Don't ask where people go

Chapter 517 Changes

Chapter 517 Changes
"The Prime Minister means that the king of Yuning, Ji Ningtian, wants to reproduce the scene of the past, and return the same way to him?" Fang Zilan's face sank like water, "but today is not that day, even if he got half of the white jade tiger talisman , there is still a large camp in the southeast, and if something really happens, the Xiahou family who stayed behind in Baiyue will never sit idly by."

"Really?" Fang Chongzheng lightly stroked the edge of the teacup, and said indifferently: "Master Fang, do you still remember that you and I mentioned the change of Di Rong's department just now, at this critical moment, what did Master Fang think it was? "

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, "No matter what it is, the Southeast camp needs to be vigilant."

"Is it just vigilance?" Fang Chongzheng looked at Fang Zilan firmly, "Master Fang is also a person who fights and kills. Let me ask, if there are enemies who invade the border several times, there is no looting, just killing. Killing again and again Not many, less than ten people, but it is enough to make people panic. Dare I ask Mr. Fang, how to deal with it?"

"Naturally, we will send troops to fight back." Fang Zilan answered without hesitation, and the corner of Fang Chongzheng's lips curled up slightly, "If you are like this, so what?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, but Fang Chongzheng said: "Lord Fang, don't rush to answer, let me add one more thing, if the friendly country claims that it is not intentional, but is fighting with other countries, and it will inevitably bring disaster to the neighbors, Lord Fang will send troops to fight back." ?"

"I..." Fang Zilan bit her lip, but stopped talking.

Fang Chongzheng's words are seven or eight points similar to today's scene, even if she doesn't say the latter words, she can guess roughly.

Today, the world is peaceful, the sea is clean and the rivers are clear. If you send troops to fight back, you will be called a fuss by the tongue-twisting people, which will hinder the relationship between the two parties.

Especially in the Southeast Daying, which experienced the Battle of Miluo, many people in the family died in the chaos of the war, and it was even more unbearable to see this scene.

In addition, Li Shengxuan had spent many days in the army, and there were times when the generals were not accepted by the emperor's orders. It was more or less a certain degree of autonomy for the soldiers guarding the border, but how to grasp this autonomy, where is the border, etc. Not everyone can handle it well.

Now the person in charge of the southeast camp is Zhou Lang, who really does not rely on three things, neither family background, nor flattery, nor does he rely on buying people's hearts. Life is what makes him where he is today.Handing over the Southeast Camp in his hands is enough to be reassuring.

But if there are many gossips in Di Rong's department, can Zhou Lang really sit idly by?Once he makes a move, it is very likely that the truth will come true. At that time, King Rong An and the courtiers will stir up the flames, and the replacement of the principal is a certainty. In case the replacement...

Fang Zilan didn't dare to think about it. As far as she knew, Ji Ningtian's allies were Huangfulin and Murongqing. The former controlled the military power in the northern region. The powerful father can command more than half of Miluo's soldiers with one order.

In the big capital, the Dugu family in the western region is loyal, but outside the city of Xiguan are the countries of the Western Regions headed by Persia, which cannot be moved at all.Xiahou's family, who stayed behind in Baiyue's old land, would not go out of the mountain at will if it was not a last resort.Leaving aside the Huangfu family in the northern border, what remains are the Beijing suburb camp and the southeast camp. The former is directly under the emperor and has the duty of guarding the capital. , just because the land in the southeast is vast, you can't relax for a moment.

King Rong An has teamed up with Ji Ningtian, if their people take over the southeast camp, the southeast land will be in danger.

Fang Chongzheng seemed to see what she was thinking, and said calmly: "Your Majesty Fang, you don't have to worry too much. Didn't your majesty order the Ministry of War to recommend some generals a few days ago? I think you have plans."

Fang Zilan also knew about this, and she was called into the palace to read the life stories of several generals one by one, and help Li Shengxuan to screen them out.The purpose is to reorganize the Southeast Camp and divide it into three major camps—the Southeast Camp, the Jiangnan Camp, and the Southwest Camp.

In fact, Li Shengxuan has had this idea since the Battle of Miluo.Once the front line is stretched and there is no experienced general to sit in charge, the local defenders will easily be leaderless.Not only the Dugu family in the west will be distracted, and there will be no rush to help, but also in the east. The rebellion of the pirates forced Xiahou Yunzhao to go out of the mountain, which is the best example.

It would be the best if it could be divided into three and complement each other, but the selection of generals is already a problem, not to mention how to reorganize on the basis of incorporating local defenders.

Therefore, this matter is still only Li Shengxuan's preliminary idea, but the White Jade Tiger Talisman may provide an opportunity for it...

"It seems that Master Fang has already thought of it." Fang Chongzheng took a sip of tea, Fang Zilan remained silent, knowing it in his heart.

If the southeast battalion is reorganized into three major battalions, the soldier talisman will be remade, and it is absolutely impossible to mobilize the three major battalions with just a piece of white jade tiger talisman.It was useless for King Rong An to get the White Jade Tiger Talisman.

But, will all this really go as smoothly as she thought?

"Master Fang, if you have time, you might as well go to the southeast land." Fang Chongzheng looked at the man with a gloomy expression in front of him, and said in a low voice: "In terms of prestige in the southeast land, Lord Fang ranks second. No one dares to rank first, let alone such a major event as the selection of generals and division of battalion? There must always be a person who can hold it down."

"Your Prime Minister is absurd." Fang Zilan said politely: "When it comes to prestige, Lord Su Heng is not too shy. It's just that he is enjoying himself in the secluded mountains and rivers now, and he doesn't want to care about ordinary things."

"Master Fang, have you ever thought about inviting Master Su Heng out of the mountain?" Fang Chongzheng's voice was a little lower, revealing an indescribable majesty.

Fang Zilan waved his hand, "Master Prime Minister is joking, you have failed to recruit people, how can I..."

"If Mr. Su Heng comes out of the mountain, the situation in the capital will be more stable." Fang Chongzheng intercepted Fang Zilan's words without any trace, with a little more sadness in his eyes, "Master Ouyang Juncheng took over the Ministry of Industry, Mr. Pei Xiaoze please go to the southeast Assuming office, Xu Youtong, Yin of the Jingzhao Mansion, took over as Minister of the Household Department, and Master Xie Yanping, the young Yin, was promoted to be the Governor of the Household..."

In just a few months, many personnel changes in the capital were understated by Fang Chongzheng's words, as if they were insignificant.

However, Fang Zilan heard it in his ears and felt uncomfortable.It takes a long time for a new official to take office. With so many new officials taking office, it will take a while to be in a hurry.

It affects the whole body, that is, even the southeast government office that she is in charge of, which has not changed step by step, feels powerless when connecting with various ministries, let alone the six ministries that have been greatly changed?
When there are many changes, there are very few people in the court who can stand up to stabilize the situation.

It's no wonder that Fang Chongzheng would go out of Beijing to invite Su Heng in person. When a leaf falls, the world will know the autumn. When did he predict today's situation?

(End of this chapter)

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