Chapter 478
"It's nonsense!" Fang Zitong was so angry that he threw things down when he heard the news, scolding Ouyang Zongrui for being a jerk, wishing he could rush to Ouyang's house to argue with him immediately.

Fang Zilan comforted her, "Now that Zirou has an official position, it's not so easy for the Jingzhao Yin House to interrogate her. What's more, the Ouyang family..."

"It's because it's Ouyang's family that I'm worried!" Fang Zitong gritted his teeth, "You don't know what kind of virtue that brother Zirou is. He's just mediocre and doesn't want to work hard. Protect him tightly, he still doesn't know what kind of situation he has fallen into."

"But he is the elder brother of Zirou's mother and compatriots after all..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by Fang Zitong as soon as Fang Zilan opened his mouth, "Ouyang Zongrui is such a brother, it would be better not to have one. He is usually jealous of Zirou, but secretly To trip her up, and now to sue her to Jingzhao Yin's residence, how can there be such a real brother in the world?"

Fang Zilan thought for a while, "Ouyang Zongrui reported on Zirou, presumably because the sleeve arrows you used were made by Zirou himself. However, the sleeve arrows made by Zirou are widely spread in Beijing, from high-ranking officials to ordinary people. , and never made a mistake, even if Jingzhao Yin's government interrogates Zirou, nothing can be found, it's just a formality."

"But Zirou has already entered the court as an official. Once she is interrogated, it will definitely affect her reputation." Fang Zitong took a deep breath, finally suppressed her anger, and snorted coldly: "That's Ouyang Zongrui , can use such disgusting means, what a shame!"

Seeing her like this, Fang Zilan couldn't help smiling.Unexpectedly, after this encounter, she could still be as usual, laughing and cursing domineeringly, incomparably lively.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Fang Zitong raised her eyebrows, Fang Zilan shook her head, but there was still a faint smile on her face, "It's nothing."

Fang Zitong glanced at her suspiciously, then lowered her head, and said after a while: "I want to send Dongxue off."

Fang Zilan was silent, she couldn't refuse Fang Zitong, but she knew better than anyone that Fang Zitong should not appear in front of people until the matter subsided.

"Second Miss Fang..." Fang Zilan opened his mouth hesitantly, and Fang Zitong hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I know what I know, and I will never cause you any trouble."

Fang Zilan sighed softly, "Since I've been involved, I'm not afraid of any trouble. It's just that Miss Fang, you really..."

She paused, her voice lowered a little, "Have you figured out how to face the eyes of the world? Once you walk out of the prime minister's residence..."

"I know." Fang Zitong cut off her words with a cold expression, "But I never feel that I have done anything wrong."

"I understand." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "Since Second Miss Fang has made up her mind, it is useless for me to say more. Tomorrow morning, when Mo Han and the others send Miss Dongxue out of Beijing, I will order Zheng Yan to escort you there .”

Fang Zitong saluted solemnly, "Thank you."

Fang Zilan helped her up, "It doesn't have to be like this between you and me." After she finished speaking, she seemed to feel inappropriate, and added, "The empress once helped me, and I promised her that I will meet you in the marriage with the Pei family." protect you."

A sneer flashed in Fang Zitong's eyes, "That's all?"

"That's all." Fang Zilan looked away unnaturally, Fang Zitong looked at her for a while, and said sadly: "Forget it, I don't want to get involved too deeply with you. After all, I can't afford to climb the Yue Kingdom's mansion."

Fang Zilan gave a soft oh, thinking that this is good, if Li Shengxuan becomes suspicious or blames her in the future, she can bear more, which is enough to save the Fang family from many troubles.

Speaking of which, Li Shengxuan actually handed over the full power to Jing Zhao Yin's residence in the matter of Pei Juanqing's death, and had no intention of interfering in it at all.Right now, the Pei family, the Fang family, the Ouyang family... all parties are putting pressure on Jing Zhao Yin's house, and I don't know how long Xu Youtong can last.

Fang Zilan was worried, so she watched Zheng Yan escort Fang Zitong out of Xiang's mansion early the next morning, and then went to Jingzhaoyin's mansion.However, before he walked a few streets, he heard rumors all over his ears.

There are many discussions in the streets and alleys, saying that after Ouyang Zirou took over the military workshop, there was a problem with the improved bow and crossbow, which caused the soldiers on trial to be injured. In addition, the cause of Pei Yuqing's death was also related to the sleeve arrow she made. To be suspended for investigation.

Fang Zilan's heart tightened when she heard this, she had seen Ouyang Zirou's modified bow and crossbow before, and Shangguanmin had used it as a semi-finished product before, even if there was a problem, it was unlikely to cause injury.

Moreover, Ouyang Zongrui reported that Ouyang Zirou was related to Pei Juqing's death, and it was a coincidence that such a thing happened later.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan couldn't help speeding up her pace. When she arrived at Jingzhao Yin's Mansion, she realized that Xu Youtong had just finished the initial trial of Ouyang Zirou.

There is a lot of unfavorable evidence, including physical evidence and human witnesses, but Ouyang Zirou refuses to plead guilty.Xu You interrogated her for a long time without any results, so she was temporarily detained and tried again at another day.

Fang Zilan didn't see Xu Youtong, and Xie Yanping was the one who received her, "Master Fang, Jingzhao Yin's residence is busy with business recently, and Mr. Xu really has no time to come to see you. Please forgive me, Mr. Fang."

"It's okay." Fang Zilan signaled Xie Yanping that there is no need to be polite, and then asked: "Master Xie, I came here because of the case of Gong Guogong. I heard that Lord Ouyang was also involved in it, and there are many witnesses..."

"Lord Fang, I'm sorry I can't say anything before the case is over." Xie Yanping was neither humble nor overbearing, Fang Zilan took a deep breath, "Lord Xie's vigilance is too strong."

Xie Yanping did not answer, but instead said: "Master Fang, if you are free, you might as well go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing. There are more than one or two soldiers in the camp who were injured by the improved bow and crossbow. Go help."

Fang Zilan took a deep look at Xie Yanping, bowed her hands and said, "Thank you for the reminder."

"Your Majesty Fang, you are too polite. The Jingzhaoyin Mansion has always acted in accordance with the law." Xie Yan said flatly, "The law on orphans and widows revised by Mr. Mo in your mansion has not been implemented for a long time. If it takes a long time, Jingzhaoyin The government can only follow the previous example."

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and he quickly understood what Xie Yanping meant, so he didn't stay any longer, took his leave and left.

The top priority is to get Ouyang Zirou out first, and then completely sever the relationship between Fang Zitong and the Pei family.The key to the former is the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, while the latter is the law that Mo Han is revising.

So Fang Zilan hurried to Daying on the outskirts of Beijing, but was turned away.Wei Subaru was not there, his soldiers did not dare to let her in rashly, so she hurried back to the capital and went all the way to Wei Mansion.

However, the steward of Wei Mansion told Fang Zilan that Wei Subaru Xiumu was not in the mansion.She inquired about Wei Subaru's whereabouts, but the housekeeper hesitated to say anything, she understood most of it in her heart, and left in a huff.

At dusk, Fang Zilan was walking on the most prosperous Zhuque Street in the capital, looking for Wei Subaru from restaurant to restaurant, teahouse, Qinlou and Chuguan.She didn't even see the shadow of Wei Subaru until the Shengge faded away and the night was quiet.

"Lord Fang?" A pleasantly surprised voice came from behind Fang Zilan, and when she looked back, it was Ah Shi.

 Fang Zilan: I never expected that Daying in the suburbs of Beijing and the Wei family would also be involved. It really affects the whole body...

(End of this chapter)

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