Chapter 534
Princess Erya's body flickered, and she fell to the ground uncontrollably.The Gu worms in the wooden box were dead, and the room was filled with a strong smell of blood, overwhelming the sky.

Using witchcraft to control one's mind, even if only for a moment, is really too much effort.However, it is enough to completely kill Fang Zilan.

A smile appeared on Princess Erya's lips, she pulled out the suicide note she had prepared from her bosom, sat up with force, and placed it on the table.

The knocking sound outside the door was accompanied by shouts, but Princess Erya felt her ears were covered by a cloth, she could not hear clearly, and her eyes were dark.

Finally, it came to an end...

"Erya!" After Di Rong's guard knocked open the door, the cousin rushed in first, but the eyes of the person lying in the pool of blood were closed tightly, lifeless.


"Princess Erya!"

Amidst the shouts one after another, someone who saw the suicide note handed it over to Zhengshi Di Rong.

After Di Rongzheng read Princess Erya's suicide note, he looked solemn, and immediately asked to enter the palace to meet Li Shengxuan.

When the news came to the palace, King Rong An was trembling and crying to Li Shengxuan, Xie Yanping stood aside and listened quietly, the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

No matter how domineering Fang Zilan is, she will definitely not commit murder in the downtown area, let alone at the foot of the emperor in the capital?
But now how many pairs of eyes can see clearly, especially Fang Zilan's cousin Mo Han is also present, just now Xie Yanping avoided everyone and asked him quietly, his silent attitude has already explained everything, even he thinks Fang Zilan is the murderer .

From this point of view, the case is clear and clear, but the motive behind the murder is not so clear, and it may not be easy to deal with it.

Sure enough, after listening to Li Shengxuan, he did not deal with it directly, but ordered someone to invite Di Rongzheng in.

Seeing this, King Rong An did not resign, but stood aside, weeping silently.Li Shengxuan was not easy to drive away, so he was allowed to stand in the hall.

"Your Majesty Dajing, Princess Buerya committed suicide in the post house, and left a suicide note, please read it." As soon as Di Rongzheng entered the palace, he knelt down on the ground with a plop, "Your court Your Majesty, the Duke of Yue, has oppressed our Princess Buerya to this point, please uphold justice!"

After killing Princess Rong'an, another huge crime was charged, and it was said that Fang Zilan was charged with it.

It sounded like Li Shengxuan felt a headache, but he calmly calmed down a few words, and then ordered Xia Houzhang to present Princess Erya's suicide note.

He glanced at the past, and before he could say anything, he heard that Di Rong was filled with righteous indignation: "Duke Fang of the Yue Kingdom of your dynasty was dissatisfied with Princess Erya's divination at the banquet, so he asked Erya in the posthouse the next day. The princess spoke viciously at each other, and later a medical woman in the family slandered Princess Erya, intending to fail in her assassination. After being imprisoned, Mr. Fang felt dissatisfied, so he came to the posthouse again to ask to see Princess Erya, which caused Princess Erya to panic, and finally Take your life..."

As Di Rong was speaking, he suddenly raised his voice, "Your Majesty, since Di Rong's department has been attached to Dajing, I believe that His Majesty can protect us. But right now Princess Erya has an accident in the posthouse of Dajing. No matter how insignificant my Di Rong's department is, I have to fight for her fairness!"

Hearing this, Li Shengxuan raised his head, his eyes were heavy, and he said without anger, "Zhengshi Di Rong, are you threatening me?"

"I dare not." Di Rongzheng straightened his body on his knees, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "All my subordinates believe that His Majesty is wise and will definitely make decisions for Princess Erya."

Call the shots?Li Shengxuan sneered inwardly, holding such a fabricated suicide note, he wanted to slander the Duke of Yue in the capital, and Di Rong's department's wishful thinking was really brilliant, but...

Thinking of this, Li Shengxuan glanced at King Rong An out of the corner of his eye. If Princess Rong An hadn't been murdered, he would have dismissed Di Rong's envoy without hesitation, but now both cases are directed at Fang Zilan. It seemed as if it had been premeditated, and I'm afraid there was still a back hand, and Fang Zilan would not be easily let go.

"Your Majesty, this is the end of the matter, do you still want to shield Fang Zilan?" No one expected that King Rong An suddenly rushed into the hall, knelt down next to Zhengshi Di Rong, and said side by side with him: "If you don't punish him severely, Not only will it chill the hearts of the people in the southeast, but it will also ruin the relationship between our court and Di Rong's department, Your Majesty!"

Li Shengxuan's hand holding the suicide note tightened uncontrollably, he almost gritted his teeth and said, "Xie Qing, bring the Duke of Yue, Fang Zilan, to see me."

Xie Yanping took the order and soon appeared in the hall with Fang Zilan. Standing on the other side of Di Rong, she saluted slowly with an indifferent expression.

King Rong An immediately stood up when he saw Fang Zilan, his face was full of resentment that he wanted to skin her and cramp her, but her face was so calm that no waves could be seen.

Until Li Shengxuan's voice sounded faintly, "Fang Zilan, King Rong'an accused you of killing his daughter Princess Rong'an, can you admit this crime?"

"I admit it." The two words without hesitation spread throughout the hall clearly and crisply.

Li Shengxuan stood up abruptly, and stared fixedly at the person standing straight below him, "Di Rong is claiming that Princess Erya committed suicide because you forced her to commit suicide. Can you admit this crime?"

"I don't recognize it." Fang Zilan looked down at Di Rong Zhengshi beside him, her eyes were as sharp as a knife, "Princess Erya practiced witchcraft, intending to overthrow my capital. This didn't make her treacherous plan succeed. Why, you dare not admit that Princess Erya died of the backlash of a witchcraft, so you are going to fall all on my head?"

"My lord, you are spitting blood!" Di Rong was in a hurry, while King Rong'an was about to speak up, when Fang Zilan yelled, "My lord, even if the death of the princess is a state matter, it has nothing to do with people from other races." .Since I have pleaded guilty, if I want to be killed or cut to pieces, as long as Your Majesty has a word, I will listen to you."

King Rong'an's expression froze, Fang Zilan's words were obviously reminding him, don't confuse family affairs with state affairs.The envoy of Di Rong is still in the palace. At this time, they should be unanimous to the outside world, and it will not be too late to settle the accounts afterwards.

But the hatred of killing a daughter is unshakable, if he doesn't let out the bad breath in his heart, how can he be worthy of being a father?
"Your Majesty, Master Fang of the Yue Kingdom has indeed made great contributions to the country, but can this be the reason for her arrogance and arrogance to despise Tianwei?" King Rong'an burst into tears, "Although my daughter is not talented, she is willing to fight against the plague. In the southeast land, she has a contribution, even if it is not as good as Master Fang, it is enough to make me proud..."

Li Shengxuan didn't listen to what was said later, and Fang Zilan was the only one in his eyes from the beginning to the end.As long as she said a negative word, he would investigate for her without hesitation, even at the expense of exposing the true face of King Rong An and the lies of the princess.

But she didn't, she admitted it frankly, without any excuses, even if she had to pay the price with her life, she didn't care...

However, he cares.

 When all the people in the dynasty wish Fang Zilan could die——

  Fang Zilan: People are mortal, I don't care
  Li Shengxuan: ... I care
(End of this chapter)

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