Chapter 497
After Pei Poming's concubine, Ding, surrendered, the truth soon came to light. The murder case of Duke Juan was found out and sentenced, and then the case of wounding someone with a modified crossbow was also tried.The culprits in the two cases, Lianniang and Ouyang Zongrui, were both killed by Qiu Houwen.

When Fang Zilan told Ouyang Zirou the news, she opened her mouth as if to say something, but remembered that her aphasia had not recovered, so she took the pen and paper on the desk and quickly wrote a line:

"My did Ouyang Zongrui react?"

She crossed out the first two words and replaced them with her name.Fang Zilan stared fixedly at the blurred ink mark, and said softly: "He didn't respond, he just said one sentence, good judgment."

After hearing this, Ouyang Zirou was stunned for a while, then clenched the pen in his hand again, hesitated for a while, thought over and over again, and wrote down the sentence "If I intercede for him, maybe he will be spared from death?"

This time it was Fang Zilan's turn to be stunned, "You..."

"Exile, flogging...anything is fine, as long as it saves his life..."

Fang Zilan grabbed Ouyang Zirou's arm before the final stroke of the last fate was completed, "He wants you to die, but you still want him to live?"

After recovering from the hand injury, Ouyang Zirou began to practice writing, but it was rare to write so many words, her hands trembled involuntarily, but she still struggled.

Fang Zilan was afraid that she would get hurt again, so she quickly let go of her arm, "I know that Patriarch Ouyang and his wife are dead, and Ouyang Zongrui is your closest relative in the world, but..."

"There is no but", the crooked words are like crawling insects, but they reveal an undeniable determination.

Fang Zilan remained silent, but Ouyang Zirou continued to write: "Please help me persuade General Huangfu to return to the north."

Her hands trembled violently, and her strokes became weaker and weaker, but she still managed to finish writing a sentence.

"Zi Rou, you don't want to go to the northern border with Huangfu Xin?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and was about to say something more when she saw Qiao Nian walking in and said, "Master Fang, my master's ambition is not in the northern border, so it's okay to go there." useless."

"Master?" Fang Zilan looked at Qiao Nian, then at Ouyang Zirou, "When will you..."

She didn't go on, Qiao Nian explained: "Two days ago, the master asked me if I would like to be her apprentice, and then follow her to build weapons and armaments, and I agreed."

Fang Zilan frowned even tighter. Qiao Nian thought she didn't believe her, and added: "Master Fang, although I haven't read any books and I don't know many big characters, I can understand Master's meaning with sign language, and I have great strength. When she grows up, blacksmithing will definitely not be a problem, I can do for her what Master can't do..."

She seemed to realize something in the middle of her speech, and changed her voice: "Just before the master recovers from his injury, there is an extra serving of tea and water, and the maid who takes care of others is also good..."

Fang Zilan looked at Qiao Nian helplessly, her voice became weaker and weaker until she kept silent and twisted her fingers embarrassingly.

"Since you don't want to go to the north, it's fine to stay in the capital." Fang Zilan turned her face away, but Qiao Nian waved her hand, "Master and I won't stay in the capital, we're going to Jiangnan."

"Jiangnan?" A look of astonishment flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, Qiao Nian nodded and said, "Master wants to seek advice from a descendant of some master."

Fang Zilan, a descendant of Master Lu, thought to herself, but she didn't say anything, but said clearly: "Alright, Zi Rouzhi is in Sifang, it's a pity to stay in the capital, take this opportunity to walk around, maybe there will be some A different chance."

As she spoke, she looked at Qiao Nian, and handed over a golden plum blossom she was carrying with her, "Miss Qiao, please take good care of Zirou and herself. If there is any difficulty along the way, take this golden plum blossom away." The pawnshop is pawned."

"This is..." Qiao Nian hesitated for a moment, but did not take the golden plum blossom. "Since Big Brother Xu and his mother passed away, I have nothing to spend money on. Don't worry, Mr. Fang, I have money and can take care of you." Good master."

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips and smiled, but she didn't take back her hand. On the contrary, Ouyang Zirou bowed and took the golden plum blossom from her palm.

But Xu Shi just wrote too many words, Ouyang Zirou just picked up the golden plum blossom, as if he lost his strength.With the sound of jingling, the golden plum blossoms rolled to the ground.

Qiao Nian quickly picked it up, and presented it respectfully in front of Ouyang Zirou, Fang Zilan was at ease when she saw it.

Now that Ouyang Zirou is alone, if she leaves the capital just like that, it will be hard for people to feel at ease.But it was different with Qiao Nian by her side. Qiao Nian was also alone with no cares and cares. He acted recklessly with a simple mind, but he was desperate. If he followed her sincerely, he would take good care of her.

The most important thing is that Qiao Nian has never been involved in the court situation, nor has he seen sinister people.It would be easier for Ouyang Zirou to face her than anyone else.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan let out a long sigh of relief, "Zirou, I'll go to Huangfuxin's side and I will write a letter to His Majesty for Ouyang Zongrui's plea for Ouyang Zongrui. You can stay at ease. After the New Year, I will personally I will send you and Ms. Qiao out of Beijing."

Hearing that Ouyang Zirou shook her head, Qiao Nian helped her and said: "Lord Fang, what my master means is that we will leave in these two days, not waiting for the next year, and not bothering Sir Fang to see you off."

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and finally responded: "Okay. The world is vast, and when I meet again in the future, I will not see you off. I wish you both a smooth journey and everything goes smoothly."

She said no and saluted, Ouyang Zirou and Qiao Nian returned the salute, then turned and left.

Fang Zilan looked at their backs, feeling sad for no reason.In the future, in the huge capital city, there will be a little girl who is smiling and lively, and I am afraid that it will be even more deserted.

"Sister Lan." Mo Han came in a hurry, the dark circles under his eyes exposed his exhaustion, Fang Zilan only glanced at him, and said: "Go and rest, we'll talk about it when we wake up."

"I've heard what Mr. Chu said." Mo Han stepped forward, stared at Fang Zilan closely and said, "The Prime Minister told you everything, right?"

Fang Zilan blamed Chu Bin secretly, while avoiding Mo Han's gaze calmly, "We'll talk about this later, you..."

As if he didn't hear her words, Mo Han said to himself: "Sister Lan, Mr. Chu said that the last place she went was Miluo. I guess she went to meet the high priest of Miluo. Something must have happened during that time. You and I That's why I came here..."

Fang Zilan quickly realized that what Mo Han was talking about was the original Fang Zilan, the original owner of her own body, but she couldn't tell him why she wanted to see the high priest of Miluo.

Chu Bin was tight-lipped about the Gu poison.

Fang Zilan sighed, but Mo Han pressed her shoulders, as if dissatisfied with her distraction, "Sister Lan, let's go to Miluo and find out..."

Before he finished speaking, he staggered. Fang Zilan grabbed his wrist, only to realize that the temperature was much higher than usual, "Do you have a fever?"

"I'm fine." Mo Han muttered to himself, Fang Zilan's face sank like water, "It's just nonsense, even oil lamps, there is no such way of cooking. Tomorrow I will tell His Majesty that you will not be allowed to go to the Ministry of Punishment."

 no party last forever……

(End of this chapter)

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