Don't ask where people go

Chapter 539 Proposals

Chapter 539 Proposals
Zhuge Yu's expression froze, "Your Majesty..."

"I understand, as the lord of the capital, what can and cannot be done." Li Shengxuan cut off Zhuge Yu's words, and there was a trace of inexplicable astringency in his voice, "It's just that I'm just a mortal with selfish intentions. .”

Zhuge Yu's hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists. What he was most worried about finally happened.He closed his eyes slightly, collected his expression, and asked, "Did the Prime Minister say anything to His Majesty when he entered the palace for an audience?"

Li Shengxuan was silent for a moment, and told Zhuge Yu the content related to the art of witchcraft, he nodded in agreement, "What the prime minister said is very reasonable, and such a precedent must not be set."

"So, you also think that Fang Zilan is the real culprit who killed Princess Rong'an and must die?" Li Shengxuan couldn't help asking, but Zhuge Yu remained silent for a long time before saying, "I don't think so."

He changed his name, and the relationship between the two of them was no longer a clear-cut relationship between monarch and minister, "Although I have known Sister Lan for only a few years, I have almost never made a mistake when I see her act."

He paused, then changed his voice almost abruptly, "I wonder if Your Majesty still remembers that the two princesses of Di Rong were robbed and killed when they entered Beijing last year?"

"I remember." Li Shengxuan nodded, and Zhuge Yu continued: "At that time, Wu Sheng, Yang Zhiqing and other adults were killed one after another, and people in Beijing were panicked for a while, but since King Yucheng got married, no similar cases have happened. Yes. The Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager let the news out, and the people praised Yucheng Wang as a lucky star alive, and the joy of the wedding shocked the troublemaker."

"I've also heard about this matter." Li Shengxuan said thoughtfully, "Zhuge Yu, what exactly do you want to say?"

"The murderer hasn't been arrested yet, how could he stop for no reason? If you think about it, someone must have done something behind the scenes to prevent the murder from happening." Zhuge Yu looked solemn, "The person who stopped the murderer is Fang Zilan."

Li Shengxuan was startled, and Zhuge Yu continued on his own, "Your Majesty knows that she is inextricably linked with the ghost gate, and the Zhuge family also has a lot of concerns about this, but when there is chaos, she chooses the big one." Beijing."

"She..." Li Shengxuan's expression was complicated, and his compassion became stronger and stronger.If Fang Chongzheng's proposal is followed, will Fang Zilan have a way out?
Li Shengxuan remembered Fang Chongzheng's last words when he entered the palace for an audience that day, which was something he could not tell Zhuge Yu.

Fang Chongzheng frankly admitted that Fang Zilan was the third miss of the Fang family, his concubine's daughter, it was not her will to accidentally kill Princess Rong'an, and he was also responsible for her poor education.

After hearing these words, Li Shengxuan hesitated in his heart. Although because of the status of the old man of Fang's family in the prime minister's mansion, the current emperor, whether it is his father or elder brother, still has suspicions, but Fang Chongzheng acts upright, and has never had any reason to fall into the hands of others.

In addition, after he married Fang Ziqin, his perception of Fang's family was different than before. Today, if he said that Fang's family was dealt with, he would first feel inappropriate.

However, what he didn't expect was that Fang Chongzheng took advantage of his hesitation to make every step of the way, rolled out the deal retreat one by one, and proposed to change prisoners. After that, Fang's family left the capital and invited Su Heng back to ensure the stability of the Dajing court.

If not, Fang Chongzheng is willing to apologize with death, and use his own life in exchange for Fang Zilan's life...

The Fang family, a family of wealthy merchants, a prime minister who occupies a high position in the court, and a queen who honors her mother, if they are expelled from the capital, I am afraid that the waves caused by Fang Zilan's incident will not be smaller than those caused by the Fang Zilan incident. No less.

Fang Chongzheng had seen through everything and knew that Li Shengxuan would not refuse categorically, so he followed the temptation carefully and put him into a dilemma with every sentence.

For the sake of love and righteousness, both public and private, Li Shengxuan seems to have no reason to refuse.

However, if the prisoner exchange was exposed, it would not be the Duke of Yue who killed someone, or the fact that the Fang family was expelled from Beijing, which would cause a great uproar.

It was the emperor's dereliction of duty and morality, and the world was outraged, and they attacked him.

Not to mention whether the Empress Dowager will return to Beijing, supporting Yucheng Wang Li Qiyou to seize the throne, the Yuning Wang Ji Ningtian who stayed in Beijing will be the first to lose his composure.

So much so that Li Shengxuan once suspected that Fang Chongzheng's proposal was the result of a discussion with Ji Ningtian in advance, in order to push him down from the supreme position, forever...

"Your Majesty?" Zhuge Yu's voice pulled back Li Shengxuan's thoughts, he collected himself, "What did you just say?"

"It's nothing." Zhuge Yu shook his head. It's not that he couldn't see Li Shengxuan's wavering, on the contrary, he was just as shaken as Li Shengxuan.

Seeing this, Li Shengxuan opened his mouth, and before he could say anything, he saw Xia Houzhang coming in a hurry, and shouted "Your Majesty" in a deep voice, but there was no further text.

"But it's okay to say." Li Shengxuan spoke bluntly, and Xia Houzhang said without hesitation: "Master Mo Han has infiltrated the prison."

Hearing this, Zhuge Yu said in a low voice: "Since Your Majesty has the heart, it is not a big deal for Mr. Mo to sneak into the prison."

Xia Houzhang coughed lightly, looked at Li Shengxuan subconsciously, saw his expressionless eyes and said: "Mo Han was also in Xiangsheng Restaurant on the day when the crime happened. If their siblings meet, there will be no new clues."

Zhuge Yu looked clear, the emperor intentionally released the water, of course the people below turned a blind eye, including him.

It's just that, for a scholar like Mo Han to be able to easily escape from the Duke's Mansion of Yue State, and swagger into the dungeon, this is no longer letting the water go, but letting the sea go.

"Your Majesty..." Xia Houzhang bite the bullet and said: "In addition to Lord Mo, King Rong An also went to the prison. He was still on the way when he received the news just now, and he may have already arrived at this moment."

Li Shengxuan's eyes darkened, and he said without anger: "Show me, go to the prison."

Xia Houzhang responded quickly, but before he could pass on the decree, Li Shengxuan had strode out, so he had no choice but to follow immediately.

Zhuge Yu followed closely behind, suddenly feeling flustered for no reason.

In recent days, there has been a wave of ups and downs, and he can't help but worry, will Fang Zilan do anything to King Rong'an?And will there be people hiding in the dark who will take the opportunity to kill King Rong An and stir up even bigger troubles?

Apparently, Zhuge Yu was not the only one who was worried. Li Shengxuan walked in a hurry. When he arrived at the prison, even the warden turned pale with fright, and saluted sincerely, "Your Majesty didn't know that His Majesty was coming, so it's a mistake..."

However, before he finished speaking, Li Shengxuan stepped into the dungeon like a gust of wind.

All the guards in the cell saw Li Shengxuan knelt down one after another, and the warden chased after him, hesitating to speak, "Your Majesty..."

"How is Mr. Fang Zilan, Duke of Yue State?" Xia Houzhang asked on Li Shengxuan's behalf, "Is there anyone here to visit?"

 Fang Chongzheng: Another day full of routines every step of the way =.=
(End of this chapter)

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