Don't ask where people go

Chapter 504 Warning

Chapter 504 Warning
"Yes." Chu Bin spoke cautiously, Fang Zilan said helplessly: "It's just a suspicion, what are you doing with your appearance?"

Chu Bin hesitated to speak, Fang Zilan saw through his thoughts at a glance, and said bluntly: "Also, what does it mean that the son is behind my back? Even if he raises thousands of women, it has nothing to do with me."

"Lanlan, you..." A look of disbelief flashed in Chu Bin's eyes. Fang Zilan rested her chin on one hand and rubbed the hem of her clothes with the other, "From the moment I knew the truth, he and I have been separated from each other."

Chu Bin sighed faintly, "Don't care about your son, what about Cong Rong?"

Fang Zilan was silent, she suddenly remembered that when Ji Ningtian and Wu Qing got married, Cong Rong was not there when the leader of Qing Dynasty happily committed suicide on the stage, and she was so frightened that she passed out before she came back. In the past, she seemed to be in a bad mood at that time, but because she was so flustered, no one had time to investigate.

happy face...

When this name flashed through Fang Zilan's mind, she felt pain in her heart. If Cong Rong was also a daughter of the Huan family, then according to Huanyan's last wish before she died, she would be free.

However, the word freedom is easy to know but difficult to do. Who can really break free from the shackles?
"Lanlan, do we want to..." Chu Bin said, wiping his neck, Fang Zilan showed no expression on his face, "Cong Rong is indeed suspicious sometimes, but if there is no evidence, I don't want to touch her."

unwilling?Chu Bin was stunned, "I'd rather kill by mistake than let it go. If Cong Rong is really the daughter of the Guimenhuan family, I'm afraid I will regret it later."

Fang Zilan let out a long sigh of relief, and changed the voice: "The woman who committed suicide by poisoning, are you sure that Murong Qing ordered her?"

Chu Bin pursed his lips and said yes.

"Have you reported it to His Majesty?" Fang Zilan coughed a few times, Chu Bin poured a cup of tea and handed it to her, "Not yet."

"That's good." Fang Zilan took a sip of tea and calmed down, "I promised Zhongzheng King Murong Xun that Murong Qing must not let something happen easily."

"But..." Chu Bin seemed unwilling, "Are you just letting Murong Qing go like this?"

"Of course not." Fang Zilan tapped lightly on the wall, "The woman's body was wrapped in a straw mat and sent to Murong Qing's residence."

Chu Bin's expression froze, "Lan Lan, I'm afraid it's hard to cover up this move, it's easy to attract attention..."

"What I want is to attract attention." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Although I promise to protect Murong Qing's life, it's only this one time. If he dares to make a move next time, I will not show mercy."

"Are you going to warn Murong Qing?" Chu Bin frowned slightly, Fang Zilan nodded and said, "That's right, you first order someone to fetch the woman's body, prepare the carriages and horses, and I'll be there soon."

"Lan Lan, the wind and snow outside have not stopped, you are recovering from a serious illness and your body is weak..." Fang Zilan interrupted Chu Bin before he finished speaking, "It's okay, but just go out and take a few steps, so as not to lie down for a long time, your muscles and bones It's all soft."

"I'll go with you." Chu Bin said, took the cloak hanging on the side, and put it on Fang Zilan's shoulders.

"No need." Fang Zilan put down the teacup, raised her hand to wrap up her cloak, "If you suspect Cong Rong, you might as well keep an eye on her."

Chu Bin hesitated for a moment, but finally compromised, "Okay, then I'll give it to you."

Fang Zilan looked at him rather amusedly, leaned close to him and teased: "I'm not a child anymore, I just went out for a trip, why are you so nervous, afraid that I might get lost?"

"I..." Chu Bin opened his mouth, and the pinnae of his ears became more and more red.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Fang Zilan shook her head helplessly, "Send it off if you want, follow you if you want, it's up to you." After she said that, she walked out first, followed by Chu Bin, Quickly followed up.

Unexpectedly, the two of them hadn't walked a few steps before they saw Cong Rong standing on the porch from a distance, as if crying to Xiao Xuan'er about something.

The two stood under the porch pillars calmly, listening to Cong Rong sobbing and blaming herself: "Miss Xiao, it's no use for me, if I can find out Wu Jia's plot early, Master Fang won't suffer so much. It's all my fault..."

"Miss Cong, your injury is not healed yet, so you really shouldn't be exposed to the wind outside." Xiao Xuan'er held her arm, "I'll take you back first, if you have anything to say, after you recover from your injury, tell the other party directly .”

Cong Rong cried even harder, "Wu Jia is right, I am a dodder flower, I can't do anything but cling to others..."

Cuscuta?Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment when she heard this word, but she didn't think about it. When Xiao Xuan'er and Cong Rong drifted away, she and Chu Bin walked out.

However, she didn't notice that Cong Rong casually glanced in the direction where she was, and there seemed to be thousands of thoughts in her eyes, and she hesitated to speak.

Even Fang Zilan didn't notice anything wrong with the dodder flower.

Cong Rong sneered secretly, it is true to be attached to others, but as time goes on, the person who is attached will be squeezed dry and entangled to death, this is the dodder.

It seems weak and useless, but it is dangerous and unpredictable.Whether it is Fang Zilan or Ji Ningtian, one day, she will make them pay the price one by one.

Even if she is the only daughter of the former Huan family, she should not be ignored.As long as she is still alive, she will not live in vain, she will let their blood and tears be seen by the world.

Thinking of this, Cong Rong looked at the corpse wrapped in straw mats and hurriedly carried out of the mansion, her eyes turned cold.

She would never lose her life for nothing like Wu Jia did.And Huanyan... for the so-called truth, she will risk everything...

In the end, Fang Zilan still didn't know anything, but Huanyan was a boneless ghost with no monument and no soul.

Really, not worth it.

"Ms. Cong?" Xiao Xuan'er's voice pulled back Cong Rong's thoughts, she responded timidly, her face was covered with tears, she looked so pitiful that it was hard to bear to ask.

"That's..." Xiao Xuan'er followed Cong Rong's gaze and said softly, "Wu Jia will be sent out of the house today..."

"Miss Xiao, what did you say?" Cong Rong didn't seem to hear clearly, Xiao Xuan'er lowered her eyes and said, "It's nothing." She calmed down and sent Cong Rong back to her room to rest.

After seeing this scene, the person staring at Cong Rong quickly reported to Chu Bin who was about to go out with Fang Zilan, and then disappeared into the dark.

Fang Zilan saw it, but didn't say a word.She and Chu Bin had their own thoughts, and on the way to Zhongzheng Shizi's Mansion, neither of them spoke.

"Lord Fang, we're here." Hearing the voice, Fang Zilan got out of the carriage, and rushed in without waiting for the guard at the gate of Zhongzheng Shizi's Mansion to inform him.

The moment Murong Qing saw Fang Zilan, disbelief was written on his face, "How could you..."

"How can I still be alive?" Fang Zilan's lips curled slightly, and said coolly: "My son Zhongzheng, thanks to you, I am still alive. The one who died was her."

Before she finished speaking, Wu Jia's body was thrown on the ground, with a bang, Murong Qing couldn't react for a long time.

 On the Self-Cultivation of Cuscuta Flower——Cong Rong: Please don’t underestimate parasitic plants. Frogs boiled in warm water are the most terrifying

(End of this chapter)

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