Don't ask where people go

Chapter 501 Poisoning

Chapter 501 Poisoning
"Yes, I know." Li Shengxuan didn't hesitate, Fang Zilan clenched her fingers subconsciously after hearing this, her nails sank into her palm, leaving red marks.

She gathered herself together, as if trying to be brave, met Li Shengxuan's gaze, and said almost indiscriminately: "Since His Majesty knows, then I have nothing to say. If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

After she finished speaking, she leaned on the pillar and turned her back, not daring to see Li Shengxuan's reaction, until he left, she never looked back.

After several years of monarchs and ministers, is it finally going to come to this point?
Fang Zilan closed her eyes to make sure that there was no one around, and then she hugged the pillar and gasped heavily as if unable to hold on.The next moment, she coughed violently, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

This is... Fang Zilan frowned as she looked at the dazzling red on the snow.It stands to reason that her Gu poison is suppressed extremely well, it shouldn't be like this, how could it be...

"Lan Lan." Chu Bin's voice came from far and near. Fang Zilan's expression turned serious, and she just wanted to hide the bloody color under the snow, but felt that her footsteps were weak, and her whole body trembled suddenly, and she couldn't make a move. strength.

"Lanlan, you..." Chu Bin held her shoulders, but seeing her pale face and blue lips, he couldn't help but said in a daze, "This is Frost..."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan tried her best to ask this sentence, but before she could hear the answer, she passed out.

On New Year's Eve, the streets in the capital are full of excitement, the sound of firecrackers, the red paper hanging on the branches, and the people talking and laughing in the heavy snow, seem to have left the unhappiness of the year behind.

But at this time, the Duke of Yue's mansion is deserted, everyone is full of worries and looks gloomy.

A Wan stood by Fang Zilan's bed, annoyed and blamed herself, "It's all my fault, if I told you about the frost poison, you wouldn't be like this..."

Sitting and standing outside the screen, Xiao Xuan'er and Mo Han both showed cold expressions.

"Miss Awan, according to what you said, Sister Lan's frost poison has four layers, and it didn't take a day. Do you know when she was poisoned?" Mo Han tried to keep his voice calm, Awan Hearing his words, he hurriedly said: "The exact date still needs to be calculated, but the approximate time should be that Second Miss Fang came out of Pei's house not long ago, could it be..."

"It can't be the Second Miss Fang, she doesn't know the poison of frost." Xiao Xuan'er interrupted A Wan, "If it's the Pei family, it's still possible."

Mo Han frowned and said, "But if the Pei family really knew how to use Frost Poison, how could they suffer from it for so many years?"

Hearing this, Awan pursed her lips, "Sister Xiao, Mr. Mo, the poison of frost will never be found anywhere other than ghosts, and no one will use it."

Mo Han's expression froze, Xiao Xuan'er clenched her fists tightly, "I'll go and see how Mr. Chu's investigation is going."

This is not the first time, since Miss Dongxue died last time, they suspected that there were spies in the mansion. He had to kill himself.

At that time, Xiao Xuan'er felt strange, when Bai Xiuniang was taken in, all the people in the house left, but now they are all selected one by one, with a clean background, they are brought into the house, how could they get into the spies of ghosts?

So Xiao Xuan'er immediately checked the people one by one, and finally she was relieved after confirming that they were correct, but Fang Zilan had the poison of frost in her body, she felt unspeakable fear.

However, Chu Bin was at a loss, and no one in the whole family was suspicious. If he couldn't find the person who poisoned him, he could only find a way to detoxify first.

It was night, Mo Han, Xiao Xuan'er and Chu Bin gathered in the hall, all of them looked serious.After a long time, it was Chu Bin who broke the silence, "I asked Awan, she doesn't have the antidote to the poison of frost, if she wants to get rid of the poison, she can only go to the ghost gate to ask for the medicine."

"Master Chu, you..." Xiao Xuan'er had just opened her mouth, and Mo Han said, "No, Sister Lan didn't bring you out of hell to let you go back to die!"

The rare excited tone made both Chu Bin and Xiao Xuan'er stunned, "Mr. Mo..."

"If you want to go, I'll go too." Mo Han stood up, and said sharply, "I will give my life in exchange for Sister Lan's safety. He will only agree to such a deal."

This him, naturally refers to Ji Ningtian.Chu Bin and Xiao Xuan'er knew each other well, and before they had time to utter words of dissuasion, they saw Mo Han striding out.

"Mr. Mo, stay!" A Wan's figure suddenly appeared in front of the hall. She stood at the door with her arms outstretched, blocking Mo Han's way.

As if she had made up her mind, A Wan bit her lip and said: "Now that things have come to an end, even if Fang Zilan hates me to death, I will say it."

Mo Han was stunned, "Miss Awan, what do you mean?"

A Wan took a deep breath, and said it all at once, "The Gu poison on Fang Zilan's body is very overbearing and can swallow other poisons. Ordinary poisons can't kill her, but they are extremely poisonous..."

"Awan!" Chu Bin cut off her words in a deep voice, "It's impossible to kill her, but how much torture will she suffer, and how long will she have to live?"

"What are you... talking about..." Mo Han turned pale with shock, and Xiao Xuan'er also looked at Chu Bin in disbelief.

"I..." A Wan knew she had made a slip of the tongue, and simply said directly: "Even though the frost poison is dangerous, I still have a way to save Fang Zilan's life. If you have time to fight to die, why don't you find out who the poisoner is. "

After she finished speaking, she quickly ran away, muttering softly as she ran, "Fang Zilan, why didn't you tell your cousin about the Gu poison at all? You really killed him..."

Xiao Xuan'er looked at A Wan's disappearing figure, with a worried look on her face, "Is Miss A Wan really sure?"

Mo Han woke up like a dream. He originally thought that Fang Zilan's injuries were caused by the battle, but he never thought that it was related to the ghost gate.He turned around and walked in front of Chu Bin, "Young Master Chu, what exactly is the poison that Miss Awan is talking about?"

"If you want to know, just ask Lanlan." Chu Bin stood up, avoided Mo Han and walked towards the door.

"Master Chu, what are you going to do?" Xiao Xuan'er couldn't help asking, Chu Bin stopped, but didn't look back, "I'm afraid that A Wan is too weak, I'll ask Mr. Wen for help."

Mo Han gritted his teeth tightly, and sat back down slumpedly after a while, "Miss Xiao, do you know that Sister Lan is poisoned by Gu poison?"

"I guessed a little bit, but I'm not very clear." Xiao Xuan'er lowered her expression, and said softly: "Mr. Mo, Master Fang has been in the ghost gate for several years, and she has her own difficulties."

"Including your identity, you can't let me know, right?" Mo Han's eyes became sharper, and Xiao Xuan'er avoided his gaze, "Yes, Mr. Fang hopes that you will always live in the light and don't touch anything. haze."

"I know Sister Lan's selfish intentions. But from the moment I stepped into the capital, this can only be an extravagant wish." Mo Han sighed, and then said firmly: "Sister Lan used to protect me, this time it's me to protect her."

 There is often a thin line between the protector and the protected

(End of this chapter)

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