Chapter 527
Di Rong's guard glared at A Wan, but because of Cao Hong's power, he retreated. After arriving at Jing Zhao Yin's residence, he couldn't wait to file a complaint.

Fortunately, the prefect Xie Yanping knew multiple languages, and in the Dirong language of the Dirong guards mixed with the Dajing dialect, he figured out the cause and effect.

Awan claimed that she had no intention of assassinating Princess Erya, refused to plead guilty, and told about the herbal medicine a few days ago. Although she said it in a cryptic manner, Xie Yan was as calm as a mirror and frowned.

As far as he knew, Fang Zilan was indeed taking a bath recently. Although he didn't know the reason, but if Awan's words were true, then it was probably poisoned or ill.Presumably, this matter not only involves Princess Erya of Dirong, but also has a stake in the life and death of the Grand Duke of Jingyue.

So he immediately imprisoned Awan, and brought Cao Hong and Di Rong's guards into the palace.

Originally, Awan wanted to make a big problem into a small one, so Cao Hong took her to Jingzhao Yin's residence in a hurry, but now it seems that the trouble is going to be in front of Li Shengxuan after all.

The people in the Ministry of Rites soon received the news that Shangshu Wang Quanrui entered the palace together with Di Rongzheng, and bumped into Cao Hong and Di Rong's guards.

Seeing this, Wang Quanrui was startled, and blurted out: "General Cao, why didn't you see Master Yin Xie of Jingzhao Mansion?"

Cao Hong said honestly: "Lord Xie said that he will first inform His Majesty of the details of this matter, and then he will listen to His Majesty's will whether he wants to be summoned later."

Wang Quanrui kept his expression on the face, but he was shocked in his heart. It is reasonable to say that Jingzhao Yin's House should not take over this matter, but Xie Yanping not only brought people into the palace, but also went to face the saint alone. Could there be some secret behind it?
That little medical girl from the Duke of Yue's mansion doesn't look like someone who would assassinate Princess Erya...

"Lord Wang?" Di Rongzheng's voice pulled back Wang Quanrui's thoughts, and he smiled apologetically, "Master Xie, as the official of the parents of the capital, has always been meticulous. Wait a moment."

This serious rhetoric not only smoothed the situation for Xie Yan, but also blocked Di Rong's envoy, making him think that this was indeed a normal procedure, so he said politely: "My lord is serious. This is the one who rescued Princess Erya today." Your general, right? Thank you general for saving your life."

He bowed after saying that, Cao Hong was flattered, and hurriedly waved his hands and said: "Just so that my lord doesn't have to do this."

A few people were waiting outside the hall, while Xie Yanping inside the hall kept saluting all the time, "Your Majesty, if Miss Awan's words are true, I'm afraid Lord Yue..." Before he finished speaking, Li Shengxuan greeted Xia Hou. winked.

"I will send someone to investigate this matter carefully. After you go back, take a good look at Gu Awan. Don't let things like Ouyang Zirou and Fang Zitong happen again." Li Shengxuan ordered, and Xie Yanping nodded in response: "Your Majesty understands, please rest assured .”

Li Shengxuan waved his hand to signal that Xie Yanping could step back, but he still stood on the spot, hesitatingly said: "Your Majesty, the southeast camp is about to be reorganized, and it coincides with the Di Rong mission in Beijing. At this juncture, if something happens to Mr. I'm afraid that the people of Miluo may not be able to keep themselves safe."

He paused as he spoke, and said in a deep voice, "Do you want to strictly guard Zhongzheng Shizi's residence?"

"No need." Li Shengxuan said in a low voice: "It's never my fault to coerce young children. The Miluo people can send the loyal son, but I will not use the loyal son as a shield to intersect with them. No matter what the neighbors are, Dajing has never fear."

Xie Yanping was stunned for a moment, this was the first time he felt the bloodiness and confidence of their emperor so directly.He has no doubt that one day, if it is absolutely necessary, when everyone uses the loyal son as a shield to fight against Mi Luoxu and the snake, their emperor has already protected the people of his family and country.

"I understand." Xie Yanping felt inexplicably relieved when he heard his own voice, as if a boulder had suddenly fallen from his chest, and he was indescribably happy.

So Cao Hong, Wang Quanrui, Di Rongzheng, and a group of guards watched Xie Yanping walk out with his head held high, and then invited them in without being humble or humble. Although they didn't understand what happened, they still followed in quickly. .

After entering the palace, Li Shengxuan appeased Zhengshi Di Rong, said some trivial words, and then sent them all away, leaving only Cao Hong alone.

"Your Majesty..." Cao Hong was a little hesitant, and Li Shengxuan went straight to the point and said, "Cao Hong, I want you to be in charge of the Southwest camp, what do you want?"

"Your Majesty has a life, so I will never give up, but..." Cao Hong clenched his fists tightly, kneeling on one knee and said: "Your Majesty, Lord Yue also mentioned that if His Majesty has a life, I will accept it. But I'm afraid that if I accept it, Lord Yue will be criticized by others, so..."

He didn't continue, Li Shengxuan said clearly: "Fang Zilan mentioned this to you?"

"It's not what the Duke of Yue said personally, but someone told me." Cao Hong pursed his lips, and added: "I've been busy with things recently, and the Duke of Yue is not free either..."

The more he spoke, the lower his voice seemed to be superfluous, and Li Shengxuan felt his heart sink. Even he had never met Fang Zilan before, so something must have happened to her.

"Cao Hong, do you think Fang Zilan can't think of anything you can think of?" Li Shengxuan remained calm, "The reason why she took the risk of being criticized and didn't want you to refuse, I'm afraid she had already expected such a thing. It's been a day."

Cao Hong said in a daze, "Your Majesty means..."

"It's a matter of time to reorganize the southeast battalion, but we must be careful when choosing the leaders of the three major battalions." Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, "The white jade tiger talisman is an opportunity, but it's not a good time at this time, but it's already on the line. send."

Cao Hong was confused, and only listened to Li Shengxuan continue to say, "Fang Zilan trusts you, and so do I. Handing over the Southwest camp to your hands will keep the people safe. That's enough. As for the slander in the court , it doesn't matter."

"Thanks to His Majesty and Lord Yue's trustworthiness, even if Cao Hong is smashed to pieces, he will definitely guard the southwest." Cao Hongduan kowtowed uprightly, and Li Shengxuan looked at him with mixed feelings in his heart.

At the beginning, in order to protect Cao Hong, Fang Zilan tried every means to send him out of the independent sect of the Duke of Yue. Now that she has gone to the southwest, is her wish fulfilled?Just like this, there are fewer and fewer people around her.

"Your Majesty?" Cao Hong straightened up, and Li Shengxuan raised his hand to signal him to get up, "Who is in charge of Jiangnan Daying, does Fang Zilan have something for you to bring to me?"

Cao Hong coughed lightly, and said truthfully, "Your Majesty the Duke of Yue said that if His Majesty asks about the Jiangnan camp, you should just pass it on to the Duke of Wei."

"It's something she can say." Li Shengxuan raised the corners of his lips helplessly, "Okay, I understand, you step back."

 In the second step of entering the game, Cao Hong was promoted as scheduled
(End of this chapter)

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