all the officials present seemed to have a stone on their backs.What should we do if from now on, the old people from the past turn up the wind and waves?
Only Zhuge Yu leisurely poured a glass of wine, and congratulated Ji Ningtian and Wu Qing.What should come will eventually come, and the idea of ​​making troubles by the old people in the previous dynasty will not be swayed by a marriage.Once a person loses power, he always wants to get it back.

But thinking about the bright side, if the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty can share the same hatred against the old people of the previous dynasty, the dispute between the poor family and the poor family can be temporarily stopped for a few days, giving him a chance to think clearly about the next step in the reform of the bureaucracy.

Wei Subaru, who was sitting opposite Zhuge Yu, poured himself a drink unconsciously, and Wei Xing'er came over, "Uncle, what do you think?"

Wei Subaru didn't speak, and didn't even bother to give him an extra look.Weixing'er made fun of herself, stuck out her tongue, turned around but met Ouyang Zirou's eyes, she held up the wine cup gracefully, and congratulated Ouyang Zirou from afar.

Mrs. Ouyang looked at this scene, covered her sleeves with Ouyang Zi and said judgingly: "Xingxing'er is the daughter of Master Wei Yi, this girl is not simple, you don't want to get too close to her."

Ouyang Zirou made a perfunctory sentence and saw Fang Zilan walking back to her place. She wanted to say hello, but saw Fang Zilan pouring a cup of tea absent-mindedly. She quickly withdrew her hand and pretended nothing happened .

Fang Zilan tightly held the teacup in her hand, thinking that the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet was over, but after that...

Will Ghost Gate, or Ji Ningtian, let her go?
 The Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet, each with its own thoughts, is finally over
(End of this chapter)

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