Chapter 524 The Return
"I've brought the White Jade Tiger Talisman, where's Rong'er?" King Rong An's expression turned pale, and King Chu Jiang smiled slightly, "No hurry, I need to clarify some things with the lord, and it won't be too late to invite the princess to meet you later. .”

King Rong An's expression became colder, "What's the matter?"

"The princess has a pure heart, so the prince should know better than anyone else." King Chujiang said meaningfully: "So when I took the princess away, I said that I was ordered by the prince..."

"I know about this." King Rong An interrupted King Chu Jiang impatiently, "Didn't you already say so?"

"The princess is just a prince's pamper, so that his beloved daughter who has never been out of the southeast can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the capital without being locked up in the royal post, and everyone will watch her every move." King Chu Jiang said. Slowly, King Rong An could only suppress his temper and ask, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"It's nothing." The smile on King Chu Jiang's face became wider, "I just want to say that during the time when the princess left the prince's side, he made a lot of friends, and we will not meet each other in the future. Please forgive me."

"Bastard!" King Rong An waved his sleeves angrily, "How dare you threaten me?"

"How dare I threaten the prince?" King Chu Jiang waved his hand, "As long as the prince cooperates, those new friends of the princess will not appear again in the future, unless the princess..."

"Rong'er will never see any friends with unknown origins." King Rong An snorted coldly, "Go back and tell your young master, if he is good at it, I will cooperate. Otherwise, everyone will die and the net will be broken. Don't think about it. !"

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely report back to you verbatim." King Chujiang saluted, then clapped his hands, and soon heard a delicate voice, calling out "Father".

"Rong'er!" King Rong An quickly stepped forward and grabbed the man's arm, "How are you doing? You haven't suffered any hardships these days, have you?"

"No." The visitor shook his head, his vermilion lips parted slightly, making him look more and more charming. It was Li Rong, Princess Rong'an.

Seeing this, King Chujiang left quietly, and only the father and daughter were left to gossip and tell about all the things they have seen and heard in recent days.

King Rong An gritted his teeth with hatred for King Chujiang's kidnapping of Li Rong, but at the same time he was afraid of showing his feet in front of Li Rong. The precious daughter finally came back, and it would be bad if she was frightened.

Therefore, King Rong An had no choice but to put on a smiling face, and listened to Li Rong say that King Chu Jiang had taken her to many places and experienced the prosperity of the capital. , go to rest first.

Seeing her coming back, the personal maid who pretended to be Li Rong was surprised and held her hand and refused to let go, "Princess, you are back, you are really worried about me."

Another older personal servant immediately gave her a hard look, "The princess came back after a long time, how decent is your appearance?"

"I..." The little maid let go of her hand timidly, "I'm just so happy."

"You go out and watch, I have something to say to the princess." The older maid looked a little serious, Li Rong tugged at her sleeve, "Sister Dan, I'm back, don't blame her gone."

"Whether it's the prince's intention or the princess's idea, it's a capital offense if a maidservant can't stand by her master at every step." The maid named Liao Dan who was called by Li Rong as Sister Dan was cold. face, said in a deep voice, "Aren't you going soon?"

The little maid ran out immediately, Li Rong pursed her lips, and shouted almost flatteringly: "Sister Dan."

Liao Dan was unmoved at all, and broke away from Li Rong's hand that was pulling her sleeve, "The princess is about to get married, so you might as well put aside the attitude of the coquettish little daughter, so as not to make a joke of her husband's family." .”

Li Rong couldn't help sighing. Liao Dan is the daughter of her mother who married her as a dowry mother. Although she grew up with her, but I don't know if it's because of how old she is or because she was taught by her mother since she was a child. The maid was a little stricter, more like a junior elder who disciplined her.

"Did the Princess annoy me?" Liao Dan softened his tone a little, Li Rong shook his head and said, "No way, I know Sister Dan always loves me, it's just about getting married..."

She didn't continue, Liao Dan frowned slightly, "Isn't the Princess wanting to go back on his word?"

"How come?" Li Rong hurriedly said, "I'm not that ignorant, it's just..."

Liao Dan took a deep breath, "Does the Princess have someone in mind?"

"I..." Li Rong hesitated to speak, and after a while, she nodded lightly with a shy expression.

"Princess, what kind of status are you, how can you..." Liao Dan hated iron and steel, Li Rong explained: "Sister Dan, the young master in my heart is not a commoner, even a county horse can do it."

Liao Dan frowned even tighter, "Master, do you know the identity of that son?"

Li Rong hesitated for a long time, leaned close to Liao Dan's ear, and whispered a name. After hearing this, her face immediately changed, "Princess, why did you have anything to do with him?"

"I didn't expect it either, but he is completely different from what you said, he is a very gentle person." Li Rong mentioned his sweetheart, his face flushed, and his eyes were full of affection.

"No, princess." Liao Dan said decisively: "If the prince finds out about this, he must be killed."

"Why not?" Li Rong was puzzled and said, "My father has always been generous, even if he doesn't agree with me marrying him, he won't kill him..."

Liao Dan's expression froze. Normally, she felt that her princess was pampered, and as a naive and innocent girl, she should take it for granted, but when this happened, she was so choked that she couldn't speak. She felt angry and funny .

In Li Rong's heart, King Rong An is the best father in the world, as long as she speaks, there will be no response.But this time it's her marriage, not only she can't make the decision, even King Rong An can't make the decision, it all depends on the golden words in Qiankun Palace.

What's more, the whole family of the one that Li Rong fell in love with was at odds with King Rong An. Even if his background was all good, he would never be her husband-in-law.After all, the interests behind this are twists and turns, and it cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

But Liao Dan knew Li Rong's temperament, and it might not be so easy to change what she decided. If she wanted to change her mind, she could only follow her first, and then slowly figure it out.

"Sister Dan, I believe in my father, and I also believe in him." Li Rong's eyes were firm, and Liao Dan said in a warm voice: "I believe that the princess knows the seriousness, and I also believe that the people the princess likes are all good. It's just that the princess Weifu is out this time, did you tell him your identity?"

"No." Li Rong hesitated when mentioning this, and Liao Dan took the opportunity to say: "Has the princess ever thought about what to do if he doesn't believe you if you tell him your identity? Or he thinks you are deceiving, so What if I dislike you?"

"I don't know." Li Rong shook her head, as if she had made up her mind, "But I'd rather gamble once."

 Princess Rong An returns, and the wedding is officially on the agenda~
(End of this chapter)

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