Chapter 532
In the third year of Jianyong in Dachu, in the middle of winter, the water in the northwest turned to ice, and the barbarians who fled to the depths of the desert were all in ragged clothes, suffering from hunger and cold.They come from various tribes such as the Western Regions, Mobei, and Monan, but now they all go in the same direction.

It's just that where they went, they passed the Gilded City.The leader made a deal with Huyan Khan, the men were exiled into the army and the women were slaves, so they got temporary asylum.

After the young Zhenbei General King Pingnan heard the news, he didn't order to pursue him, because the current situation was enough for him to deal with.

Originally, dozens of tribes, large and small, outside the Great Wall, were all wiped out except for the tribe of Di Rong, who was a temporary vassal of Miluo.Even in Di Rong's department, more than half of them were killed or injured.

Some say it's for fame, others say it's for warning the neighbors.However, for Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang, all the reasons are worthless for a deal, one person.

Qin Ji came from a humble background, and the entire royal family of Chu was extremely opposed to this marriage. Only the emperor, who had just ascended the rank of Ninth Five-Year, proposed such a compromise.

As long as all the tribes outside the Great Wall are wiped out, he will personally issue an imperial decree to complete the marriage.

Most of the people around him have dissuaded him, if he engages in such an unrighteous battle, the people in the world will only have fear and no respect for Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang.

But Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang himself didn't care, even the God of Killing, the God of Killing who wanted to marry Qin Ji...

Recalling the past, Princess Erya's cousin could only feel her mood fluctuating. She was not yet born at that time, but she had heard her mother talk about the tragic scene back then.So much so that she has been a slave girl since she was born in Gilded City.

"Cousin, I didn't mean to provoke you with the past, but the opportunity for revenge is close at hand, if I miss it, I will never have it again." Princess Erya seemed to have a fire burning in her eyes, paranoid to the point of madness, "My life, What counts?"

"Erya..." The cousin's eyes were flushed, "Have you thought about the consequences? After this move, it is necessary to completely break with Dajing, and Miluo is not a kind person. It is sandwiched between the two countries. How can Di Rong's department survive?" Way to survive?"

"The homeland of the old country has long since ceased to exist." Princess Erya's expression gradually became resentful. "It is not a pity that the current Di Rong tribe is destroyed. As long as the Wu clan is prosperous, nothing else matters."

"Since you've made up your mind..." The cousin said slowly, "Then it's okay for me to do it."

"No!" A trace of panic flashed across Princess Erya's face, and the cousin couldn't help frowning: "Why? You've already put a Gu on Fang Zilan, whose life..."

"If I say no, I won't do it!" Princess Erya interrupted her sharply, "That Gu is fed with my blood essence, and no one can control it except me, even my cousin."

The cousin suddenly reacted, "Er Ya, what have you done?"

"Cousin, no matter what I do, it is for the Wu clan." After finishing speaking, Princess Erya cruelly pushed her cousin out and locked the door from the inside.

"Erya, don't do something stupid!" the cousin shouted, but she restrained herself a little for fear of attracting too many people, but she didn't get any response.

Princess Erya sat at the table, gently opened the wooden box in her hand, and there was a Gu worm inside.

She didn't tell anyone, and she started to set up this trick when Zi Lan first found her a few years ago.The purpose of guiding Fang Zilan to the Miluo Palace to find the high priest is to make this situation more perfect.

Now, not only has she set up a perfect situation, but there are also people helping her, how can she let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Thinking of this, Princess Erya took out a knife and cut open the veins in her wrist, feeding Gu with blood while chanting.Speaking of which, this is the first time she has practiced such witchcraft, I hope she will not be disappointed.

At the same time, Fang Zilan, who had just walked back to the gate of the mansion, felt dizzy for a while, and almost fell over.

A hand reached out to support Fang Zilan's arm, "Master Fang!"

"Miss Xiao..." Fang Zilan panted heavily, but Xiao Xuan'er said anxiously: "Master Fang, Master Mo is gone."

Fang Zilan's eyes darkened, but she still insisted and asked, "What do you mean missing?"

Xiao Xuan'er hurriedly said: "I just passed by the Ministry of Criminal Justice when I went to see Miss A Wan, and I heard that Master Mo didn't go yesterday, and I haven't seen anyone today, and he didn't return home the night before..."

Hearing that Fang Zilan's chest was filled with energy and blood, she actually vomited a mouthful of blood.

Xiao Xuan'er exclaimed, and before she could move, she saw someone on the other side supporting Fang Zilan with her, "Master Fang!"

Zheng Yan hesitated, although Fang Zilan was dazed, she seemed to have sensed something, and shouted: "Speak up if you have something to say!"

"King Rong An reported the case, claiming that the White Jade Tiger Talisman was missing." Zheng Yan's voice was low, and Fang Zilan's ears became heavier.

"At this juncture..." Xiao Xuan'er suddenly thought of something, "Master Fang, if someone tries to frame the Duke of Yue's mansion in vain, once he finds Master Mo and the White Jade Tiger Talisman at the same time..."

"Go to Mo Han!" Fang Zilan stood up reluctantly, but it was extremely difficult to even take a step.

"Master Fang, I'm going to find Master Mo." Zheng Yan said and looked at Xiao Xuan'er, "Miss Xiao Lao..."

"I'm fine." Fang Zilan shook off their hands with all her strength, "Miss Xiao, you go too, please..." Her voice was broken, and she staggered two steps, and fell down on the steps in front of the door. superior.

Xiao Xuan'er had no choice but to call the maid to come out and help Fang Zilan return home, while she and Zheng Yan split up to find Mo Han.However, Fang Zilan didn't want to get up, and the maid didn't dare to pull her up rashly.

After a while, Cong Rong, who came back from shopping, saw Fang Zilan sitting on the ground, and walked over quickly, "Master Fang, why are you sitting here?"

The maid at the side explained a few words, and Cong Rong asked casually: "Then what did General Zheng and Miss Xiao go for?"

"I don't know too well." The servant girl shook her head, "It seems to be related to Mr. Mo."

"Master Mo?" Cong Rong said casually, "I just watched him enter the Xiangsheng Restaurant, and he was accompanied by another adult with a very strange face."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan had a splitting headache and stood up unsteadily, "Are you sure you read it right?"

"Lord Mo lives in the mansion, and we see each other from time to time, how could I be wrong?" Cong Rong said firmly, Fang Zilan gritted her teeth, and ran out without looking back.

Seeing this, Cong Rong sighed secretly, the art of witchcraft was more powerful than she imagined.

On the other side of Jingzhaoyin's mansion, Fuquan, a young servant beside King Rong An, said to Xie Yanping: "My lord, I can see clearly that the thief who stole the white jade tiger talisman entered the Xiangsheng restaurant. It is absolutely true, and please hurry up!" order someone to arrest him."

 Multi-party planning, the layout has been completed
(End of this chapter)

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