Don't ask where people go

Chapter 448 Punishment

Chapter 448 Punishment
The moon is in the middle of the sky, it is a good time to appreciate the moon, but after the banquet, none of the people has the intention to admire the moon, and many things are destined to happen this night.

Fang Zilan stepped on the moon shadow and walked unhurriedly on the road. She avoided everyone and headed towards Hong'an Pavilion.

Even if it was Li Shengxuan's intention, but her plum sword was pointed at Ji Ningtian, the master of the ghost gate, there must be an explanation.If she waits until the ghost gate asks the teacher, she will lose the opportunity.

When Fang Zilan entered Hong'an Pavilion, Wu Qing knelt outside the door, the moonlight cast a layer of silver on her, and her red dress seemed much cooler.

"Wu Qing..." As soon as Fang Zilan opened her mouth, she was interrupted by Wu Qing, "My lord is waiting for you."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan pursed her lips, stopped talking, and walked in directly.Besides Ji Ningtian, King Qin Guang and King Zhuanlun in the Ten Palaces were also there.

Fang Zilan looked at the King of the Wheel, his expression was serious, and there seemed to be a layer of frost and snow between his eyebrows, and her heart couldn't help sinking.

"Zixiu, as a member of the ghost family, how dare you attack the young master..." King Qin Guang took the lead in attacking, but before he finished speaking, Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "King Qin Guang, when will I act?" It's your turn to beak, do you deserve it?"

"Zixiu, you!" King Qin Guang took a step forward angrily, but was stopped by Ji Ningtian, "That's it."

King Qin Guang didn't have time to take back the raised foot, and was resisted by the plum sword in Fang Zilan's hand, so he staggered, "My lord..."

Ji Ningtian ignored him, just looked at Fang Zilan fixedly, and asked, "Is this what Li Shengxuan meant?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded, "Li Shengxuan has already suspected that the young master is the master of the ghost gate."

"Good job." Ji Ningtian nodded slightly, King Qin Guang couldn't believe it.While Ji Ningtian was sitting back in the chief seat, he suddenly swung his whip at Fang Zilan.

Fang Zilan grabbed King Qin Guang's whip casually, and he didn't take it away or let it go. Before he could plead guilty and beg for mercy, he heard Ji Ning Tianhan's cold voice: "Come here, drag King Qin Guang down."

Several ghost faces quietly appeared around King Qin Guang, Fang Zilan let go of his hands, and let King Qin Guang be dragged down by them.

King Qin Guang didn't dare to resist, let alone beg for mercy, and stared at Fang Zilan angrily, with an expression that clearly meant that she would get nothing good.But she didn't care, and she didn't even want to give him an extra look.

"Lan'er, come here." Ji Ningtian beckoned, Fang Zilan didn't move, she lowered her head and said, "I came today to ask you something. Am I really a ghost?"

Ji Ningtian's expression changed, and he said in a deep voice, "Lan'er, what do you mean?"

"If I'm really a member of the ghost family, I will be punished if I attack you." Fang Zilan said, slowly raising her head, looking at Ji Ningtian, with a hint of playfulness in her awe-inspiring expression, "Could it be that you are reluctant to punish me?" , is it going to break the rules of the ghost gate?"

Ji Ningtian took a deep breath, and before she could open her mouth, she continued: "I don't have a mark on me, which means I haven't made a contract, and I'm not listed in the list of ghost gates, so you can't do anything to me, but today I will still be punished."

"Lan'er, you..." Ji Ning Tianfu was cut off by her as soon as he opened his mouth, "I was punished to take back something. Back then, I gave you three plum branches and promised to do three things for you. , now there is only the last piece of plum branch left, and I want to take it back."

Ji Ningtian looked cold and hard, "Lan'er, what if I don't agree with you?"

This seat?Fang Zilan frowned in her heart, but pretended to be deeply affectionate on her face, "Master, do I do things for you because of love, or do you mean that you don't even want to keep the last bit of love between us?"

"Lan'er, the one who shows no mercy is you." Ji Ningtian stared at Fang Zilan closely, trying to find some flaws in her, but there was nothing.At this moment, he suddenly understood that she came today to make a complete break with him in the name of asking for punishment.

If Fang Zilan figured out the cause and effect and insisted not to be a ghost, then the last plum branch would be his last control over her. If it was handed over to her, it would be a clean break and there would be nothing more to do.However, with her current status, it is much better to use than break up.

After weighing the pros and cons, Ji Ningtian calmed down a little, and said, "Lan'er, except Mei Zhi, I can promise you anything."

"I want the Wheel-Running King." Fang Zilan answered very quickly, without giving Ji Ningtian a chance to repent, "In that case, I want to take the Wheel-Running King away today, and from now on he will no longer be a ghost. People. The last plum branch, I will do one last thing for the young master."

Ji Ningtian was stunned for a moment, then laughed, his Lan'er would even consider retreating, and bargained with him.

The Wheel-Turning King wanted to say something, but saw Fang Zilan standing in front of him, forcing back the words that were already on his lips.

"I hope you agree." Fang Zilan did not back down, and Ji Ning smiled bitterly, "I can agree, but there is one condition. On the wedding day, Lan'er, you must be present."

"Okay." Fang Zilan should be straightforward, and Ji Ningtian raised his voice: "Come here, take Zixiu to the dark prison."

Fang Zilan turned her head to look at the King of the Wheel, and mouthed to him: "Wait for me." It seemed that she was not going to be tortured, but went to the street to buy a candy cake.

When she was a child, when he sneaked out of the prime minister's mansion with her, and when he bought sugar cakes and candied fruit separately from her, she did the same.His eyes were shining, as if they were full of stars.

The King of Wheels watched Fang Zilan disappear, and Ji Ningtian's voice suddenly sounded behind him, "Except for practicing martial arts, Lan'er has never suffered anything, so you just have the heart to watch her suffer for you?"

"She is my master." The Wheel-Turning King turned his head and said firmly: "No one can stop what she is going to do."

"Chu Bin, King of Wheels, I remember that you are not Chu Xiang's biological son." Ji Ningtian said thoughtfully, "Chu Xiang is foolish and loyal, but you don't have to bear such a fate."

"Since it's my fate, I never thought of running away." The Wheel-Turning King said with a serious expression, "But you, my lord, can you really escape the fate of a lonely soul and a wild ghost?"

"How about a lonely ghost? Even if I am honored, I will not be subdued. As long as I am still alive, I will never live in vain." Ji Ningtian said word by word: "Turning Wheel King, she took great pains to save you , you don’t want to seek your own death.”

After saying that, he stood up, ignored the wheel-turning king, and went straight to the dark prison.

The dark prison is the most eerie place among the ghost gates. Maybe it's been stained with too much blood, or maybe it's because it's heard too many wailings. There's always a chill here.

With the help of the torch on the wall, Ji Ningtian could barely make out what was going on inside.In the corner of the deepest cell, there was an undulating figure, it was Fang Zilan.

The executioner's face had already receded, and Fang Zilan sat against the wall, panting heavily.After regaining the sense of pain, the injury became a bit difficult to bear.Her clothes had already been wet with sweat, and now they were sticking to her skin and felt faintly cold.

 About retreating to advance——

  Fang Zilan: If one can be saved, it is one...

  Ji Ningtian: You will regret it

(End of this chapter)

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