Chapter 540
In the prison, King Rong An came too fast, and when he heard the voice from a distance, Fang Zilan had no time to tell Mo Han to leave, so he simply pulled the hairpin from his head, opened the door of the next cell, and let him hide go in.

Afterwards, Fang Zilan quickly returned to her cell, closed the door and locked it, and the whole set of actions was done in one go, even the little jailer who came to report the news, couldn't help but stare dumbfounded, thinking that she had stayed here for several years, I'm afraid the action was not enough She's half as fast.

Fang Zilan cast a grateful look at the little jailer, and said softly: "Don't worry, Mo Han and I will never drag you down."

"Lord Fang is serious." After the little jailer finished speaking, he raised his voice pretentiously, "You all better keep quiet, this is a heavenly prison, few people who come in have always been able to get out alive..."

"What are you shouting about? Didn't you see Lord Rong An coming?" Another older jailer brought King Rong An over, and the younger jailer hurriedly stepped aside, bowing his knees and saluting his greetings flatteringly.

"Master Fang is also a person who fights on the battlefield, and I'm afraid she won't be able to deal with the suffering of a mere prison." The confidant who followed Rong An's side was quite yin and yang, and he said with a fake smile: "Why, you don't know how to serve her well. Master Fang?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan said before the jailer could speak: "Whose dog is this? It was released to bark everywhere, disturbing people's tranquility. Or is it that the prison is so heavy that a mad dog can be mixed in?"

"What did you say?" His confidant suddenly changed his face, and just about to yell at him, King Rong An said: "Master Fang, what else can he do besides show off his quick tongue? Why not show it together, so that this king can take a good look at it." Take a look."

Fang Zilan snorted disdainfully, then laughed out loud as if hearing some joke, "It's up to you, too?"

"You dare to talk to our lord like this, are you tired of work?" Your confidant rushed up and grinned at Fang Zilan through the fence. She was unmoved at all, and asked almost provocatively: "So what?"

As she spoke, she glanced at the people in front of her one by one, with a nice smile on her lips, "Even if I can't survive, I have Princess Rong'an to accompany me, the prince should be very envious."

She was provocative, and King Rong An quickly lost his temper, "Fang Zilan, I will tear your body to pieces!"

"I also know how clever the lord's scheming is, so it's nothing more than that." Fang Zilan smiled even more, but there was an indescribable sarcasm, "Since I have pleaded guilty, I know that I will die, is it broken into pieces? What does it matter? But you, my lord, do you really think this case is over? Who am I working for, and who is the real culprit behind the scenes, you don’t know..."

"Shut up!" King Rong An's expression was as cold as ice, and there was a sudden murderous intent in his tone, "When you are about to die, you still have to sow discord, do you think this king will believe your nonsense?"

Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently, "Believe it or not is the prince's business, it's just the truth, it never ceases to exist if the prince doesn't want to accept it."

"You!" King Rong An shouted angrily: "Come here, open the prison door for me!"

The jailer lingered and walked over to open the cell door. King Rong An became more and more impatient and was about to explode, but the jailer said respectfully: "Please wait patiently for a while, Mrs. Fang has a special status, so the cell where she is held is more expensive than other cells." Harder to open."

King Rong An suppressed his anger, and his confidant rushed forward, snatched the key from the jailer's hand, pushed him hard, and threw him to the side.

After the jailer stood firm, he replied neither humble nor overbearing, "It's a little stupid, please forgive me, don't blame me..."

"Okay, you can step back." King Rong An's expression was not good, the jailer immediately exchanged glances with the young jailer, and left quickly.

However, before he took two steps, he heard the warden's hesitant voice, "This..."

The warden hesitated until Li Shengxuan and his group approached Fang Zilan's cell and saw King Rong An's figure before he said cautiously: "The Lord Rong An is here..."

Li Shengxuan glanced at the warden, "I saw it."

The warden immediately fell silent, and retreated quietly under Xia Houzhang's gaze, but he still couldn't help but glanced back, but couldn't see anything, so he had to leave angrily.

"Your Majesty is here." Xia Houzhang's resonant voice resounded throughout the dungeon. King Rong An was stunned when he heard the sound, and subconsciously looked in his direction, and saw Li Shengxuan as expected.

Fang Zilan was also taken aback, taking advantage of the fact that King Rong An outside the fence was not paying attention, she looked at the wall in the opposite direction out of the corner of her eye. will speak.Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Your Majesty..." King Rong An was stunned for a moment, and then saluted respectfully. Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Li Shengxuan asked, "What is Uncle Huang doing?"

At this time, King Rong An's confidant had already opened the prison door, and he was in a dilemma at the door, so he could only ask Rong An King for help, and under his instruction, he fell to his knees with a plop.

Unexpectedly, after his confidant knelt down and had no time to speak out, Xia Houzhang took him down for trespassing, and was so shocked that he didn't even say a word of injustice before being dragged down.

Such a scene of killing chickens for monkeys made King Rongan even more frustrated. The murderer Fang Zilan had already pleaded guilty, and Li Shengxuan not only did not deal with it as soon as possible, but delayed it again and again.

Up until now, it has been blatantly partial.I don't know how the courtiers will react after learning about today's scene?

"Uncle Emperor?" Li Shengxuan called King Rong An lightly. He restrained his emotions and said word by word: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the management of the Heavenly Prison is loose. To make such a move..."

Li Shengxuan felt it was funny, but before he could speak in person, Zhuge Yu said in a low voice: "With Mr. Fang's skills, it is easy to escape from prison. How can you wait for the prince to catch him?"

King Rong An opened his mouth, and waved his sleeves angrily, "Your Majesty, Master Fang is unforgivable in any case, please His Majesty deal with it justly!" I promised not to stand up.

This time it was Li Shengxuan's turn to be stunned. Although there were differences between monarchs and ministers, King Rong'an was the emperor's uncle after all. If he had been kneeling here all this time, it would not be known what would happen if word spread. , the people talked a lot, and it was even harder for Fang Zilan to get away.

"Uncle, please get up quickly." Li Shengxuan stretched out his hand to help, but King Rong'an had no intention of getting up, so Fang Zilan, who was watching coldly, said coldly: "My lord, this is a prison, not a theater."

 Those who are favored are always confident...

(End of this chapter)

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