Don't ask where people go

Chapter 528 Arrangement

Chapter 528 Arrangement
After Cao Hong left, Xia Houzhang said, "Your Majesty, if the Duke of Yue is really poisoned or ill, and Miss Awan is detained in the Jingzhaoyin Mansion again, should you quietly send the imperial doctor to the Duke of Yue's mansion?" ?”

"She doesn't want to reveal anything, because she doesn't want people to know about it." Li Shengxuan sighed softly, "If someone finds out that she has fallen, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble. How does Princess Naerya react?"

Xia Houzhang replied: "It is said that I don't know when I ask three questions. It seems very innocent."

"If, as A Wan said, it is Princess Erya who gave Fang Zilan the medicine, but there is no response, then there are only two possibilities." Li Shengxuan said thoughtfully: "Or Princess Erya has no effect on the medicine she gave herself. The purpose achieved is well known, and there will be no accidents. Or maybe the Duke of Yue has not heard any news, and Princess Erya dare not act rashly, so she simply pretends to be innocent."

"Your Majesty, no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that Miss Awan pointed her sword at Princess Erya." Xia Houzhang said cautiously: "What's more, Miss Awan entered the post house with the badge of Lord Yue... ..."

"A Wan chose to plead guilty with the quickest reaction, and let Cao Hong take her into custody, which is enough to see that she wants to disassociate herself from the Duke of Yue." Li Shengxuan calmly said: "Someone set up a trap, so it's not just about breaking the law." Awan is so simple."

"The Duke of Yue..." Xia Houzhang looked serious, and Li Shengxuan pondered for a while, "What has Wen Ya been doing lately?"

"Something happened to Mr. Wen's family. He rushed back to deal with it. He might not be able to return to the capital for a while." Xia Houzhang asked tentatively, "Your Majesty, do you want to invite another imperial doctor?"

"Go find a serious imperial doctor and ask him to go quietly to the Duke of Yue's mansion." Li Shengxuan said as he took out a gold medal and handed it to Xia Houzhang, "Take my gold medal and report anything directly. Don't tell anyone else."

Xia Houzhang was stunned for a moment, took the gold medal with both hands, and solemnly accepted it.However, after he quietly entered the Duke's Mansion with the imperial doctor, he saw Fang Zilan sitting in the hall, drinking tea leisurely.

Seeing the two people coming, Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "Master Xiahou, you are not with His Majesty, how come you have time to come to my Duke's Mansion of Yue?"

"Master Fang, you..." Xia Houzhang was stunned for a moment, and then he lost his expression, "Master Fang, A Wan, the medical girl in your house, was detained by General Cao Hong for intending to assassinate Princess Erya, and she is now imprisoned in Jingzhaoyin. His Majesty worried that Mr. Fang would not be used to not having a medical lady to take care of him, so he ordered me to bring the imperial doctor here for Mr. Fang to send."

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, but his face was still calm, "Thank you for your concern, but the imperial doctor is unnecessary. Except for Awan, I am not used to others."

Xia Houzhang bowed and said: "Since Mr. Fang said so, then I will not force it. I will take the imperial doctor back and report back."

"Lord Xiahou, wait a minute." Fang Zilan called Xia Houzhang to stop, and asked, "May I ask Lord Xiahou, how is Awan doing now?"

"Lord Fang, please don't worry." Xia Houzhang replied: "Your Majesty has ordered Sir Xie, until the truth is found out, no one can touch a single hair of Awan, and the same mistakes must not be repeated."

"I understand." Fang Zilan nodded, "For the matter of A Wan, I ask Master Xiahou to thank His Majesty for me."

Xia Houzhang nodded and said: "Lord Fang is serious." Then he left with the imperial doctor.

Fang Zilan watched their backs disappear from sight, as if she had lost all her strength, she leaned against the table, panting heavily.

"Master Fang!" Cong Rong hurried over and held Fang Zilan's arm, "How are you?"

"It's okay." Fang Zilan pushed Cong Rong's hand away without a trace, "I heard from the maid just now that you turned back the boy who delivered the food, saying that it would not be too late to deliver the food when General Cao's mansion is happy."

She paused as she spoke, "How come I don't know about any happy event in Lao Cao's mansion?"

"This..." Cong Rong hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Sister Bai, that is Mrs. Cao, she is pregnant. It's just that the woman is afraid of being unstable when she is pregnant, and it will be three months before it can be made public. I have no choice... "

"Really?" Fang Zilan's eyes darkened, and Cong Rong nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, Miss Awan accompanied me to General Cao's Mansion two days ago to get Sister Bai's pulse."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan's expression softened a little, "I see, you go to see Lao Cao and come see me."

"Okay." Cong Rong quickly found Cao Hong. Seeing the pale Fang Zilan, he exclaimed, "It turns out that what Miss Awan said is true."

"What did A Wan say?" Fang Zilan was weak, Cao Hong helped her to sit up straight, and then told what happened today.

Fang Zilan's expression was serious after hearing this, "Old Cao, you try to find Zheng Yan, let him and Miss Xiao go to Shiliang Town to look for Mo Han, and don't return to Beijing for now. As for you, since Miss Bai is pregnant, after the imperial decree comes , you take her with you, and immediately go to the Southwest Camp to take up your post without delay."

"Boss, what about you and Miss Awan?" Cao Hong looked worried, Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "I know it well, you don't need to worry about it."

Cao Hong was silent for a moment, and finally agreed with a good offer. However, within two days, he had just found Zheng Yan and Xiao Xuan'er, when he heard the news that Mo Han had returned to Beijing in a hurry.

When a group of people gathered in the Yue State Mansion, Fang Zilan couldn't help sighing, what should come will come eventually, and there is no escape.

"Sister Lan, how are you doing now? I heard that you..." Mo Hanfu was interrupted by Fang Zilan as soon as he opened his mouth, "Why are you back? Are you done with all your business?"

"I..." Mo Han hesitated a little, "It's almost done."

"Almost?" Fang Zilan snorted softly, "Mo Han, don't you think there are not enough people staring at you now? I'm afraid that as soon as you return to the capital, the record of the imperial censor's performance will be handed to His Majesty. "

"The censors don't dare..." Mo Han blurted out, and then realized something was wrong, and was about to change his words, but Fang Zilan taught him a lesson: "What do you mean dare not, do you think I will point an arrow at the censor for a trivial matter? If you want me to say, like your behavior of abolishing the public for personal reasons, it should be read by the censor in ten books and eight books."

"Boss, calm down, Master Mo is also concerned about chaos." Cao Hong couldn't help but speak for Mo Han, Fang Zilan glared at him, "Do you think I don't know? But even if you care, you have to see what the situation is now A Wan has already been detained in the Jingzhaoyin Mansion, Zheng Yan and Miss Xiao have been played around by King Chu Jiang, and you are about to take office. At this juncture, the enemy is in the dark, and if something happens to Mo Han, who will support it? Qiyue State Duke's Mansion?"

Xiao Xuan'er, who was named, looked at Zheng Yan in dismay, but the more she listened, the more wrong she said, "Master Fang, what do you mean by that, isn't the Duke of Yue's mansion supported by you?"

 Fang Zilan: I thought everything was arranged, but who knew that everyone was not obedient...

(End of this chapter)

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