Chapter 518
When Fang Zilan came out of Xiangfu, she was in a daze.Many things rolled in her mind over and over again, like a revolving lantern, time and time again——

For example, in recent days, hundreds of officials have been submitting letters, using the name of choosing a son-in-law for the princess of Rong'an, asking about the ownership of the white jade tiger talisman; Princess Rong'an didn't make any movement, she didn't say a word about choosing a son-in-law, her attitude was submissive and modest; according to Awan, King Rong'an tried to contact the ghost gate, but the ghost gate never paid attention to him...

In addition to the side affairs, there is also the Di Rong mission that is about to arrive in Beijing. I heard that they brought a princess with them on this trip.Less than a year after Li Qiyou married the two princesses of Dirong, another princess was sent by Dirong's department. I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

Also, Chu Bin has already set off for the southeast land. I wonder if he can find out the mess in the southeast during this trip?But no matter whether he was found out or not, she only hoped that he would be safe.

For some reason, when she thought of Chu Bin, she suddenly felt a tightness in her chest. The scene on the day of parting was vivid in her memory. Chu Bin said a lot of things, which seemed to be an explanation of the funeral. She still feels scared when she thinks about it now.

So as soon as Chu Bin left that day, she asked Xiao Xuan'er to deliver a letter to Wan Jun and Zhen Mier, asking them to use the power of Qianjinfang to secretly watch over Gu Chubin, and at the same time contacted Zhou Lang from Southeast Daying, asking him to pay more attention.

Not only that, but she also greeted Fang Lihui, asked the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce and Fushen to take care of her, and even Wang Shen and Yun Qinghan, who had been favored by her in the southeast land...all the people she could think of received her invitation. please.

But even so, she still felt uneasy, and what Fang Chongzheng said to her just now made her almost breathless.

The so-called peaceful and prosperous age is not a war or a few people who can achieve it. Under the surface prosperity, there are still many battles that cannot be seen, and a few people who are dedicated to it.

Although the Prime Minister Fang Chongzheng is still in court, he has a vague attitude of not caring about things. He wholeheartedly wants to ask Su Heng to come out of the mountain. How much of it is for the sake of Dajing, and how much of it is out of selfishness?No one knows.

Fang Zilan only knew that if Fang Chongzheng retreated, the people from the previous dynasty who stood in the light would disappear, and the people from the previous dynasty who were hiding in the dark would be ready to move.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop...

Fang Zilan stopped in her tracks, and slowly closed her eyes. The wind blew past her ears, and with the warmth of spring, the catkins fell all over the ground.The sound of children playing from far to near, and the sound of horseshoes...

This is?Fang Zilan suddenly opened her eyes and looked back, and saw Di Rong's delegation heading towards Miyagi mightily, the guards clearing the way were arrogant, and the horse on which they were riding held their heads high and chest high, stepping in her direction indifferently.

There were two children three steps away from her, who seemed to be petrified by the scene, they didn't have the slightest intention of dodging, they still stood there in a daze.

She didn't have time to think about it, she pulled the two children one by one, stepped aside, knelt down and said warmly, "Are you all right?"

Only then did the two children come to their senses, and they burst into tears, which made Fang Zilan at a loss. Before he could ask any more questions, he saw a few teenagers and girls hiding in the alley, and they breathed a sigh of relief.One of the girls ran over quickly, saluted and thanked Fang Zilan, and then dragged the two boys away.

After seeing off the people, Fang Zilan stood up, thinking that the Di Rong mission should not enter Beijing until the next day, why did it arrive today?Two days in advance, could it be...

"Where did you come from? Don't you know the rules?" Fang Zilan's thoughts were interrupted by a sharp shout. She turned and looked over. Dare to block the way of the mission?"

Fang Zilan raised his eyebrows, and gave him a rather amusing look, not to mention that the Di Rong mission entered the capital ahead of schedule, and the guards in Beijing did not have time to disperse the crowd and clear the main road, so they said that the Di Rong mission dared to be in the capital of Dajing. It is really unprecedented for Zhong Zhong to show off his might and scold the people of Dajing for not knowing the rules.

"Why didn't you answer?" The guard raised his whip, "Is he dumb?" He was about to swing his whip, but was knocked off his horse by a sudden stone.

"Who is it?" The Di Rong mission immediately became alert, and the guards in the capital who were escorting behind the mission were also shocked. They didn't hear the dispute in front of them clearly, only saw the guard who cleared the way fell off his horse, and he In front of him was a roadblocker who appeared out of nowhere.

Seeing that the guard commander was coming quickly, he heard a loud voice, "General Zheng Yan of the Yue Kingdom, the protector is late, and I hope Master Fang will forgive me."

The government of Yue State?The commander immediately got off his horse and knelt down before seeing clearly, "I don't know that Lord Yue is here, and I have offended you so much, please forgive me, Lord Yue!"

Hearing that the members of Di Rong's mission also got off their horses one after another, and the guards who fell to the ground dragged their injured legs, knelt up and knelt up straight, and pleaded guilty to Fang Zilan, "I don't know if it's the Duke of Yue, the little one deserves to die... ..."

"Get up." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "I don't have such a big face to ask Di Rong's mission to make way for me."

She said and looked at Di Rong Zhengshi who came down from the carriage in a hurry, it was the same person who came last year.He wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and rushed to him, "Master Yue, long time no see..."

"Long time no see." Fang Zilan unceremoniously intercepted Di Rong's envoy, and dragged his voice: "Speaking of which, Di Rong's mission should enter Beijing in the future..."

"What Lord Yue said is true." Di Rongzheng said: "Princess Erya came to Dajing for the first time, and she was very fascinated by the capital, so the delegation rushed and arrived early."

"Princess Erya?" Fang Zilan said the name in a low voice, looked up at the driver behind, and then said: "Okay, hurry up and enter the palace, don't keep His Majesty waiting."

"Thank you, Mr. Fang!" Envoy Di Rong waved after saying that, and the members of Di Rong's envoy mounted their horses again, and the commander who was kneeling on the ground also stood up and stepped aside, but he still couldn't help taking a peek at Fang Zilan.

Fang Zilan gave the commander a look, and he understood. After saluting, he took the horse from the guards who came behind and continued to escort the Di Rong mission towards the palace.

Zheng Yan retreated behind Fang Zilan, and said in a deep voice: "The people of Di Rong's mission to Beijing are different from what is written in the customs clearance document. There is an extra princess maid."

"This is interesting." Fang Zilan pondered for a while, King Chujiang brought a woman with him to Beijing, and Di Rong's mission had an additional woman, and Princess Rong'an has not shown up yet.

As if to deliberately confuse the public, Guimen, King Rong'an, and Di Rong's department are really big handwriting.

Fang Zilan couldn't help but clenched her fingers tightly, and said: "Zheng Yan, you can go to the commander just now later, and ask him to check the extra princess maid."

 Fang Zilan: How dare Di Rong's department be so arrogant...

(End of this chapter)

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