Chapter 510 Love
After Fang Zilan welcomed King Rong An and the princess into the capital, he first entered the palace to meet Li Shengxuan and the Queen Mother, and then went to the royal post to settle down.

Princess Rong An didn't show her true face along the way, even when paying respects, she put on a long veiled hat, covering most of her figure, so that she couldn't see clearly because she was caught in the wind and cold and couldn't see people.

Fang Zilan looked at Princess Rong'an not far or near through the crowd, but she could only get a rough idea.Although she knew the intention of King Rong An's move, she still couldn't help mocking him for his unnecessary move. Now that she has spent so much effort, she may not be able to conceal the truth.

Princess Rong'an came to Beijing this time for a family matter, after all, she had to appear in front of everyone on the day of the wedding.But at that time, even if someone found out that she was not a medical woman who was treating diseases and saving lives in the southeast epidemic area at that time, they would not dare to expose it on the spot.

For the sake of the false name of a living Bodhisattva, is it worth it to hide most of your life for the rest of your life?
Thinking of this, Fang Zilan shook her head slightly, turned around and walked out of the Royal Post.Seeing her coming out, Zheng Yan quickly followed her, "Lord Fang, everything has been arranged according to your instructions. King Rong An and the Princess..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Fang Zilan's deep voice, "Watch me closely."

"Yes." Zheng Yan whispered, "Do you want me to watch in person?"

"Not for now." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, and Zheng Yan hesitated for a moment, "Master Fang, everyone in the world knows that you have accepted His Majesty's will. If anything happens to King Rong'an and the Princess, I'm afraid..."

"I can't absolve myself of the blame, can't I?" Fang Zilan answered, then hummed softly, "Zheng Yan, it's rare for you to talk so much."

Zheng Yan grimaced, saluted, and said nothing more.

For the next few days, Fang Zilan was still busy with official duties, and occasionally went to the Royal Post to greet King Rong An and the princess. King Rong An saw him every time, but Princess Rong An never saw her.

When King Rong An saw Fang Zilan, he always had a smile on his face, and his speech was often yin and yang, with needles hidden in his mouth.

Seeing the strangeness, Fang Zilan simply turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear, greeting a few words as if it was a routine, and then would bring the words to Princess Rong An, but King Rong An would calmly block her back every time.

After a few days, Fang Zilan lost her patience and focused all her attention on government affairs.There were several accounts in the southeast land that were still inconsistent, and she asked the local officials many times but failed. The letters were not only delayed, but also the matter could not be resolved. Order someone to visit.

However, before the person she sent could reply, Xiao Xuan'er first brought her a piece of news——Mo Han had a private meeting with the woman.

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan was so shocked by the news that she knocked over the teacup in her hand, and the tea splashed on her sleeve, she didn't realize it.

Seeing this, Xiao Xuan'er hurriedly explained: "It's not appropriate to say that it was a private meeting, Mr. Mo just met the woman a few times, once at the Hongbin Building, once at the Xiangsheng Restaurant, and..."

Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, and did not listen carefully to what Xiao Xuaner said later, "Mo Han is used to thinking about others, so I just said how could he do something that would damage a woman's reputation, it was a false alarm..."

As she spoke, she suddenly changed her voice, "However, Mo Han is really not quite right these few days. From time to time, he would be dazed and giggly, as if he is in love."

"Love?" Xiao Xuan'er repeated the word, her eyebrows slightly frowned.

Fang Zilan changed her words: "There is a woman I admire."

Hearing this, Xiao Xuan'er nodded in agreement, "I also feel the same way."

"What is the origin of the woman who met Mo Han?" Fang Zilan picked up the teacup casually, and said while tidying up: "If it wasn't for ulterior motives, after asking Mo Han what he wanted, I would have gone to propose marriage."

Xiao Xuan'er didn't seem to expect Fang Zilan to be so straightforward, coughed lightly and said: "It hasn't been found out yet, but judging from where she appeared, she shouldn't be a woman from an ordinary family."

"That's right." Fang Zilan said thoughtfully: "People who can go to Hongbinlou and Xiangsheng Restaurant are either rich or expensive. However, our Yue State Mansion is not an ordinary family. As long as we are in love with Mo Han, It doesn't matter to anyone."

"Then..." Xiao Xuan'er said cautiously, "Master Fang, do you want to ask Mr. Mo himself?"

Fang Zilan hummed, and Xiao Xuan'er immediately found Mo Han, "Sister Lan, I heard from Miss Xiao that you have something to do with me?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan couldn't speak for some reason.Afraid that the question would be too abrupt, Mo Han refused to tell the truth, and he was also afraid of pretending to be deaf and dumb, and if something happened in the future, Mo Han would be hurt.

Just when she was hesitating, Mo Han took the initiative and said: "On the way here just now, Miss Xiao said something insincerely. I can roughly guess why Sister Lan is looking for me."

"You guessed it all?" Fang Zilan pursed her lips unnaturally, and the corners of Mo Han's lips curled slightly, "I guessed it."

"In this case, would you like to tell me, who is the woman who met you?" Fang Zilan said each word slowly, as if she had considered it over and over again, for fear that any wrong word would cause Mo Han to refuse. Tell the truth.

Seeing that the people in front of him were never so cautious, Mo Han couldn't help laughing, "Sister Lan, you don't have to be like this. Sooner or later, I will always tell you about this matter."

"So, do you really love that woman?" Fang Zilan's eyes widened subconsciously, and Mo Han smiled seriously and said: "I'm not sure yet, I just think she is very special."

special?Fang Zilan's heart skipped a beat, and she picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea pretending to be calm.

"Sister Lan, the water is about to overflow." Mo Han kindly reminded Fang Zilan to a sudden stop, but tea still overflowed.

Mo Han took the teapot from Fang Zilan's hand and put it aside, "I don't know her identity, but I guess she should be the daughter of a big family in Beijing. She is well protected, curious and gentle about everything around her." , longing for freedom but not blindly jumping out of the cage of identity, hoping that someone will treat her as an equal but never forcing... Her many things are not not not wanting, but unwillingness, because she knows that these things will affect others. cause trouble."

He spoke eloquently, and Fang Zilan listened silently until he finished speaking for a while before saying, "Mo Han, you have her in your heart."

The short and powerful sentence made Mo Han stunned for a long time, and finally he smiled with relief, "Sister Lan, do you know? When I saw her, I felt relaxed like never before. The peace of mind next to your loved ones is different from the life-and-death struggle against your back, I want to be with her. Even in a windy and windy place like the capital city, I can walk with her under an umbrella."

Fang Zilan stared at him for a while, and finally smiled and said: "Since you have made up your mind, then go and ask the girl's name, so that I can help you find out."

 The child is growing up...

(End of this chapter)

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