Chapter 509
After the Spring Hunt, Mo Han did not move out of the Yue Kingdom's mansion as Li Shengxuan said.In addition to the fact that Fang Zilan shot and wounded Chen Xu, there were many rumors inside and outside the court, and the ambiguous relationship between the selfish emperor and a certain female minister with a lot of means spread.

Fang Zilan didn't care much, and Li Shengxuan just let it go after hearing it. After all, it's better to be sparse than to block it. Since the rumors haven't been brought to the surface, it's not easy to intervene, so as not to smear more and more black.

However, I don't know whether it was the rumors that distracted the attention of the officials, or Mo Han used some tricks. Not only did Yushitai lose a lot of excerpts against him, but also the opposition to the new law seemed not as strong as it was at the beginning of the year.

When Fang Zilan heard Xiao Xuan'er talking to her, she couldn't help frowning, and asked, "Is Mo Han in the residence today?"

"Yes." Xiao Xuan'er nodded slightly, Fang Zilan thought for a while and said: "Please trouble Miss Xiao to find him, just say that I have something to ask him."

"But..." As soon as Xiao Xuan'er opened her mouth, Fang Zilan cut her off, "Over there, I asked Zheng Yan to ask for leave for me."

A look of worry flashed across Xiao Xuan'er's eyes, and then she went to find Mo Han.

"Sister Lan, what do you need from me?" Mo Han looked tired, Fang Zilan hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "I have heard about the new law you introduced, which is different from the revised draft."

"It turns out that Sister Lan wanted to ask about this matter." Mo Han knew it in his heart, and instead of answering, he asked, "Sister Lan, which of the two do you think is better or worse?"

Fang Zilan was stunned, "It stands to reason that the revised draft is better, but..."

She didn't go on, Mo Han said: "But it's hard to achieve, isn't it?"

Fang Zilan nodded, and took a long breath of relief, "So you are advancing by retreating?"

"That's right, Sister Lan also knows me." The corners of Mo Han's lips twitched slightly, "The so-called progress is not a comparison with the best, but a comparison with the past. The world you and I come from, although the law can't be called perfect, But it is relatively complete. If you compare it with it, how can the laws of Dajing be described as simple and rudimentary?"

He paused, "Personal destiny is limited by the times, even if it is stronger than the emperor, let alone me? If I copy a set of things that don't belong to this era mechanically, the end will only be a feather in the sea, and I will be buried in it." But it can’t make any waves. In this case, you might as well take the next best thing, and make some concessions in the actual implementation process, but it will be easier to be accepted.”

Hearing the words, Fang Zilan couldn't help sighing, "I thought you would rather give up than surrender, and I was afraid that you would hurt yourself, but you never thought about it... Forget it, it's good that you know it."

Do you have an idea?Mo Han pursed his lips and said hesitantly: "Sister Lan, if I can't protect everyone, will you be disappointed?"

"What I can't even do, why should I force you and disappoint you?" Fang Zilan said seriously: "Mo Han, it is already remarkable that the law can protect most people. I think you should know better than I do."

As she spoke, she poured a cup of tea and put it in Mo Han's hand, "People in the world try to build a supreme heaven, but they don't know that there may be hell behind it."

Mo Han was stunned for a moment, and the smile returned to his face, "Isn't this what I said to you, Sister Lan? I didn't expect you to return it intact."

"It's not a repayment." Fang Zilan poured herself a drink, and then said with a smile: "It's just a reminder."

Mo Han smiled and shook his head, "I think back when I was studying in the original world, I was more or less cynical, but I didn't realize the value of mediocrity until I came to this world now."

"Regret?" Fang Zilan didn't wait for him to answer, and teased herself: "It's too late to regret, why did you prefer to be brave and jumped into the water to save me?"

Mo Han deliberately followed her words, and the two of them were arguing, as if they were back in their childhood, where they could fight for a piece of candy or a problem for most of the innocent time.

However, the good times didn't last long, Mo Han's implementation of the new laws improved slightly, but Fang Zilan's side received an imperial edict to entertain King Rong An.

"Your Majesty, what you mean is that I will be responsible for all the arrangements during the time when King Rong An and the princess enter the capital?" Fang Zilan looked incredulously at Xia Houzhang who came to the government office to deliver the order, and he nodded firmly and said: "Yes."

The short and powerful words made Fang Zilan suffocate. She gritted her teeth and said, "When I enter Beijing tomorrow, do you want me to greet you at the gate of the city?"

"Yes." Xia Houzhang's usually serious face was now a little more rigid in Fang Zilan's eyes. She bit the bullet and took the imperial decree from Xia Houzhang, "Minister, Fang Zilan, accept the decree."

After Xia Houzhang left, Fang Zilan summoned officials of all sizes from the government office and made arrangements for welcoming King Rong'an and the princess.In order to prevent King Rong An from making mistakes, she finalized every detail, and did not feel at ease until everything was confirmed.

In the early morning of the second day, Fang Zilan took several leisurely adults in the government office to guard the gate of the city.She didn't intend to ask other people from the government office to come with her, but after thinking about it, after all, King Rong An is Li Shengxuan's uncle, and he is the only one among the clan, so there must be pomp and circumstance.

So she called Zheng Yan to pick out some government soldiers, plus Li Shengxuan assigned soldiers from the camp in the suburbs of Beijing.

But she thought about it again, everyone was warriors, and when they stood at the gate of the city, it seemed that they were going to grab someone instead of greeting them, it was too majestic.

As a last resort, she had no choice but to find a few less busy adults from the government office and ask them to support the scene.

Therefore, when King Rong An and the princess went outside the capital, they saw soldiers lined up neatly in a distance, and they greeted them in unison after seeing their chariots.He was full of energy, and his voice was so loud that the horse couldn't help neighing a few times in shock.

Seeing this, the driver hurriedly tightened the reins and comforted the horse. After it calmed down, King Rong An came out of the car and looked at Fang Zilan with a gloomy expression. Nothing to do with her.

"Lord Fang, long time no see." King Rong An relaxed slightly, and exchanged greetings with Fang Zilan in a distant and polite way.

"My lord is well, but I don't know the princess..." Fang Zilan deliberately paused, and looked at the car driver with her head.

King Rong An blocked her line of sight, and insinuated: "The little girl has always been weak and weak. I have never seen such a massive battle. I'm afraid I still haven't reacted now. Please don't blame the little girl for being rude."

Fang Zilan waved her hand, "Your Majesty is serious." She secretly said that if there was no such incident, Princess Rong An might not show up.

After the epidemic, Princess Rong'an took the credit of Yun Qinghan, and became a living bodhisattva in the hearts of the people in the southeast under the confusion of King Rong'an.

Bodhisattvas have always refused to eat fireworks in the world, and accept the worship of the world. How can there be any reason to appear openly in front of people?Therefore, the true face of Princess Rong'an is rarely known in the southeast, but it is rumored that she looks like a goddess and is a fairy-like figure.

 Today's headlines on the front page of Dajing: The layout is open!Mo Han advances by retreating, and the implementation of the new law has initially achieved results!
  Today's Supplement: King Rong'an and the princess enter Beijing, and Fang Zilan, the Duke of Yue, dismounts to welcome him!
  What about the legendary living Bodhisattva in the southeast?Will King Rong'an and Duke Yue fight to the death?

  Please continue to pay attention to this book, and we will announce it one by one in the future~
(End of this chapter)

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