Chapter 535
"My lord, I deeply regret the death of Princess Rong'an." Fang Zilan said in a low voice, "I will plead guilty and subdue the law, and my lord doesn't have to. Some lies are easy to be taken seriously after a long time."

"Fang Zilan, what do you mean?" King Rong An stared at him angrily, Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Your Highness knows it well, do you have to tell me?"

"You..." King Rong An was furious, but Fang Zilan had no intention of entanglement with him, she just raised her eyes to look at Li Shengxuan who was standing in front of the throne, with a serious and calm expression.

Li Shengxuan looked at Fang Zilan, her expression was so familiar, how many times he was familiar with it in midnight dreams, he would often feel sad because of the many faces with such expressions.

When he was fighting against Miluo, when he was stationed in the northern border, when he was suppressing the bandits... the people around him were also fearless in life and fearless.

People who have already put life and death aside, don't care about any other people's eyes and words.Fang Zilan's resoluteness is because she chose a path of life to death.

Her hands are soaked in blood, so she is not afraid that one day she will pay for it with her life.

Li Shengxuan's hands hidden in his sleeves were clenched into fists. He was silent for a while, before he said, "Fang Zilan, Duke of Yue, is suspected of killing Princess Rong'an. He will be put in the sky prison and will be tried later."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the murderer also confessed, but Li Shengxuan still couldn't say a word.

"Your Majesty!" King Rong An burst into tears, and Di Rongzheng turned his expression cold, "Your Majesty Dajing, if you insist on covering up, my Di Rong's department will be completely severed from Dajing from now on, and will have nothing to do with it."

"Prince Di Rong, I never like threats." Li Shengxuan said in a deep voice, "Xia Houzhang, send Envoy Di Rong back to the post so that he can take care of him."

"Yes." Xia Houzhang took the order to leave, but Di Rongzheng did not dare to say the word: "The majestic Dajing is actually detained for the envoy?"

"Envoy Di Rong, please." Xia Houzhang walked up to Envoy Di Rong, raised his hand as a gesture of invitation, he stood up awkwardly, and reluctantly walked out of the hall.

On the other side, Xie Yanping escorted Fang Zilan to the dungeon, and finally couldn't help but said: "Lord Fang, although I don't know you very well, I don't believe that you will rashly kill Princess Rong'an, is there any misunderstanding? "

"Master Xie saw it with his own eyes, how can there be any misunderstanding?" Fang Zilan said lightly, Xie Yanping frowned, "But..."

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan interrupted him, and said with a blank expression: "Master Xie, it's not the time for interrogation, so don't break the rules and add unnecessary trouble to yourself."

Hearing this, Xie Yanping pursed his lips and said no more. After sending Fang Zilan to the dungeon, he gave a few words of advice and left.

However, as soon as Xie Yanping came out of the prison, he found out who had spread the news. Everyone in the capital knew that Fang Zilan had killed Princess Rong'an and forced Di Rong's Princess Erya to death.

Ji Ningtian in the Hong'an Pavilion was no exception. After Wu Qing finished speaking, he said noncommittally: "That loyal son is really fast, he must want Lan'er to die."

Wu Qing didn't speak, she knew that all of this was planned by Ji Ningtian, Murong Qing only contacted Di Rong's department a few times in the middle, and then spread the news at the first time, such thoughts and means, It is indeed not to be underestimated.

It's just that Fang Zilan really has to die?

Ji Ningtian stood up, and gently turned the candlestick beside the desk, revealing the narrow dark room inside, where there was a memorial tablet with the inscription "The Spirit of Concubine Chu Shu".

"Mother Concubine, Lan'er and I have finally come this far." Ji Ningtian said, lit the incense sticks, and offered it in front of the memorial tablet, "I promised you that I would marry Lan'er as my wife. She is the queen. If she dies this time, I will never marry again."

Wu Qing bit her red lips tightly, her eyes drooping and she remained silent.In the eyes of outsiders, she is the princess that Yuning Wang Mingmei is marrying, but in this Hong'an Pavilion, she is just an inconspicuous and unknown person.

Occasionally she would envy Fang Zilan, even jealous.But in all fairness, if she and Fang Zilan changed places, she might not be able to do that.

Originally, Fang Zilan could do nothing, just to live a stable life with good clothes and good food, but he entered the game for the so-called "repayment" and tried his best, but he would end up ruined.

If he were obediently a pawn of the ghost gate, the knife in Ji Ningtian's hand, closed his eyes and turned his ears to it, and didn't know anything, like her, wouldn't it be easier to live?

Unfortunately, she is not Fang Zilan, and she will never know the answer.

"Young Master, are you serious, do you want to watch Fang Zilan be executed?" Wu Qing heard her own voice, every word and every word revealed indescribable doubt.

Ji Ningtian laughed, and Wu Qing suddenly fell to her knees, "This subordinate made a slip of the tongue, please punish me, Young Master."

"Get up." Ji Ningtian closed the dark room and sat back on the main seat, "This is the end of the matter, if Li Shengxuan has to protect Lan'er, let him go, and the country in Dajing will not be stable in the future. If otherwise……"

He paused, his voice lowered a bit, "A killer who cannot complete the task is doomed to die."

Can't complete the task?Wu Qing repeated this sentence in her heart, and suddenly remembered the day she gave Fang Zilan the mission, Fang Zilan shed tears sincerely, and what was Ji Ningtian doing at that time?Maybe he was just thinking about how Fang Zilan would take up this task.

It wasn't until this moment that Wu Qing really understood that this was a dead end that had no solution from the very beginning.

Become someone who can shake Li Shengxuan, so what if Fang Zilan did it?After all, he was separated from Guimen and Ji Ningtian.

But if you can't do it, you will risk your own life, and you can't escape a death anyway.

It's just that such a dead end was sugar-coated by Ji Ningtian in the name of love, and Fang Zilan swallowed it willingly.

If she could do it all over again, would Fang Zilan regret it?
Wu Qing never thought that someone would ask Fang Zilan the question in her heart almost bluntly.

It was night, Li Shengxuan was standing outside the prison door, and Fang Zilan was only separated by a wall, ten steps away, but it seemed to be separated by thousands of rivers and mountains.

"Fang Zilan, do you regret it?" Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, Fang Zilan sat against the wall without any intention of getting up, and smiled with the corners of his lips raised, "I'm tired of killing people, it's time to pay back my life. "

Li Shengxuan's heart fell into the ice cave following her words, and he could finally confirm that it was she who didn't want to live anymore.

But why?Just at this juncture, Princess Rong'an was killed.Even if she lied and deceived others, and pretended to be a living Bodhisattva in the hearts of the people in the southeast, she would not be guilty of death, so why did she kill her?

Thinking of this, Li Shengxuan's lips moved, but he changed his words when he reached his mouth, "Mo Han's injury is not serious, he wants to see you."

 Li Shengxuan: It's really hard for me...

(End of this chapter)

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