Chapter 502
After the New Year's Eve, it was the first month, all the prefectures in the capital held banquets one after another, and it was still very lively with singing and dancing, but there was a dark tide inside and outside the palace city.

The astrology master of the Ministry of Rites watched the sky at night, saying that a star had fallen, and Fang Zilan was seriously ill, which seemed to coincide secretly.

Wen Ya thought over and over again, and finally reported Fang Zilan's poisoning to Li Shengxuan, but in order to avoid Li Shengxuan's suspicion on him, he concealed the poison of frost when reporting, only saying that the poison was strong and difficult to understand.

Li Shengxuan knew in his heart that the person who poisoned him was not only targeting Fang Zilan, but also targeting Mo Han.Once Fang Zilan fell, Mo Han would have no one to protect him, and the revision of the new law would be delayed until nothing came of it.

Sure enough, in just a few days, Mo Han had only been out of Yue's mansion three or five times, and he had already been assassinated twice. If Zheng Yan and Chu Bin hadn't been there to protect him, he might have died on the street.

So Li Shengxuan secretly sent more people to guard the vicinity of the Yue State's mansion. As for the Yue State's mansion, he also sent many people out for the reason of going home to visit relatives during the New Year.

According to A Wan and Wen Ya's calculations, Fang Zilan should have been in the mansion on the day of poisoning, but no matter how Xiao Xuan'er, Mo Han and Chu Bin investigated, they never found the person who poisoned her.

When Cong Rong was delivering the medicine that day, she met Wen Ya who was taking Fang Zilan's pulse. She put the medicine bowl on the table and was about to turn around and leave when she heard Wen Ya say: "Miss Cong, please stay."

"What do you want Mr. Wen to do?" Cong Rong lowered her eyebrows and looked down, Wen Ya stood up and walked to her side, and said softly: "Fang Zilan has the poison of frost in her body, but what did you do?"

"Mr. Wen was joking." Cong Rong took a step back calmly, smiled and said, "I don't have such great skills yet."

Wen Ya stared at Cong Rong almost scrutinizingly, she still smiled softly and beautifully, "Mr. Wen doesn't believe me?"

"Ms. Cong, aren't you afraid that I will reveal your identity?" Wen Ya's expression turned cold, and Cong Rong couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Wen may expose it, but I don't know if this happens, who will lose it first?" life?"

Wen Ya's expression froze, Cong Rong's meaning was obvious. He knew her identity long ago, but he never mentioned a word. Now that Fang Zilan's body was poisoned by frost, he jumped out to identify her.

"Miss Cong is threatening me?" Wen Ya snorted softly, and Cong Rong covered her face with a smile and said, "I don't dare, but the frost poison that Mr. Fang suffered has nothing to do with me. There are many people who want Mr. Fang's life." , but Cong Rong was not included.”

After saying that, she bowed and left.Wen Ya looked at her back with mixed emotions in his heart.

Mo Han, Xiao Xuan'er, and Chu Bin are already planning to let the poisoner show their feet. Although they don't know what they want to do, if Cong Rong is involved, they will be exposed sooner or later.By then...

Wen Ya didn't dare to think about it, even though he knew that Fang Zilan would break with the ghost gate one day, but he selfishly hoped that this day would come as late as possible...

"Master!" A Wan ran in bouncingly, "It's my turn, you go to rest." She was about to push Wen Ya away, but Wen Ya shook her head and said, "It's okay, you've been guarding all night , or I will come."

"It's okay, I'm young enough to survive." A Wan patted her chest with a proud face, Wen Ya helplessly rubbed the top of her hair, "You..."

"By the way." A Wan suddenly remembered something and stopped Wen Ya's words, "Master, are you going to enter the palace today and report your condition to His Majesty?"

Wen Ya was stunned for a moment, then withdrew his hand without a trace, "Yes."

The word neither light nor heavy made Awan's heart sink. It was rare for her to lie to Master once, and she never thought that Master would be so cooperative.

"Master Fang has left it to you." Wen Ya instructed a few words, and then left the Duke of Yue's mansion.

A Wan breathed a sigh of relief, suppressed the anxiety in her heart, and secretly prayed that the trap set up by Mo Han and the others would be effective and the poisoner could be caught.

"Awan." Xiao Xuan'er walked in, her eyes fell on the table, and seeing that Awan followed her gaze and looked over, it was the medicine bowl that Cong Rong just sent, "Sister Xiao, do you doubt Sister Cong?"

"It's hard to say." Xiao Xuan'er shook her head, then calmed down and said: "Awan, if the news is released, someone will be unsteady, you must guard Master Fang well."

"I know." A Wan nodded with a firm expression.

That night, A Wan cried out, causing panic in the already uneasy Duke of Yue. She rushed out of Fang Zilan's room, crying, "It's not good, Mrs. Fang...she died..."

Xiao Xuan'er covered her mouth and looked at A Wan in disbelief. Mo Han rushed into Fang Zilan's room, followed by Chu Bin. However, he hadn't taken two steps when he heard someone shout "" Sister Cong".

Out of the corners of their eyes, they saw Cong Rong who hurried to the corridor and fainted from fright, while a few maidservants rushed forward to help her, crying and calling Sister Cong.

Seeing this, Zheng Yan retreated to the courtyard wall, and confessed to the soldiers guarding the gates of various mansions: "Strictly guard the mansion, and don't let the news of Mr. Fang's death spread."

All the government soldiers led away, but no one saw Zheng Yan's figure flash past, disappear by the courtyard wall, and then appear in the courtyard where the servants in the government house lived.

On the other side, Chu Bin and Xiao Xuan'er turned out from the back window of Fang Zilan's room, and sneaked into the maid's yard quietly.

All the courtyards were brightly lit, and some servants and servant girls were shocked and saddened when they heard the bad news, and some discussed the way forward in groups of twos and twos.

At this moment in Cong Rong's room, she was sitting on the side of the couch, looking up at the people walking up and down in front of her, and said amusedly, "Sister Jia, I'm going to be dizzy from your shaking of my head."

"Sister Cong, tell me..." The maid named Wu Jia stopped abruptly and held Cong Rong's shoulders, "Is Fang Zilan really dead?"

"If you don't believe me, just go and see for yourself." Cong Rong pushed her hand away leisurely, "Sister Jia, congratulations, your wish has been granted."

Wu Jia was stunned for a moment, with a look of joy on his face, but the next moment his face changed into a fierce look, "No, Fang Zilan wouldn't die so easily. If it was a trap, I would have fallen short."

Before she finished speaking, a silver light flashed in her hand and landed on Cong Rong's neck, "Sister Cong, go and see for me."

"Sister Jia is too impatient." Cong Rong curled the corners of her lips and said with a smile: "Why don't sister Jia tell me first why you poisoned Mr. Fang, and I will help you to see it later."

Wu Jia pursed her lips, and Cong Rong smiled even wider, and said to herself, "I still remember how surprised I was when I saw Sister Jia poisoning her."

"You..." Only then did Wu Jia realize something was wrong, but it was too late.

Cong Rong's slender fingers caressed the sharp blade around her neck, her eyes were like silk, "Sister Jia, someone is going to die tonight, why don't you just admit it."

"What did you say?" Wu Jia's hands trembled, Cong Rong's eyes moved, and she said in a charming way: "As long as you plead guilty, I won't reveal the loyal son behind you, okay?"

 Cong Rong: Praying mantises catch cicadas and orioles are behind, and there seem to be a lot of silly praying mantises this year
(End of this chapter)

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