Chapter 525
"Gambling?" Liao Dan was stunned. In her heart, Li Rong was always an elegant and dignified princess. Although she was pure in heart, she never made mistakes in her words and deeds, and she never did anything out of the ordinary.This is the first time she has seen this unrepentant appearance.

Li Rong nodded, "Sister Dan, you will stand by my side, right?"

"I..." Liao Dan opened his mouth, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Princess, what kind of person is he that would make you willing to bet on him once?"

Li Rong pondered for a while, and said slowly: "He is the one who admires me, the one who won't follow me, and the one who has his own ideas. In his eyes, I can see my own reflection, not Rong Princess An, but Li Rong."

Liao Dan's expression froze, and Li Rong continued, "I know, as the princess, I am doomed to be involuntary. My father favors me, so I have been in the southeast for 18 years. Enjoying the honor of Princess Rong An without any worries. However, that is Princess Rong An in the eyes of the world, not myself."

She paused as she spoke, her voice mournful, "Sister Dan, I've been wrapped up in the shell of Princess Rong'an for the rest of my life, I admit it. Only the big marriage, I want to fight for it."

"Princess, since you know that you can't help yourself, why..." Liao Dan's eyes were red, Li Rong pursed her lips, and when she spoke again, there was a little more crying, "Take it as my selfishness. My future husband, if only If he marries me because I am Princess Rong An, then what he marries is power and fame, not me. How can I spend my life with such a person? I can't survive..."

Seeing that she was crying, Liao Dan handed over the silk, "Princess, the prince is reluctant to let you suffer, and will definitely choose a lover for you. I heard that His Majesty has ordered the selection of county horses. At this juncture, you must cannot……"

"What can't be done?" Li Rong interrupted her and said with tears in her eyes: "Sister Dan, although I don't know the way of the court, I am not stupid. This time I will enter the capital with my father, and I will never leave again. Your Majesty's intention is nothing more than to use me to coerce the father, so that he can keep his place in the southeast. Thinking that my father has been working hard for decades, as the emperor's uncle, he is so suspicious and jealous, let alone me? As long as I can stay Your Majesty, does His Majesty really care who you marry..."

"Princess be careful!" Liao Dan hurriedly covered her mouth, "This is the Royal Post House, be careful that there are ears on the wall!"

After Li Rong's mood stabilized a little, Liao Dan let go of his hand, "Princess, Your Majesty is a king, even if he is not benevolent, a subject cannot be unrighteous."

"I have pity on my father Wang Zhongyi's life. Now that he is getting older, his flesh and blood have been separated and no one can show his filial piety..." Li Rong said heartbrokenly, "I was in vain as my father's daughter."

"Princess!" Liao Dan snorted, "Now that we are in the capital, we can only tolerate everything. Now you are a living Bodhisattva in the hearts of the people in the southeast. In order to stabilize the hearts of the people, His Majesty will not rashly give you a marriage. I will ask the prince, and I will listen to your opinion, so you must hold your breath."

"I..." Li Rong wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Liao Dan, "Princess, because your mother and I have been masters and servants for many years, and because of the love we grew up with, I will only help you disobey the prince this time, and then I will go to plead guilty to the prince."

"Sister Dan, are you willing to help me?" Li Rong's face showed joy, and Liao Dan said in a deep voice: "Princess, I've said my ugly words first, and it may be the last time you go to see him. It's all made clear."

At this time, in the Duke of Yue's mansion, Fang Zilan only felt a splitting headache. Ever since she went to see Princess Erya and drank the herbs, she felt that something was wrong.

A Wan saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart, but she was also there that day, and she could clearly see the herb that Fang Zilan drank, and it should be beneficial and harmless to her Gu poison, it should not be so.

Other people in the house were also busy, Xiao Xuaner found the trace of King Chu Jiang, Zheng Yan informed Jing Zhaoyin's house, and went to arrest him together, and did not go to the Royal Post for several days to keep an eye on him, so Rong An No one noticed that something was wrong with the princess.

As for Mo Han, because something happened in Shiliang Town on the outskirts of Beijing when the new law was used to adjudicate the case, he went there to check the specific situation under the escort of the soldiers from the outskirts of Beijing, but he did not return for several days.

"Miss Awan, how is Master Fang?" Cong Rong walked in worriedly, and put the freshly decocted medicine on the table.

"I can't tell." A Wan's voice was a little hoarse, her small face was wrinkled, and she looked depressed.

"Even you can't tell..." Cong Rong said cautiously: "Then do you want to invite the imperial physician in the palace to take a look? I see Mr. Wen who came before..."

"I've looked for a teacher..." As soon as A Wanfu opened his mouth, he realized that something was wrong, and changed his words: "I tried to find Mr. Wen, but he has been on leave recently. I heard that he is full of housework, so I am afraid he has no time to do it for him. Mr. Fang for diagnosis and treatment."

"What should I do?" Cong Rong panicked, "People came to the palace just now, one is to ask Mr. Fang about his condition, and the other is to have some documents for Mr. Fang to look at."

"What document?" Awan frowned slightly, and Cong Rong shook her head and said, "I don't know very well either. I only heard people say it was military affairs, so I don't know the details."

"Military affairs?" Awan thought for a moment, "Sister Cong, please ask General Cao to come over to the palace, and let him take a look at the documents from the palace."

"This...can it work?" Cong Rong hesitated, and A Wan lowered her eyes and said: "That's the only way to go. At present, the Di Rong Mission is still in Beijing, and the news that Mr. Fang is unable to manage because of his lingering illness must not spread." go out."

"Okay." Cong Rong nodded, and said, "Then I'll invite General Cao to come over." She turned and left.

"Cong Rong is gone?" Fang Zilan sat up slowly, resting her forehead with one hand, and opened the bed curtain with the other, revealing a face as pale as paper.

"Let's go." A Wan walked to her side and asked curiously, "When did you wake up?"

"When you talk about people coming from the palace." Fang Zilan didn't seem to want to say more, but just told Awan: "Go and help me get the documents from the people coming from the palace."

A Wan responded, and then asked as if thinking of something: "Since you are awake, should I call Sister Cong back?"

"No need." Fang Zilan gritted her teeth and said forbearance: "When Cong Rong comes back later, you will act as if nothing happened. I never woke up, and I never read the documents from the palace. Do you understand?"

"Why?" A Wan asked puzzledly, Fang Zilan clenched her fingers, "You just do it."

"Okay." Awan grabbed her hand and asked while feeling the pulse: "You still have a bad headache?"

Fang Zilan hummed weakly, "It's too late, Awan, go and get the paperwork."

 Li Rong, princess of Rong'an, an idealist in love

(End of this chapter)

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