Chapter 529 Audio
"I can last for a while, but I may not be able to last forever." Fang Zilan said quietly: "Before then, I will arrange a retreat for you all. As for whether to go or not, it is up to you to decide."

"Lord Fang..." Xiao Xuan'er opened her mouth, her expression a bit solemn.

"Boss, although I may not be able to see the situation clearly, if you are in danger in the capital, I will never leave on my own." Cao Hong said categorically, and Zheng Yan nodded in agreement, "Yes, even if I am insignificant, I will never leave." Willing to fight for Master Fang."

Mo Han also said: "Sister Lan, I will not leave you alone in danger."

"It's enough to have your words." Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "But I still hope that you will perform your duties, and don't make the slightest mistake because of me. If there is a disaster, avoid it if you can."

"Sister Lan..." Mo Han frowned slightly, "Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Could something have happened?"

"Princess Erya gave the boss medicine!" Cao Hong couldn't wait to explain the ins and outs of what he knew. Fang Zilan didn't stop him, but just waited quietly for him to finish speaking, and then said softly: "I don't mind. A Wan didn't Did I tell you too? Ordinary poisons can’t kill me.”

Hearing this, Mohan couldn't help clenching his fingers, "So, you didn't intend to tell us from the beginning, did you?"

"The Di Rong mission is still in Beijing. At this juncture, I can't do anything." Fang Zilan calmly took the teacup on the table and took a sip.

She tried to hide her fatigue and pain, but Mo Han saw through, and he lowered his head weakly, "Sister Lan, I understand."

"I'm tired, you go." Fang Zilan waved her hands, as if she had exhausted all her strength.

They exchanged glances and were about to leave when Fang Zilan called out to stop Xiao Xuan'er, "Miss Xiao, please stay a while, I have something to ask you."

Xiao Xuan'er stopped in her tracks, and after they left, she pursed her lips and said, "Master Fang wants to ask me about Mr. Chu?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan supported her forehead with one hand, and held the teacup in the other, leaning against the table with most of her body, "There has been no news from Chu Bin for a long time, could something have happened?"

"It's nothing." Xiao Xuan'er lowered her eyes and said, "It's just that the news is temporarily cut off. I think the sisters in the workshop will find Mr. Chu soon."

Fang Zilan stared at her for a long time before saying: "Miss Xiao, if I can hold on, just tell me the truth."

Xiao Xuan'er hesitated for a while, "This is the truth."

"Really?" Fang Zilan's voice sank a little, Xiao Xuan'er's heart tightened, and she didn't dare to meet her eyes, for fear that she would see the uneasiness deep in her heart.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan's tone was a little slow, "Miss Xiao, I believe what you said is the truth, but I'm afraid it's not all the truth, right?"

Xiao Xuan'er's expression froze, and finally sighed softly: "Sure enough, I can't hide it from Mr. Fang."

"I know the strength of Qianjinfang." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, "It seems that they have made a killing this time."

Xiao Xuan'er nodded slowly, "As Lord Fang said, the other party has indeed killed him. The Sifang sisters have no survivors, so they broke the news with Mr. Chu."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan was stunned. There are ten workshops under Qianjinfang, and the smaller the number, the more elite it is. But now Xiao Xuan'er actually told her that none of the four workshops will survive?

"Sifang Sisters, no one survives." Xiao Xuan'er repeated, with a low tone and a sad expression.

Fang Zilan tightly squeezed the teacup in her hand, and said coldly: "Who did it?"

"Five Overlords of Haishi City, Wuliang Palace, Daomen Huo Family, Little Mirror Lake..." Xiao Xuan'er counted them one by one, Fang Zilan snorted coldly, almost all gang figures who can be named in the rivers and lakes gathered together, it's really good Big noodles.

After Xiao Xuan'er finished speaking, Fang Zilan asked: "What kind of news has been released at the ghost gate, which can attract so many people to chase and kill Chu Bin?"

"The ghost gate said that the king of the wheel had defected. If the heroes of the Jianghu can kill him, they will definitely be rewarded with a lot of money." The more Xiao Xuaner said, the lower her voice became, until the end it was almost inaudible.

However, Fang Zilan could still hear clearly, "This kind of reason that even ghosts don't believe, can also deceive those Jianghu people?"

"People in the Jianghu may not believe the ghost's words, but..." Xiao Xuan'er did not continue, Fang Zilan asked: "Just what?"

"This is a rare opportunity." Xiao Xuan'er said earnestly: "The gate of ghosts has been harmful for a long time, especially the king of Hades in the Ten Palaces is the most famous. If one of them can be killed, no matter who it is, it will become famous."

"What if it was me?" Fang Zilan said coldly, "If one day, the ghost gate claims that I defected, will it be like Chu Bin today?"

"I think people in the Jianghu are flocking to them even more, even more so." Xiao Xuan'er answered without hesitation, and Fang Zilan chuckled when she heard the words, "These so-called decent people in the Jianghu are almost extreme in punishing rape and eliminating evil. , Little do they know that such actions are no different from the crooked ways of the evil spirits they despise."

"Master Fang is transparent, but they don't know it." Xiao Xuan'er shook her head, Fang Zilan didn't speak, she was not transparent, but she had figured it out for many years.

Those who kill must have the consciousness of being killed.Tat for tat, this is the world.

It is said that it is happy and enmity, but it is hard to escape the word fame and fortune.Like a lock, it binds people in it, and finally merges into a huge vortex, devouring everyone involved.

People outside looked at the swords and swords of the people in the rivers and lakes, and they felt extremely chic.Little do they know that they want to wash their hands in the gold basin in vain, and walk into the paradise of ordinary people. There are many people in the world who don't care about world affairs.

However, there has never been a real paradise in the world.

Fang Zilan sat in the same place for a long time, until Xiao Xuan'er went and went back, it was completely dark.

Xiao Xuan'er delivered the medicine to Fang Zilan, "Master Fang, I went to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion to visit Miss Awan, and she is fine. This is the medicine I made according to the prescription she gave you. Drink it while it's hot." .”

"Did A Wan say something?" Fang Zilan took the medicine, but after taking a sip, she frowned, "It's so bitter."

"Miss Awan said that you don't need to worry about her, she will come out in two days." Xiao Xuan'er handed over the silk handkerchief, and Fang Zilan took it, "Will she come out?"

"Yes." Xiao Xuan'er nodded slightly, "Master Xie is quick-witted, presumably he has told His Majesty the truth, and then there will be an imperial doctor's visit. If this is the case, then Miss Awan is being held for the Di Rong mission to see." , after she leaves Beijing, she will come out."

"It's rare for Awan to be so calm." Fang Zilan sighed, and Xiao Xuan'er leaned into her ear and whispered: "Miss Awan also said that Princess Erya probably hid Gu in the herbs."

 A Wan was imprisoned, Chu Bin lost contact, who will be next?
(End of this chapter)

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