Chapter 491
Shangguan Min and Huangfu Xin looked at Fang Zilan together, her expression was calm, as if she had expected it, and she contacted her just now to ignore what she said... No matter how you look at it, she already knew that Wei Subaru would appear here.

All of a sudden, everyone in the ancestral hall focused their attention on Wei Subaru, and finally someone noticed Fang Zilan in the corner, and asked in surprise, "Why are Lord Wei and Lord Yue here?"

Fang Zilan waved her hand, and said innocently: "I just passed by when I was sending your wife back. I didn't intend to get involved in Ouyang's family affairs. Please feel free."

She shrugged her shoulders as she spoke, and her eyes fell on Wei Subaru, who happened to also look at her, and the two exchanged glances, one indifferent and the other sharp, but both had a decisive background.

The Ouyang family in the ancestral hall looked at each other in dismay. Although Fang Zilan said that she was sending Wang Lingyuan back, Ouyang Zirou was still standing beside her, and she had no intention of handing them back.

As for Wei Subaru, compared with Fang Zilan, his intentions are much more obvious.Judging from what he said just now when he entered the door, it seemed that he was supporting Ouyang Weishi.

But no one in the capital knows that Wei Subaru is used to doing things according to his likes and dislikes, and he is used to doing whatever he wants, not to mention that he only showed one side when the Duke of Wei died, but his uncle Wei Changtai and his elder brother Wei Yi, that is to say, it is easy to deal with them. It was dealt with without even frowning.How can Ouyang Wei's He De get his support for such a person with shallow kinship and cold heart?

"Master Wei Guogong, you..." The head of the Ouyang family's governing elder was cut off by Wei Subaru as soon as he opened his mouth, "Ouyang Wei's family has no way to teach their children, and you have paid the price, but you are actually trying to divorce her .”

He snorted coldly, "I don't know how I, Wei, offended the Ouyang family? You actually refused to let go of the dead."

"Master Wei is serious." Seeing Wei Subaru's cold face, the head of the executive elder said in panic, "Our move is not against Wei, but..."

"In that case, I'm relieved." Wei Subaru squinted his eyes with a half-smile, "Ouyang Wei's funeral ceremony, please take care of Ouyang's family, I will come to the door at that time, and put a candle in front of his spirit." fragrant."

Several executive elders opened their mouths, but they didn't dare to say anything. They finally nodded and smiled uglier than crying, "Don't worry, Mr. Wei, the Ouyang family's duties are as they should be." , not to mention bothering."

Wei Subaru nodded slightly, and looked with great interest at the several elderly people in front of him whose combined ages were hundreds of years old, "It's really admirable that you can still talk and laugh happily in the current situation. It's really a blessing that Ouyang's family has you all." .”

His words sounded like compliments at first glance, but upon careful consideration, they turned out to be unspeakable sarcasm. The faces of the elders in charge were turning green and white, and against the stiff smiles, they looked even more ridiculous.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan couldn't help laughing, but she quickly coughed and covered it up.

Wei Subaru glanced at Fang Zilan, then said a few words of condolence to the Ouyang family, then turned and left.He came and went as fast as a gust of wind, but the people who stayed in place were not as light as him.

Fang Zilan is still watching from the sidelines, and it is not good for everyone to stage such ridiculous and generous dramas of intrigue, embarrassment and suspicion, or they will make their family scandals public.

Simply having a few elders in charge of the regulations testify to Ouyang Juncheng's identity as the new Patriarch, and then he can arrange the funeral of the former Patriarch and his wife.

Everything was almost abrupt but logical, Ouyang Zirou watched in a daze, until someone stepped forward to carry Mrs. Ouyang's body, she rushed over and knelt beside Mrs. Ouyang, tears streaming down her face.

Fang Zilan walked over, but no one dared to move.Everyone could only watch Ouyang Zirou cry out of breath, almost fainting, neither tried to dissuade or comfort her.

Shangguan Min pursed his lips, and grabbed Huangfu Xin who was trying to step forward.He can understand Ouyang Zirou's mood better than anyone else. He lost all his loved ones overnight, and all he could see were tigers and wolves.

No one can bring her out of such a helpless situation, except herself.

Fang Zilan patted Ouyang Zirou's shoulder lightly, but heard Ouyang Zongrui suddenly say: "Sister Rou, I'm sorry..."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan felt angry, she flew in front of Ouyang Zongrui, pinched his neck fiercely, and cut off the words behind him.

"I'm sorry? These are the three most useless words in the world." Fang Zilan said coldly: "Can you erase the pain and hurt that Zirou suffered by saying I'm sorry?"

Ouyang Zongrui struggled with all his strength, his face flushed and his veins bulging, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of suffocation, the killing intent rushing towards his face, and the imminent death.The fear of annihilation devoured all his senses, a despair he had never experienced before.

Seeing that Ouyang Zongrui's aura was getting weaker, Fang Zilan let go of his hand, "Killing you will only dirty my hands, you don't deserve to die so easily."

Before she finished speaking, she heard a muffled sound, and when she looked back, she saw Ouyang Zirou kowtow three times to Mrs. Ouyang's corpse, her hands wrapped in snow-white gauze folded in front of her forehead, and in a blink of an eye it was already bright red .

"Zirou..." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, and before she could go over to help her, Ouyang Zirou stood up and walked towards her.

She stretched out her hand, but she didn't even touch the corner of Ouyang Zirou's clothes. A blood-oozing white gauze flashed by in a daze, and fell straight on Ouyang Zongrui's face, leaving a red mark.

Ouyang Zirou bit her lips tightly, and wanted to speak but couldn't make a sound. Fang Zilan recognized her mouth shape, vaguely saying "From now on, you are no longer my elder brother".

Ouyang Zongrui seemed to see it too, his eyes were red, and he whispered sorry, but it was useless to regret.

He lost, and lost nothing, except for the blood on his hands, which couldn't be washed no matter what.For the rest of his life, he will live in the blood, and he will never be able to get out.

Ouyang Zirou turned her back and stopped looking at Ouyang Zongrui. Fang Zilan put her arms around her shoulders, blocking other people's gazes, and led her out of the Ouyang family ancestral hall.

Huangfuxin and Shangguanmin followed quickly, and Wang Lingyuan looked at their backs, hesitating to speak.In the end, she lowered her eyes, and under the gaze of everyone, she walked to Ouyang Juncheng's side in a compromised manner, and softly called "husband".

I don't know whether it was a feeling or something, Shangguanmin who had already reached the entrance of the ancestral hall suddenly stopped, looked back at Wang Lingyuan and said, "Ma'am, you are the daughter of the Wang family, and the wind and sand in the north have never shaken you, let alone the capital city." cloud and rain?"

Wang Lingyuan nodded heavily, tears could not stop streaming down, people around were guessing about Shangguan Min's relationship with her, seeing that the situation was not right, Huangfu Xin hurriedly dragged Shangguan Min away.

As soon as the two walked to the back alley, they saw Wei Subaru standing under the wall with arms folded, and Fang Zilan standing opposite him. The two seemed to have something to say.Hearing the movement, Fang Zilan pushed Ouyang Zirou to the two of them and asked them to return home first.

 Fang Zilan: I'm sorry, if it's useful, why do you need the police?
  Mo Han: ... Sister Lan, you're playing tricks

(End of this chapter)

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