Don't ask where people go

Chapter 490 Suicide

Chapter 490 Suicide
As soon as Mrs. Ouyang's words came out, the whole audience was shocked, and then there was a sound of mourning.She listened silently, but her face was expressionless.

The head of the elders in charge of the clan calmed down first, looked at Mrs. Ouyang and said, "Madam, may I ask why the Patriarch died?"

Mrs. Ouyang took a deep breath, and said loudly: "The unworthy son Ouyang Zongrui, who slandered his sister and imprisoned him first, and poisoned his father so that he died later, is an unforgivable crime. Therefore, the name of Ouyang Zongrui is put on According to the genealogy, the relationship between people and Jingzhao Yin's mansion has nothing to do with Ouyang's family."

Hearing that everyone was in an uproar, Ouyang Zongrui sneered, his face full of indifference and indifference.

The several executive elders were all taken aback, and before they could say anything more, Madam Ouyang continued on her own: "I have no way to teach my son, and I have no face to face the Patriarch and the clan elders, so I will make a final decision here today."

After saying that, she pulled out a dagger from her waist and stabbed it straight into her chest.

When Fang Zilan broke in with Ouyang Zirou and Wang Lingyuan, what she saw was such a scene. She didn't have time to step forward to stop it, but Ouyang Zirou opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything, only tears flowed uncontrollably , Wang Lingyuan felt that her eyes were dark, her legs were weak, and she staggered two steps involuntarily.

Huangfu Xin who followed them subconsciously took a step forward and covered Ouyang Zirou's eyes.Shangguan Min beside him supported Wang Lingyuan's shoulders, and softly comforted him: "Sister Lingyuan, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Fang Zilan was not surprised, Xiao Xuan'er had told her long ago that because of her warning, Huangfu Xin and Shangguan Min pretended to return to the northern border, but in fact hid outside the capital. Will go back to the North.

She has already said what needs to be said, and has done what needs to be done. It would be too much to chase after people.She was too lazy to expose Huangfu Xin and Shangguan Min's tricks, and she didn't have the time to personally escort them back to the northern border, so she simply let them go.

They are not afraid of being dismissed from office, regardless of their wealth and life, why should she worry so much?

However, the situation was too chaotic at this time, Mrs. Ouyang's suicide attracted everyone's attention, and no one noticed these unexpected guests in the corner for a moment.

Wang Lingyuan regained her composure, and looked at Fang Zilan as if asking for help, only to see that she mouthed "wait and see" to herself, so she stopped talking.

Shangguan Min looked at Fang Zilan following Wang Lingyuan's line of sight, but what he got was "I'll settle the score with you later". He moved his eyes away embarrassingly, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of Huangfu Xin covering Ouyang Zi with one hand. With soft eyes, he put one hand on her shoulder, afraid of touching her injured hand, he was cautious like never seen before.

There was chaos in the ancestral hall, and soon someone raised the issue of Patriarch's succession. Ouyang Juncheng stood up, some elders questioned it, some elders supported it, and the two sides quarreled fiercely.

Seeing this, Ouyang Zongrui laughed out loud, and shouted loudly: "Father, mother, your bones are not yet cold, but this group of people are fighting for the position of Patriarch. It's really ridiculous!"

His voice made everyone in the ancestral hall gradually quiet down. One of the elders in charge frowned and said sharply: "Ouyang Zongrui, you have slandered your sister and poisoned your father. What face do you have to act righteous here?"

"Yes, I slandered my younger sister and poisoned my father. I dare to admit each and every one of them, but what about you? You are sanctimonious, hypocritical and disgusting." Ouyang Zongrui's eyes flashed a sinister look, "Winners and losers, I have nothing to say now. I want to see how many people and lives you can kill for the title of Patriarch..."

"Shut up!" The executive elder had a sullen expression on his face, "Madam is too kind to raise a white-eyed wolf like you!"

"I don't think so." Another elder in charge retorted: "My wife is the daughter of the Wei family. I have seen the appearance of the Dukes of Wei before and after. Who knows if it is her own plan. Now Seeing that the matter was revealed, I had to kill myself, so as to leave a name behind me..."

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a voice of disapproval: "A tiger's poison does not eat its offspring, what good does Madam do this?"

"Duke Wei was still young at that time, and when he entered the water in the twelfth lunar month, no one would say that Duke Xianwei is a tiger that kills its children, right?"

"That's Lord Wei's volition, what does it have to do with Xian Wei?"...

"Everyone, it's getting too far." The head of the governing elder coughed heavily, "The most urgent thing is to determine the next Patriarch, and then take care of the funeral of the Patriarch and his wife."

"The next Patriarch?" Everyone came back to their senses and started discussing in a hurry.Originally, according to the usual practice, before the death of the Patriarch, the will of the next Patriarch would be sent to the ancestral hall, and all the elders in the clan would witness together.

However, this time Patriarch Ouyang was poisoned, and Mrs. Ouyang was the mother of the murderer, so the suicide note left behind seems unreliable.

The next patriarch named in Naihe's suicide note is Ouyang Juncheng. Although this child is not as valuable as a legitimate son, he has always been steady and down-to-earth, and has high hopes for him. It is reasonable to succeed the patriarch.

But if Ouyang Juncheng is allowed to succeed the Patriarch, he will be reluctant and difficult to convince the public.

Fang Zilan watched coldly, secretly thinking that people's hearts were unpredictable.If there was no such thing, even if ten Ouyang Zongrui stood by, this group of people would not hesitate to believe that Ouyang Jun would be the next Patriarch, but now Mrs. Ouyang's life is not enough to make this group of people firmly believe.

For no other reason, Mrs. Ouyang died.Her suicide was like a letter of confession, causing panic among people, and even the suicide note of the family owner was no longer credible.

She could have surrounded the ancestral hall like soldiers surrounded Ouyang's family back then, settled everything before committing suicide, but unfortunately she felt too guilty in her heart, and thought too well of the Ouyang family, but she didn't know that behind the power, there were always unscrupulous tigers and wolves.

I don't know who suddenly yelled, and everyone suddenly had an idea - Ouyang Juncheng can succeed as the next Patriarch, but Mrs. Ouyang must be kicked out of the house to prove his innocence.

Fang Zilan just thought it was funny, what does it mean to be kicked out of the house?People are already dead, so how can we drive them away? Is it possible to throw their corpses into the wilderness?
Facts have proved that her thinking was too simple. The so-called expulsion of this group of people was actually a divorce letter.

Hearing this, Ouyang Zirou couldn't bear it anymore, she shook off Huangfu Xin's hand, and wanted to say something, but suddenly found that she couldn't make any sound.

Huangfu Xin grabbed Ouyang Zirou's wrist, pulled her back, and let her punch and kick her, but she remained still.

"Aphasia, it won't be cured in a while." Fang Zilan glanced at Ouyang Zirou, this explanation seems to be speaking to her, but also to Huangfu Xin.

Huangfu Xin was startled, wanted to ask but Wang Lingyuan said: "Master Fang, do we not care?"

"What do you do?" Fang Zilan spread her hands, "Zirou can't speak, your husband is also a clay bodhisattva in a dilemma, we are all outsiders, so we can't get in."

"But..." As soon as Wang Lingyuan opened her mouth, she heard people say: "What if Wei Shi is angered by a divorce letter?"

"Who in a rich family would want an abandoned woman?" Someone replied: "What's more, the Duke of Wei has never had any contact with her..."

"Who said that I will never get in touch with my aunt?" The rebellious voice overwhelmed the hustle and bustle of the ancestral hall.

Fang Zilan looked at the slender figure that was slowly walking in, and sighed softly, "It's not too late."

 People's hearts are unpredictable, the world is changing...

(End of this chapter)

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