Don't ask where people go

Chapter 479 Secret

Chapter 479 Secret
Fang Zilan was stunned, watching Ah Shi walking over quickly, "Master Fang, why are you here? I heard that you..."

He didn't continue, Fang Zilan raised the corners of his lips and showed a wry smile, "It's hard to say, I will tell you when I have a chance in the future."

"Okay." Ah Shi didn't ask, Fang Zilan thought for a while and asked, "Ah Shi, have you met Lord Wei Subaru today?"

"Master Wei Guogong?" Ah Shi was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, Master Fang is looking for Lord Wei Guogong?"

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, Ah Shi bowed and raised his hand, and said politely: "Master Fang, please come with me."

"Ah, it's you..." Fang Zilan hesitated for a moment, Ah Shi didn't urge him, but explained: "Even if Lord Wei came here, he is different from ordinary people. What's more, some things should be kept secret."

secret?Fang Zilan keenly grasped this word, and suddenly felt a little uneasy.She has no intention of spying on people's secrets, let alone conflict with Wei Subaru.

As if he had guessed what Fang Zilan was thinking, Ah Shi leaned into her ear and whispered: "If Mr. Fang doesn't want to break through, just watch from the sidelines. I think with your skill, Mr. Wei Guogong will not notice. If something happens I will take it upon myself, and I will never..."

"Ah yes." Fang Zilan interrupted him, and calmly opened the distance between the two of them, "Master Wei Subaru is cruel, I think you have heard of it, I will not drag you down."

"Drag?" Ah Shi repeated the word, chuckling, "If it wasn't something urgent, Mr. Fang would never come here to look for Mr. Wei, would he?"

As he spoke, he took a step forward, approached Fang Zilan and said, "Master Fang hasn't been here recently, but I really miss him."

"Ah yes..." Fang Zilan's expression froze, and Ah Shi held her wrist in an instant, "Master Fang, as long as it is you, I will not be afraid of being dragged down, let alone have secrets."

Fang Zilan didn't break free from Ah Shi's hand, and let him drag her to the backyard of Xunfang Building, and stepped into the underground secret pavilion.

"This is..." Fang Zilan stared blankly at Ah Shi flipping the mechanism with ease, the door of the secret cabinet opened, and the hidden stairs behind it descended step by step, not knowing where it led.

"Wealthy and powerful people have the habit of hiding their pets more or less. There are always some people with special status who are neither easy to be kept in the courtyard nor to be kept as an outhouse, so they need such a place." Ah Shi said. I have to put it lightly, "Now behind the Xunfang Tower, this is the kind of business."

"Special status?" Fang Zilan lowered her eyes, and Ah Shi walked down first, "If Mr. Fang comes here often, maybe there will be someone you hide here."

"I don't have anything..." As soon as Fang Zilan walked down the steps, the door of the dark pavilion closed, and the sudden darkness made her silent. She was about to reach out to support the wall, but Ah Shi held her back. "Lord Fang, be careful." As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding lights were brightly lit, and he didn't know what mechanism he pressed.

Fang Zilan squinted her eyes, and after adapting to the light, she looked at the Xunfang Building hidden underground.On the surface, it looks the same as the one on the ground, but there is a sweet and greasy aroma in it, which makes people trance.

Ah Shi naturally led Fang Zilan forward, and it took her a while to realize that she withdrew her hand.

"Master Fang?" Ah Shi looked back at her, and the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily, "Master Fang, you are blushing."

His bright eyes flashed slyly, and the seemingly vague smile on his face was indescribably ambiguous. Seeing this, Fang Zilan took a deep breath, "Yes."

The voice was not light or heavy, but it was not angry and intimidating. With the coercion of a high-ranking person, it is easy to make people fearful and willing to bow their heads.

But Ah Shi just suppressed his smile, nodded his lips meaningfully, and made a tight-lipped promise.

Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, and before he could say anything, Ah Shi casually pointed to the innermost door, "Master Fang, the person you are looking for is inside."

"Thank you." Fang Zilan raised her foot to leave, but Ah Shi's voice came from behind her, "Master Fang, if you go, you will inevitably be hated."

"There are too many people in the world who hate me, not less than one or two." Fang Zilan left this sentence and walked to the door without looking back.

The sound coming from inside was enough to make people blush, but Fang Zilan's expression was as usual, and he could distinguish a very low whimpering sound, which was almost abrupt and out of place.

I don't know how long it took, only to hear a bang, the sound of something falling.

Hearing the sound, Fang Zilan subconsciously poked her probe, but a female voice cursed fiercely, "Wei Subaru, you are nothing like a beast!"

The woman's voice was a little hoarse, but it was still difficult to hide her original charm and tactfulness. She sounded familiar to her ears despite her young age.

Fang Zilan frowned, and was about to recall where she heard this voice before, when Wei Subaru said, "Xingxing, since you think I'm inferior to a beast, why did you chase me here?"

Satellite!Fang Zilan's eyes widened suddenly, Wei Yi's daughter, Wei Subaru's niece—Xingxinger, why is she in there?

"Wei Subaru..." As soon as Wei Xing'er uttered his voice, Wei Subaru snapped back, "Call me Uncle."

"I'm not." Weixing said angrily, "Zhuge Shan is dead..."

With a crisp "snap", Wei Subaru said coldly, "Xingxing'er, there are many lunatics in the Wei family, and you are the only one missing. But her name is not allowed to be mentioned again. If there is a next time, I will kill you with my own hands."

"Then you kill me!" Wei Xing'er roared as if stimulated: "Wei Subaru, I was raised by you, and you treat me better than anyone else. Even if you take Wei Guogong Even if you hurt my father, even if you kill all the people in the world, I still like you..."

Fang Zilan felt her head buzzing when she heard this, she took a step back, and was pressed by her shoulders with both hands before hitting the painting on the wall, "Master Fang."

Ah Shi's aura was close at hand, Fang Zilan clenched his fists and tried his best not to make a sound, but Wei Subaru in the room suddenly raised his voice: "Master Fang, if you have heard enough, you can either come in or get out."

Fang Zilan pushed open the door suddenly, and the situation inside was clear at a glance.Wei Xing'er knelt on the ground, and behind her was Wei's attendants who were standing with their heads bowed and detaining her. Wei Subaru was wearing a coat, looking down at her from a high position.

A woman was lying on a bed not far away, wrapped in a brocade quilt, with only one arm hanging on the side of the bed, she was already out of breath.The collapse was full of debris, traces of alcohol could be seen faintly, and the sound I heard just now was her struggle before dying.

Fang Zilan walked to the side of the couch as if possessed by a demon, and saw the woman's face clearly.A face that was not stunning, but full of gentle bookishness, if she hadn't met here, she might have thought that she was a well-educated daughter.

"Lord Fang, does she look like Zhugeshan?" Wei Xing'er's laughter was almost coquettish, Wei Subaru leaned over and grabbed her throat, and she continued intermittently: "I forgot...she died for too long... ...Master Fang has never seen..."

 Fang Zilan: I finally believe that there is no normal person in the Wei family...

(End of this chapter)

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