Don't ask where people go

Chapter 533 Murder

Chapter 533 Murder

In the Royal Posthouse, King Rong An looked at Liao Dan in shock and anger, "What did you say, Rong'er disappeared?"

Liao Dan hurriedly said: "Yes, I searched all over the place, but I didn't see the shadow of the princess."

King Rong An groaned secretly in his heart. He followed the instructions of the ghost gate and reported to the Jingzhao Yin Mansion that the white jade tiger talisman was missing, and Rong'er disappeared on the back foot. This does not seem like a coincidence, could it be the ghost gate...

"My lord, Jing Zhao Yin's residence is going to arrest the thief who stole the white jade tiger talisman." The guard rushed in hurriedly, and King Rong An frowned, "Where is Fu Quan? Ask him to come see me!"

"My lord, isn't it the letter you ordered Fuquan to report to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion?" The guard was stunned, and King Rong An was shocked, "What letter should I ask Fuquan to report?"

"This..." The guard looked bewildered, and King Rong An flicked his sleeves, and said sharply, "Everyone, send out as many as possible, even if you turn the capital upside down, you must find Rong'er!"

The royal post house in this room was in chaos due to the disappearance of Princess Rong'an Li Rong, but the Xiangsheng restaurant in that room was a scene of tranquility.

Li Rong stood by the window, while playing with the White Jade Tiger Talisman, while thinking about what King Chu Jiang said to her——

"Everyone knows that the White Jade Tiger Talisman is in the hands of your father, and the Princess personally took the White Jade Tiger Talisman to see him. How can he not believe it? Not only does he believe it, but he will also be moved by the Princess's sincerity."

Thinking of this, Li Rong felt at ease. Mo Han was considerate and meticulous, so he should understand her behavior of concealing her identity, but would his cousin, Duke Yue, accept her?

Although he has never met him before, Li Rong still fears the rumored Duke of Yue more than respects him. After all, she is a general who emerged from a sea of ​​corpses and blood. Compared with ordinary women, she is probably not easy to get along with...

"Who are you?" The cold voice pulled back Li Rong's thoughts, she turned around and looked over, only to see Fang Zilan staggering, walking towards her slowly, "Why is the White Jade Tiger Talisman in your hand? "

"I..." Li Rong couldn't help biting her red lips, mustering up the courage to ask back: "Who are you? Mr. Mo..."

"You know Mo Han?" Fang Zilan's expression froze, she took a step forward and grabbed Li Rong's collar, "Who are you?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Li Rong grabbed Fang Zilan's wrist, trying to break free, but in vain, "You..."

Before she could say anything in the future, Fang Zilan choked her throat, "I am Mo Han's cousin, what do you say has nothing to do with me?"

"You are... Duke of Yue... my lord..." Li Rong looked in disbelief at the pale, weak-looking man in front of him, who was actually full of murderous intent, and fear surged up.

"Stealing the White Jade Tiger Talisman, it would not be an exaggeration if I killed you..." Fang Zilan suddenly stopped in the middle of her sentence, as if she had been bewitched by some kind of bewitch, she involuntarily increased her strength.

"I didn't..." Li Rong tried to shake her head in vain, but it was in vain. She only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and the light in front of her eyes became darker and darker until it was completely black.

Fang Zilan's eyes were dull, like a walking corpse without a soul, until the person in front of her was breathless, she still did not let go.

"Sister Lan!" An exclamation brought Fang Zilan back to her senses. She let go of the person in her hand and watched her fall to the ground in disbelief. Killed a life.

"Sister Lan, you..." Mo Han rushed over quickly and helped Li Rong who fell on the ground, "Girl!" Fang Zilan's earnest expression and impatience in her words were something Fang Zilan had never seen before, and only then did she respond. Come over, "Is this girl the one you admire?"

Before Mo Han could respond, he heard a burst of crying, "Rong'er!" "Princess!"

The continuous sound made Fang Zilan's eardrums hurt. She was pushed away and stared blankly at her fingers. The fingertips trembled slightly, and it seemed that Li Rong's body temperature was still on them.However, what lay on the ground was an increasingly cold corpse.

Fang Zilan covered her chest and took a step back. Did she kill Li Rong, the princess of Rong'an?Did she personally kill the person Mo Han admired?Right in front of Mo Han...

Why?She just realized that she didn't...

nothing?There was a blank in my mind, only the terrifying killing intent pervaded.

Even if it was only for a moment, she could confirm that she had murderous intentions.

This is her instinct as a killer. When someone wants to harm herself and the people around her, her first reaction is to kill him. Until this moment, she finally understood the situation. The bureau she set up...

"Fang Zilan, I'm going to kill you!" King Rong An, filled with grief and indignation, pulled out the sword of the guard beside him, and stabbed at Fang Zilan recklessly.

Fang Zilan did not dodge, and stood motionless.It's not that she can't avoid it, she just doesn't want to.She didn't care who the dead person was, whether it was Princess Rong'an or an ordinary woman, since she dared to kill, she was already prepared to pay for it.

It's just that she never thought that what she killed was the person Mo Han admired.

Seeing his sweetheart die at the hands of his own relatives, how sad must Mo Han feel?For the rest of her life, what face would she have to face Mo Han again?After all, it is beyond recognition...

At the moment when the sword's edge approached suddenly, Mo Han appeared in front of Fang Zilan, and took the sword forcefully for her. His robe was stained red with blood, but he still stood up straight.

"Mo Han!" Fang Zilan supported his body behind him, her eyes flushed with distress.

Seeing that he missed a hit, King Rong An drew out his sword and stabbed at Fang Zilan again. This time she supported Mo Han and retreated to the door, and said word by word: "I killed the princess of Rong An, and if the prince wants to kill him, he will kill him." Damn, even if you come at me, don't hurt innocent people."

"Innocent?" King Rong An was extremely angry, and said angrily, "Fang Zilan, you dare to kill me, Rong'er, and I want everyone in your house to be buried with you!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xie Yanping who was standing outside the door and the servants of Jingzhao Yin's Mansion, and shouted: "Master Xie, if you don't bring Fang Zilan to justice, what are you still doing there?"

Xie Yanping woke up like a dream, and with an order, the yamen servants behind him rushed into the private room and surrounded Fang Zilan and Mo Han.

"You can arrest me, but you can't arrest Mo Han." Fang Zilan looked at Xie Yanping, "Master Xie, Mo Han is injured now and needs medical treatment. I hope you will send someone to send him back. As for me, it is up to you."

Xie Yanping nodded slightly, bowed to King Rong An and said: "My lord, the matter is of great importance. I will first take Mr. Fang to the prison and report to His Majesty before dealing with it."

Hearing that King Rong An was furious, before he could say anything, he staggered and almost fell over.So Xie Yanping, taking advantage of his guards' loss of what to do, quickly ordered Fang Zilan to be taken away, and Mo Han to be sent back. After the arrangements were made, there was another salute.

Seeing this, King Rong An was furious, waved his arms and shouted, "I'm going to sue His Majesty!"

 About killing——

  Fang Zilan: Did I kill someone?

  Awan: Isn't this a routine operation?Wait, you actually killed Princess Rong An?Fang Zilan, are you crazy...

(End of this chapter)

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