Chapter 526
Fang Zilan glanced at ten lines, hurriedly read the documents sent, and frowned involuntarily.Seeing this, A Wan asked, "Did something happen?"

"You should have heard about the reorganization of the Southeast Camp." Fang Zilan put the documents aside, closed her eyes and said, "Your Majesty wants to order Lao Cao to be the head of the Southwest Camp."

"General Cao's promotion, it's a good thing." Awan looked happy, but Fang Zilan sighed, "It's not that simple. Lao Li has been in charge of the northern army for a long time. If Lao Cao goes to Southwest University again in the future The battalion master's business, I'm afraid that some people in the court will not be able to sit still."

Awan thought for a while, and then realized, "They are all generals brought out by you. They were not well-known at first, but now they have become the leaders of the camps. I'm afraid..."

"Yes, you think well." Fang Zilan couldn't help interrupting her, "Awan, is Mo Han back?"

"Not yet." A Wan supported her shoulders and sat on the edge of the bed, "How are you doing? Master has disappeared recently, and I'm really a little scared."

"Don't be afraid, Ghost Gate..." Fang Zilan changed his words, "He hasn't reached the point of killing me yet."

She knew in her heart that it was not that Ji Ningtian didn't want her life, but that she wouldn't take her life so easily.Based on his plan, if he wants to kill her, many people will be buried with her.

The current situation is far from that situation.Or, what happened, she was kept in the dark?
"Then what should we do now? Do you want General Cao to refuse His Majesty?" Awan's voice trembled a little, and Fang Zilan raised his hand to cover the back of her hand, "Don't refuse, you must accept it."

"Why..." A Wan looked puzzled, Fang Zilan patted her hand, "A Wan, time is running out, listen to me. After Lao Cao promises, His Majesty will suppress all objections for him, and then maybe I will also ask him about the candidate for the head of the Jiangnan Camp, and then let him say that he does not dare to speak nonsense, and just pass it on to Wei Subaru."

"Master Wei Guogong?" Awan seemed to understand, and before she could say anything, she saw blood stains under the brocade quilt. She hurriedly opened it and saw that Fang Zilan had a wound on her left palm, and blood was bubbling out. .

No wonder Fang Zilan became sober, she actually used bloodletting method...

"I'll bandage your wound first." A Wan stood up, and Fang Zilan squeezed a few documents into her hands with all her strength, "Put them back, and pretend nothing happened..."

"Fang Zilan!" A Wan exclaimed, and the person in front of him had passed out.

A Wan tightly clutched the document in his hand, his eyes were red.What time is it, Fang Zilan is still thinking about the situation in the court, but some people only want her life!
"A bunch of bastards!" A Wan cursed in a low voice, put the document back to its original place, then bandaged Fang Zilan's wound, gave Fang Zilan another injection, took her token and plum sword, and ran away without hesitation go out.

When Cong Rong led Cao Hong into the mansion, she happened to see A Wan's back in a hurry, and both of them were taken aback, "What is Miss A Wan doing?"

"I'll go and have a look." Cao Hong chased after her, and Cong Rong stood there, shaking her head slightly, with a cold smile on her lips.

After a while, the boy who delivered the food at the house pushed the cart and stopped at the door, and said with a silly smile: "Miss Cong, today's food is very fresh, do you want to..."

"Wait." Cong Rong walked over and picked up one of the vegetables, "It's a little smaller, obviously it's not the right time. After a few days, when General Cao's mansion is happy, it won't be too late to send it."

The boy bowed, "Miss Cong said yes, then I'll go back and talk to the boss."

Cong Rong waved the servant away, thinking that King Chujiang's ability to disguise his appearance is getting better and better, but he is getting impatient.What good would killing Fang Zilan do at this time?It will be interesting to wait until Cao Hong is promoted and Mo Han returns, and everyone is there.

Don't you know that it is best to climb high and fall heavily, to fall into the abyss, and never turn over.

On the other side, Cao Hong chased Awan to the posthouse, watched her rush in with a token in hand, drew out her plum sword and pointed it at Princess Erya, and asked, "What did you do in the herbal medicine?"

"What herbs, what hands and feet?" Princess Erya looked coldly at the sword that was only an inch away from her throat, her expression unchanged, "Miss Awan, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Hearing this, A Wan's expression turned cold, "Don't pretend to be confused, that day..."

"Miss Awan was also there that day." Princess Erya cut off her words unceremoniously, "If I really wanted to attack the other party, how could you, a medical girl from the Duke of Yue's mansion, not see it?"

"I..." A Wan was at a loss for words for a moment, and when he was restless, he couldn't hold the sword steadily in his hand, and gradually deviated from the target.

Unexpectedly, Princess Erya grabbed the blade of the sword suddenly, let her slender palm be cut with blood, and moved her whole body to Awan's ear, "So what if I am the master of the opponent, do you dare to kill me?"

"You..." A Wan was shocked, and subconsciously wanted to take a step back, but Princess Erya's hand made her unable to move, so she could only listen to her word by word: "If you kill me, she won't There is something. Otherwise, you can wait to collect her body."

A Wan pulled out the sword abruptly, and Princess Erya backed away again and again, while holding her injured hand, she shouted for help: "Come here, the doctor girl from the Duke of Yue's mansion wants to kill me!"

At this moment, Awan realized that he had been caught in a trap, but it was too late.She turned her head and saw Cao Hong who was in a dilemma. She rushed to his side without hesitation, and said in a low voice, "General Cao, you arrested me and sent me to Jingzhaoyin Mansion. I did this alone. The government got involved."

Cao Hong was stunned for a moment, then clasped her arm under A Wan's urging eyes, and then saluted Princess Erya, "A Wan's recklessness surprised Princess Erya. I will escort her to Jingzhao The Yin family will definitely give the princess an explanation."

"General, don't make any mistakes." The maid beside Princess Erya stepped forward and said sharply, "You not only want to give an explanation to my princess, but also to Di Rong's department. I think Your Majesty of Dajing should be the most wise."

Cao Hong looked dignified and didn't say anything more. Under the supervision of Di Rong's guards, he escorted Awan to Jingzhao Yin's mansion.

On the way, A Wan staggered a few steps seemingly unintentionally, claiming to drink water, taking advantage of Di Rong's guards not paying attention, she quickly walked in front of Cao Hong and said, "Master Fang said that if His Majesty ordered you to go to the Southwest Camp to take charge, you just accept it." Just come down. If Your Majesty asks about the Jiangnan Camp, you can push it to Wei Subaru..."

"What are you muttering about?" Di Rong's guard looked unkind, and wanted to separate the two, but Cao Hong blocked him with his hand, "Miss Awan is from the Yue Kingdom's mansion, and Master Fang of the Yue Kingdom treats her as a My dear sister, do you dare to touch her?"

 The bureau has been set up, please come in

(End of this chapter)

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