Don't ask where people go

Chapter 513 Weakness

Chapter 513 Weakness
A Wan put down the teacup, shook her head and said, "Then I don't know." After she finished speaking, she thought about it, and then said, "Do you need me to invite Sister Xiao over?"

Fang Zilan laughed dumbfounded, "You..."

"I've never eavesdropped on your discussions." A Wan hurriedly waved his hands and said, "It's just that there are only a few people coming and going in the house, so you can guess a little bit."

"That's right." Fang Zilan was thoughtful, and was about to ask A Wan to look for Xiao Xuan'er, but she came here uninvited, with a serious expression on her face.

Seeing this, Awan turned around and left, but was stopped by Fang Zilan, "Awan, go find Chu Bin."

Awan responded, and brought Chu Bin over in a short while. She was ready to leave when everyone was here, but Fang Zilan never thought that she would stay too.

"Miss Xiao, you said that you found the trace of King Chujiang in the capital?" Fang Zilan brought up the topic, and Xiao Xuan'er said: "Yes, after following for a few days, it is undoubtedly the King of Chujiang. It's just..."

She paused, and said in a low voice: "The king of Chu Jiang returned to the capital this time, not alone, but brought a woman with him. Later, perhaps in order to deceive others, there were a few more people around him, who should be ghosts."

"Woman?" Fang Zilan repeated softly, her expression a bit cold, "What did you say to the people of King Chujiang?"

"When I was in the south of the Yangtze River before, King Chu Jiang's traces were intermittent. The last time he was found was before King Rong An entered Beijing, and then he stopped completely." Xiao Xuan'er lowered her eyes and said: "When we found out, he had already disappeared." Entered the capital like a ghost."

"With the help of the ghost gate, it's easy for the king of Chujiang to hide his whereabouts. Just try your best." Fang Zilan comforted him, looked at Chu Bin and A Wan, and said, "What do you think?"

"That..." A Wan hesitated, "When you were poisoned at the beginning of the year, I followed Master back to the ghost gate to get medicine, and I heard something by chance."

Fang Zilan rested her chin on her hand, stared at A Wan leisurely and said, "You can say it if you want to, and forget it if you don't want to."

"You left me here, why don't I say anything?" A Wan muttered in a low voice, then curled her lips and said, "I heard that because of the assassination of King Rong'an and the imperial court, the whole ghost gate is against you." King Rong An has some complaints, I don't know why the young master is holding back, but the young master keeps saying that he has his own plan, I wonder if it is the young master's plan to return to the capital?"

Fang Zilan pondered for a moment, the relationship between Ji Ningtian and King Rong An is quite secret, even in the ghost gate, few people know about it, so it is reasonable for people in the ghost gate to feel dissatisfied.But with Ji Ningtian's temper, he would always pay back ten swords if someone stabbed him. He would rather be feared by others than swallow his anger, and he would definitely not be soft on King Rong An.

Therefore, when King Chu Jiang returned to the capital, he must have discovered something, and most likely he was able to handle the matter of King Rong An...

"Speaking of which, I also discovered one thing." Chu Bin's voice pulled back Fang Zilan's thoughts, "I often go in and out of the royal post with General Zheng these days, because Princess Rong'an seldom goes out, so I go secretly I went to observe near her wing, and found that the attitude of her personal maid was very strange to her."

Fang Zilan asked: "What kind of strange?"

While recalling, Chu Bin said: "The maid seems to have the utmost respect for Princess Rong'an, but her words and deeds are full of discipline, as if she is afraid that Princess Rong'an will do something out of the ordinary and lose her status."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan frowned involuntarily, several seemingly unrelated things were all related to Princess Rong An.King Rong An came to Beijing this time to choose a son-in-law for her, but at this juncture, King Chu Jiang also brought a woman to Beijing, is it possible...

She collected herself, took a deep breath and said, "King Rong An's weakness, do you know what it is?"

"Weakness?" Xiao Xuan'er frowned slightly, and said without hesitation: "Naturally, it is Princess Rong An. The princess is the only daughter of King Rong An, and King Rong An regards his daughter much more than his own life. "

That's right, King Rong An can have thousands of handles, but there is only one weakness from the beginning to the end, and that is Princess Rong An.

Ji Ningtian would not use King Rong An's handle as a threat, because King Rong An's biggest handle - collusion with ghosts, was related to him, and he would not be so stupid as to shoot himself in the foot.

Since he couldn't get the handle, he had to grasp the weakness to have the absolute bargaining chip to suppress the opponent.

That is to say, the woman King Chujiang brought into the capital is very likely to be the real Princess Rong'an, and the one in the Royal Posthouse is an impostor.In this way, there is an explanation for why Princess Rong An never appeared in front of people.

It's not that I don't want to, but I can't.Especially when entering the palace to pay respects, if someone finds out, it is a deceitful crime, which is unforgivable.

It was like a cat-and-mouse game, Ji Ningtian was the cat holding the mouse by its tail, and King Rong An was the mouse, running around anxiously, but still unable to escape the cat's control.

When the cat lets go, no one knows whether the mouse is facing a mousetrap or an escape route.

Unless... the real Princess Rong An returns to the Royal Post, and everything returns to its place.

"Lord Fang, you are suspicious..." Xiao Xuan'er didn't dare to continue, and Chu Bin also had a solemn expression. Obviously they all guessed this possibility, only Awan was still at a loss, "What do you doubt?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan collected her expression and changed her voice, "Awan, are you going back to the gate of hell soon?"

"What are you going back to do?" A Wan asked back, and then realized, "You don't want me to go back to the ghost gate to find out the news?"

Fang Zilan wrote lightly: "There is no need to inquire, just to see if King Chujiang has returned to the gate of hell, and whether the woman he brought into the capital is in the gate of ghosts."

"Isn't this called an investigation?" A Wan's face fell instantly, "Fang Zilan, I think you think my life is too long."

"It's okay if you don't want to, I'll find another way." Fang Zilan said easy-going, A Wan pursed her lips, and said after a while: "I will do my best, don't put too much hope on me .”

Fang Zilan nodded, "Okay, if you have any difficulties, just stop at any time."

A Wan didn't say much, turned around and left, Xiao Xuan'er chased her and left together.Looking at their backs, Chu Bin said in a deep voice, "Lan Lan, aren't you afraid of self-defeating if you do it so deliberately?"

"Awan can't hide things, so it's best to use her to test things out." Fang Zilan said indifferently: "He keeps secrets, but I know. Only when I figure out what he is going to do, can I have a countermeasure."

"But..." Chu Bin's expression was gloomy, "Aren't you afraid that A Wan will hate you?"

"Remember grudges." Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently, "I'm not a place to stay for a long time, and she will leave sooner or later. In this case, what does it matter whether she remembers me or not?"

Chu Bin sighed, "Lan Lan, do you really think so?"

 Fang Zilan's stubborn little black flower's daily life...

(End of this chapter)

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