Chapter 503
"You..." Wu Jia looked at Cong Rong as if looking at a monster, and she said cruel words with the most innocent appearance, "It's just a matter of death, once you close your eyes, is sister Jia afraid?"

"Who are you?" Wu Jia growled, and stabbed Cong Rong mercilessly with the sharp knife in his hand.

"Sister Jia is out of temper?" Cong Rong dodged lightly and deftly, and said mockingly: "What kind of scheming son Zhongzheng is, it's funny that he would raise such an unstoppable craftsman like you."

"You are not allowed to speak of Mr. Shizi!" Wu Jia changed her figure and stabbed at Cong Rong again.

Cong Rong dodged and said with a smile: "Sister Jia, this is your last chance. If you walk out of this door, Prince Zhongzheng may not survive."

"Who will believe your nonsense?" Wu Jia became angry with embarrassment, and Cong Rong still smiled gently, "When the mansion sent people out a few days ago, Mr. Mo, Mr. Chu and Miss Xiao took the opportunity to search the residences of all the people in the mansion. After searching for a while, I didn’t see any secret letter or anything, but I found a few pieces of paper with strange characters on them. I happened to listen to it. It is said that the thing came from the gate of ghosts, but the content was related to Miluo’s loyal son. .”

"I didn't..." Wu Jia suddenly changed his expression, "It's you! Why did you fake it..."

"It's me." Cong Rong said, grabbing her wrist and stopping her attack, "I don't want Master Fang to be surrounded by secret agents that could harm her life. After all, Cong Rong can only live if Master Fang is alive."

"You are a dodder flower that can only cling to people!" Wu Jia gritted her teeth, but Cong Rong nodded in agreement, "Yes, I am a dodder flower, so I have to guard the big tree of Master Fang. "

Wu Jia had never seen such a skinless and shameless person like Cong Rong, so he couldn't help but gasped, "What have you done?"

"It's nothing." Cong Rong shook off Wu Jia's hand unceremoniously. She staggered a step, stood firm, and said in a deep voice, "You are from the ghost family? Your son has formed an alliance with my elder son. How dare you..."

"Why don't you dare?" Cong Rong straightened his sleeves, and said in a low voice: "Miluo Zhongzheng's son intends to murder the Duke of Dajingyue, and Murong Qing will lose his life just for this one. The head of Murong Xun and his wife, come to apologize to our Majesty. Sister Jia, the matter has come to an end, why don't you die for your heir, okay?"

Wu Jia stared blankly at the person in front of her, she smiled sweetly, "My master said, if you can't bear it, you will make a big conspiracy. If the loyal and righteous son seeks his own death for mere Mr. Zuo, you don't need such an ally."

"Why?" Wu Jia said angrily, "If you hadn't intervened rashly, I would have successfully killed Fang Zilan at this time..."

"Kill Master Fang?" Cong Rong seemed to have heard something ridiculous, and laughed out loud, "In this world, no one has ever been able to kill Master Fang, and even those who hurt her will not live well .do you understand?"

Wu Jia suddenly understood, "Fang Zilan, she is also a member of the ghost family? You teamed up to deceive my family's eldest son, you..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Cong Rong's fingers pressing on her lips, making a silent movement, "Shh."

The next moment, before she could react in the future, she saw Cong Rong stepping forward quickly, holding her wrist tightly, and stabbing the sharp knife into her left shoulder, "Killed! Help..."

The ear-piercing exclamation quickly attracted Zheng Yan, Wu Jia didn't even have time to pull out the sharp knife stuck on Cong Rong's body before seeing Zheng Yan's knife resting on the side of his neck.

Chu Bin and Xiao Xuan'er who followed were startled. Chu Bin stepped forward to take Wu Jia down, but Xiao Xuan'er quickly supported Cong Rong, "Miss Cong, how are you?"

"I..." Cong Rong was so angry that blood gushed out continuously, staining Xiao Xuan'er's hand red.

Hearing Cong Rong's voice, Chu Bin was distracted for a moment, at this moment Wu Jia bit the poison and committed suicide, fell to the ground and died.

Zheng Yan's expression froze, and he checked quickly, then exchanged glances with Chu Bin, and shook his head slightly.

"Carry the corpse down first." Chu Bin and Zheng Yan dragged Wu Jia's corpse away, Xiao Xuan'er took Cong Rong to sit on the bed, and called the servant girl to find A Wan.

The whole night was spent amidst the busyness of the crowd. On the second day, when Wen Ya came to the house to see Fang Zilan as usual, he saw that the servants and maids all looked gloomy and didn't care to clean up.A Wan was even missing, and there was no one in front of Fang Zilan's bed.

"Lord Fang, the people around you are so kind-hearted, they are so relieved to leave you alone." Wen Ya looked at Fang Zilan who had woken up quietly, and withdrew the needle, his words were quite teasing.

Fang Zilan looked at Wen Ya in a daze, and didn't respond for a long time, allowing him to feed herself with water and medicine.

"The poison in your body has swallowed the poison of frost. The most dangerous days have passed. Take care of it carefully in the future. Don't be careless." Wen Ya instructed carefully, Fang Zilan asked blankly: "What poison of frost?"

"Someone poisoned you with the frost poison." Wen Ya said calmly, "All the people in your family have been dispatched, and the person who tried to poison you has been captured, so you can rest in peace."

Fang Zilan felt that the poison sounded familiar, thought for a while, and said, "Is it the gate of ghosts?"

"I don't know too well. When A Wan comes back, you can ask her." Wen Ya handed over a silk handkerchief, and Fang Zilan took it and wiped the medicine stain from her mouth, "A Wan? She went too?"

Wen Ya nodded slightly, Fang Zilan was dizzy and dizzy, just coughed lightly, and didn't ask any more questions.

In the next few days, Fang Zilan recovered a little, and heard the truth about her poisoning from Mo Han intermittently.Murong Qing held a grudge against her for forcing him to kill Mr. Zuo, so he arranged a spy to infiltrate the mansion, and just in troubled times, he came up with the idea of ​​taking advantage of the chaos to poison her. Mo Han started to obstruct the implementation of the new law.

So Murong Qing's good ally Guimen provided the Frost Poison as a matter of course, but Ji Ningtian knew that she was poisoned by the poison, so he didn't do this to kill her, but to make her have no time to care about Mo Han , so convenient for ghosts to do it.

After Mo Han planned the layout, Wu Jia, the secret agent arranged by Murong Qing in the mansion, showed his flaws and was smashed by Cong Rong. When Zheng Yan arrived in time, Wu Jia bit the poison and committed suicide.

After Fang Zilan listened to it, she always felt that there was something strange about the reasonable statement, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.Just when she was hesitating, Chu Bin couldn't hold back, and told her his doubts in confusion.

"When Miss Ricong was injured that day, I always felt that I heard her groaning somewhere." Chu Bin looked a little unnatural, Fang Zilan frowned, "Moaning?"

Chu Bin nodded, lowered his voice, and said, "Master secretly raised a girl from the Huan clan behind your back for fun. I accidentally bumped into her once. Although I haven't seen the girl's face, her voice... ..." His ears turned red, and he didn't continue.

Fang Zilan knew it in her heart, "Do you suspect that Cong Rong is the daughter of the Huan family raised by the young master?"

 Cong Rong: It's rare that you want to do a good deed and do it carefully, but you are still suspected?

  Fang Zilan: I really believed in your ghost...

(End of this chapter)

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