Don't ask where people go

Chapter 512 Tiger Talisman

Chapter 512 Tiger Talisman
After Mo Han returned to the mansion, he saw the servant girl serving tea and went to the front hall, so he stopped a young servant and asked, "Have any guests come to the mansion?"

"Responding to Mr. Mo, Lord Zhuge is here." The boy lowered his voice, and Mo Han frowned, "Master Zhuge Yu from the Ministry of Officials?"

The boy nodded, and Mo Han thought about it, so he didn't ask any more questions, and let the boy leave.

At this moment in the hall, Fang Zilan was sitting upright, looked at Zhuge Yu and said, "If Master Zhuge came here for the White Jade Tiger Talisman, I'm afraid I have found the wrong person."

Zhuge Yu's face sank like water, "Sister Lan, I know the White Jade Tiger Talisman is not in your hands, but do you really want to watch it fall into the hands of King Rong An?"

"I have already returned the White Jade Tiger Talisman to His Majesty, and how to deal with it is His Majesty's business and has nothing to do with me." Fang Zilan calmed down, and said in a low voice: "What's more, I have advised His Majesty that the White Jade Tiger Talisman should be regarded as the princess of Rong'an County. The wedding gift is the idea of ​​the people at Yushitai. If you have any objections, you should go to Lord Su Yun, why are you looking for me?"

"Sister Lan." Zhuge Yu's voice was a bit colder, "This is the second thing I came to find you today."

"What's the matter?" Fang Zilan pretended not to know, Zhuge Yu took a deep breath and said, "Since the Spring Hunting, Yushitai's remonstrance has decreased a lot, especially the notes about you and Lord Mo Han have disappeared. What's more, even the usual excerpts about participating in Duke Wei's sensuality are all gone, don't you think it's strange?"

"Master Zhuge has already investigated the reason behind it." Fang Zilan still had a calm look, and poured himself a cup of tea leisurely, "If that's the case, why bother playing charades with me?"

"Okay, since Master Fang wants me to speak out, then I'm not going to be polite." Zhuge Yu's voice was filled with restrained anger, "During the spring hunting, Master Fang insisted on shooting and wounding Yushi Chen Xu, which is a warning. All the adults in Yushitai. I don’t know who continued to beat them afterwards, so that the adults in Yushitai did not dare to speak freely, especially dare not talk about high-ranking generals, for fear that the one who was shot by the arrow would not be The shoulders, but the head."

Fang Zilan was thoughtful, silent.Seeing this, Zhuge Yu continued on his own, "Now that King Rong'an and the princess are in Beijing to discuss their relatives, because the Queen Mother's decree before leaving Beijing is that the princess of Rong'an will stay in the capital after getting married, so it is convenient for the court to Some people thought about it, thinking that since Princess Rong An stayed in the capital to coerce him, there should be nothing wrong with King Rong An holding the White Jade Tiger Talisman to fight against a certain lord of the state in Beijing."

He said with a cold snort, "I just don't know whether the adults at Yushitai submitted this remonstrance because they were instigated by others, or whether they made up their own minds."

The certain duke in Zhuge Yu's words, of course, refers to Fang Zilan, the duke of Yue. Sitting in the hall, she can hear clearly and understand why his anger comes from. In the hands of King An, I am afraid that the southeast land will not be peaceful.

And the origin of all this is that the arrow she shot at Chen Xu was used by someone with a heart to stir up the fear and resentment of the adults at Yushitai, and perhaps other courtiers, and turned it into a sharp blade to fight back against her.

As for the so-called caring person, she can probably guess that it is Ji Ningtian.He is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and...

Li Shengxuan's protection of her may have already exceeded everyone's imagination.Neither Ji Ningtian nor the courtiers, nor even herself, thought that such an act of shooting Yu Shi would be dismissed lightly by Li Shengxuan.

For some reason, she had a vague premonition that the current situation was not what Ji Ningtian expected, if he continued to ignore it and let it develop, he would try every means to kill her.

After all, Ji Ningtian's original idea was to hope that she would become someone who could shake Li Shengxuan, but the premise was that she was still the sword of hell.But now she has not only become the person that Li Shengxuan indulges and appeases, but also the sword that protects Dajing.

The weight is heavy, but the mind has changed.How could Ji Ningtian keep her?
"It seems that Mr. Fang knows something in his heart." Zhuge Yu stared at the silent person in front of him, feeling quite resentful, "I don't understand why you..."

He stopped in the middle of what he said, and after a while he said in a muffled voice: "Sister Lan, do you think that being on the sidelines is not counting as helping the evildoers?"

"Then what does Ah Yu expect from me?" Fang Zilan changed her name and sighed softly, "At the beginning of the Emperor Tai'an's reign, he was lenient to the old people from the previous dynasty. What does Ah Yu think is the reason, for the sake of the reputation of benevolence? ?”

Without waiting for Zhuge Yu's answer, Fang Zilan said directly: "The power of the former dynasty is intricate, especially the generals. I don't know how many people in the Dajing Army have ties to the previous dynasty. It lasted three generations, and even in the hands of His Majesty, no one in the army dared to Said it has nothing to do with the previous dynasty. At the beginning they followed the Li family, it is hard to guarantee that they will not change their course one day. What's more, Princess Wu Qing is still there, no matter what, she is a flag in the hearts of the old people of the previous dynasty. If she is cut down rashly, You should know more about the consequences than me."

"The big capital is full of chaos, the neighbors are disturbed by the wind, and the land is rolling in. The flames of war continue, and the people are in dire straits." Zhuge Yu slowly closed his eyes, and said, "The prosperous age that has been painstakingly managed by countless people for three generations will disappear in an instant. .”

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and there was a bit of unbearable color in her eyes, "Ayu, I'm not an excuse to shirk responsibility when I tell you this, it's just the fact that we can't tolerate you and me..."

"Just because the facts are so, Master Fang is going to let it go and go with the flow?" Zhuge Yu interrupted Fang Zilan's words sharply, with an expression of solemnity that had never been seen before, "The salary of the eater should share the worries of the king, and use the salary of the people You should plead for the people. If not, what is the point of being an official?"

meaning?Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips suddenly, and took the teacup at hand, "Master Zhuge's words are worthy of my toast to you."

"Master Fang, you..." Zhuge Yu watched Fang Zilan drink it up in one gulp, then put down the teacup slowly, stood up, straightened his sleeves, and saluted him solemnly, "Please rest assured, Mr. Zhuge, I will try my best to fight for the White Jade Tiger Talisman, even if it cannot fall into my hands, it will never fall into the hands of King Rong An."

Hearing this, Zhuge Yu's expression froze, and he got up and bowed, "I am relieved to hear what Mr. Fang said."

However, before he finished speaking, Awan ran in in a panic, "Fang Zilan, I saw..."

Her words came to an abrupt end the moment she saw the people in the hall, Zhuge Yu said goodbye and left after seeing this.Fang Zilan looked at her and handed her a cup of tea, "Who did you see? Scared like this?"

"King Chujiang." Awan took the tea and gulped it down. Fang Zilan said in a daze, "King Chujiang? There are so many arresting papers for him, how dare he show up in the capital?"

 Ji Ningtian: Although I didn't make an appearance, it doesn't mean I didn't do anything!
(End of this chapter)

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