Don't ask where people go

Chapter 496 Sadness

Chapter 496 Sadness
Seeing Fang Chongzheng's silence, Fang Zilan lowered his head to ease his emotions, then looked over again, and asked coldly, "Mrs. Qin Ji...why did my mother die?"

"The former concubine Shu has always wanted you to be married to King Yuning in order to stabilize her position, so that she can take over the surviving former generals one by one for her own use." Fang Chongzheng omitted Li Shengxuan and said with some reservations: "Qin Ji The madam has always refused to agree, and as time went on, the former Concubine Shu lost her patience and started to kill."

Fang Zilan was skeptical that the former concubine Shu would not know where Baiye Temple was, and even if she manipulated the ghost gate to act recklessly, she would not be so bold as to openly commit murder in Baiye Temple.

She always felt that something must have happened in the Baiye Temple back then, and that incident fueled the murderous intent of the former concubine Shu, forcing her to do it.

Fang Chongzheng met her suspicious gaze without any intention of avoiding it.Although judging from the situation, it was only a matter of time before the former concubine Shu took action against their mother and daughter, but there was still room for self-preservation.But the matter of Li Shengxuan's marriage proposal really forced the former concubine Shu to do whatever she could, and the tragedy was irreversible.

He understood her temperament, if she clearly knew the cause and effect, she would inevitably be shaken, and even if she would not betray Da Jing, she would not be as firm as before.

Fang Zilan suppressed her doubts and asked, "If that's the case, why did I enter the ghost gate? What's the matter with Chu Xiang surrendering himself?"

"After the people from the ghost gate killed Mrs. Qin Ji, they snatched you away. In order to rescue you, Chu Xiang summoned the generals of the former dynasty who were living outside. Fang Chongzheng said quietly: "It's a pity that the former Concubine Shu was prepared. They suffered heavy casualties in that battle, but they failed to bring you out. In desperation, Chu Xiang agreed to the conditions of the former Concubine Shu, surrendered himself, and framed Rong'an King, in exchange for your safety."

"A bunch of idiots!" Fang Zilan cursed in a low voice, "Even if the ghost gate robs me, so what, can they still kill me?"

"That's right." Fang Chongzheng said so decisively, Fang Zilan couldn't help being stunned.

"Do you think that you are the only orphan from the former dynasty, so the ghost gate won't attack you?" Fang Chongzheng snorted coldly, "Then why did he die in the northern border so quietly?"

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and Fang Chongzheng's hand holding the teacup tightened a bit, "At that time, Princess Wuqing was already in Hong'an Pavilion, do you think Guimen would like an obedient puppet, or a real puppet? An orphan from the previous dynasty?"

"I..." Fang Zilan opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

"What's more, if you're not stupid, why would Zhen Mingxuan prefer to offend Xiahou's family and save your life?" Fang Chongzheng's tone was self-deprecating, and he suddenly mentioned Zhen Mingxuan, the owner of the Tibetan Sword Villa who had been exterminated. Fang Zilan was so choked that she was completely speechless.

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and said after a long time: "I don't even remember." The crying words made people tremble.

She originally thought that her chest should be full of hatred, she wished to kill Ji Ningtian, and wanted to eradicate the ghosts and then hurry up.But after listening to the past in its entirety, she only felt unspeakably sad.At this moment, she finally understood why the original Fang Zilan wanted to die.

The obliterated past, exploited identities, false feelings, countless lies... This is not something everyone can bear.

She still remembers the phrase "I don't want to" when she came across time and struggled between life and death for the first time.It turned out that Fang Zilan didn't want to marry, and broke off the marriage by herself, just to rectify her mother's name.

She used to think that her mother's status was low, so the Fang family did not allow her to enter the ancestral hall.Today I know how ridiculous it is, how can the dignified Princess Pingnan enter the Fang family's ancestral hall?
The clues in the fragmented memory are connected together to outline the outline of the truth.Presumably the original Fang Zilan knew about this a long time ago, that's why she had the impression that she wanted to break up with Guimen and Ji Ningtian...

From the beginning to the end, whether it was the original Fang Zilan or the current her, the reasons for supporting her were lies, and they were lies that would never become reality.

She delusional to figure out everything one day and return to the world before time travel.But now he was scarred and exhausted physically and mentally, but there was no possibility of going back.

This lie should end.

Seeing her pale face, Fang Chongzheng couldn't help saying: "Now that you know everything, what will you do in the future..."

"I have my own plans, so I won't bother the Prime Minister." Fang Zilan interrupted Fang Chongzheng abruptly, and stood up. "The Fang family has helped me a lot. If you need it in the future, just ask."

She paused as she spoke, "But if something happens to me, the Fang family doesn't have to help, just let me fend for myself."

"Fang Zilan." Fang Chongzheng called her name, and said without anger: "No matter what your life experience is or what you have experienced, you are now the Duke of Yue in Dajing. Don't be blinded by hatred, it's too late to regret carry on."

Is it too late to regret?Fang Zilan felt a surge of sourness, blurring her eyes, but she still held back the tears.

The original Fang Zilan had already regretted it, but for her now, it is useless to regret it.From the day she set foot on this road, there is no turning back.

Right now, she is the Duke of Yue in Dajing, standing in the undercurrent, walking through the chaos, guarding the border and protecting the people as her duty.To take the overall situation into consideration, they couldn't attack Guimen and Ji Ningtian.

But one day, she will make Guimen and Ji Ningtian pay the due price.

Fang Chongzheng watched Fang Zilan's figure disappear from sight, with mixed emotions in his heart.For the first time in his life, he didn't know whether what he was doing was right or wrong.

But please be honest.In a trance, King Pingnan, who was like the rising sun, smiled and said to him: "Chongzheng, since life and death do not know the day, why not enjoy yourself today? Life is alive, but I want to be worthy of my heart."

It was an ordinary spring day. He and Pingnan Wang and his wife went to Baiye Temple to enjoy the flowers, and occasionally talked about Buddhism.

The afternoon sun fell on them like a pair of gilded gods.But Fang Chongzheng knew that they were not, they were the most lively people in the world, so wonderful that it was enviable.

However, they were like this, and they led the troops south the next day, never to return.

After that, Princess Pingnan returned to Beijing alone and became one of the many devout believers of Baiye Temple.

Such a huge change seems to be a compromise, more like despair.Even if it is possible, I hope to get the mercy of the gods and Buddhas.How much suffering is hidden in it, others don't know...

"My lord." The steward's voice brought back Fang Chongzheng's thoughts, he collected his expression, and said in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"It will be the New Year in a few days, my lord..." Fang Chongzheng didn't listen to the latter words.He was thinking, this new year, I am afraid it will be difficult.

 Since life and death do not know the day, why not enjoy the present?

(End of this chapter)

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