Chapter 541
King Rong An was furious immediately, and shouted: "Fang Zilan, you killed my beloved daughter, and you still don't know how to repent, and now you are talking nonsense here. Do you really think that my Dajing's laws are so negligent that you can be lawless?"

Fang Zilan yawned, and said casually: "The law in Dajing is strictly followed by everyone, and it is only natural to kill people to pay for their lives. Otherwise, what does the prince think I am doing here? Is it because the residence of the Duke of Yue is too comfortable, and experience life in another place?" ?”

"You..." King Rong An was so angry that he wanted to rush into the cell, but was stopped by Xia Houzhang, "Your Majesty, calm down."

But Fang Zilan in that room didn't care, and added fuel to the fire: "My lord, I would like to advise you, if you really want me to pay for the princess's life, you might as well wait for the holy order, and don't do all these things, so as not to worry about it when the time comes." Something went wrong, and what was reasonable became unreasonable.”

King Rong An clenched his fists and creaked, his red eyes seemed to tear Fang Zilan to pieces at any moment.

Seeing this, Li Shengxuan winked at Xia Houzhang who was standing in front of him, and said without anger: "Uncle Huang is too sad, and he is not awake at the moment, send him back quickly, please take care of the imperial doctor."

"Yes." Xia Houzhang accepted the order, and King Rong An wanted to say something more, but when he saw Li Shengxuan's stern expression, he dared not speak out, and walked away angrily.

After seeing Xia Houzhang and King Rong An walk out of the prison, Li Shengxuan's expression softened a little, but Fang Zilan went straight to the door of the cell, closed the door casually, and locked it very naturally.

Zhuge Yu coughed lightly, "The warden's least worry is that Mr. Fang will escape from prison."

The warden standing behind them said, "Lord Zhuge is joking."

However, Li Shengxuan seemed to have not heard their words at all, looked at Fang Zilan fixedly, and said word by word: "You have already left, why don't you come out?"

Zhuge Yu was stunned for a moment, then saw the little jailer running over, opened the door of Fang Zilan's cell next door, Mo Han walked out from it, saluted calmly, "See Your Majesty."

Fang Zilan was not at all embarrassed by being seen through, she just waved her hand at Mo Han and said: "Okay, you can go back." Then she bowed to Li Shengxuan and said: "Please Your Majesty take him out, I am very grateful."

Perhaps her appearance was too distant and polite, even Li Shengxuan was taken aback, but Zhuge Yu said calmly: "Lord Fang, Princess Rong'an is a daughter of the clan, her death cannot be ended by taking her life for her life. Just now You have also seen King Rong An's attitude, I am afraid that he will not be kind, and I don't know how many people in the Duke of Yue's mansion will be involved in the future."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Mo Han as if he meant something, the other party subconsciously pursed his lips, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

Hearing the words, Fang Zilan's expression froze, and his expression was a little lively, "If the death of Princess Rong'an can't stop with me, I'm afraid it will not only implicate many people in the Duke of Yue's mansion."

The implication of her words was obvious, Zhuge Yu's heart sank, why didn't he think of the worst situation?

Cao Hong was still on his way to the southwest camp. Not long after the background dispute between him and General Li in the north had passed, something happened to Fang Zilan who brought them all the way up. How could he get out without getting involved?Once it intensifies, the soldiers in the camp will inevitably not be affected. If there are neighbors who hear the news and move, I am afraid that the consequences will be disastrous...

But without waiting for Zhuge Yu to say anything, Li Shengxuan said: "I have something to say to Fang Zilan alone, you all stand down."

It wasn't until Fang Zilan and Li Shengxuan were left that she heard him say in a deep voice: "I can try my best to overcome all opinions and keep the whole of the Yue Kingdom's mansion, so that the death of Princess Rong'an ends with you, so you won't be implicated."

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment, then asked aloud, "What is the price?"

price?Li Shengxuan repeated the word secretly, as if he had made up his mind, and said: "From now on, you will be the third lady of the Fang family, and you will never go to court again."

Fang Zilan clenched her fingers into fists, her face remained calm, "It seems that His Majesty has already summoned the Prime Minister."

"That's right." Li Shengxuan nodded slightly, "He told me everything." Including your involuntary.

He didn't say the second half of the sentence, just because he didn't want to bring up Fang Zilan's sad things again, and went to hell to avenge his mother. Even if such things are remembered thousands of times, they will not be good memories, it is better to forever Dust up.

"The prime minister said everything?" Fang Zilan frowned, "Including who am I?"

Li Shengxuan thought she didn't believe it, so he simply repeated, "Yes, you heard me right, the third miss of the Fang family, Fang Zilan."

Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief. The former Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang and Mrs. Qin Ji's daughter, this identity is something she is unwilling to admit and bear. If Li Shengxuan can make Li Shengxuan think that she is just the third lady of the prime minister's mansion, there is nothing wrong with it. it is good.

However, she only breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately realized what Li Shengxuan's words meant, and her nerves tensed again, "Your Majesty find someone to die for me?"

She asked cautiously and bluntly, and Li Shengxuan answered yes bluntly.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Fang Zilan couldn't help but gasped. It would be impossible to say that she hadn't moved Li Daitao's stiff thoughts at all, but this incident happened suddenly and the reasons for it were tortuous. If only she was sacrificed, It is worth it to be able to save other people.

But now, Li Shengxuan, the king of the entire capital, stood in front of her and told her that she didn't have to die, as long as she opened her mouth, she would find someone to die for her.

It was such a great opportunity, if I missed it, there might not be a second time, but she still hesitated.

"I won't ask you the same thing again." Li Shengxuan looked serious, "Fang Zilan, think about it. If you reject me, it is not known whether Mo Han will survive. The people from the Duke of Yue's mansion, and even Cao Hong and others who are far away , what will happen?"

Fang Zilan opened his mouth, and hesitated for a while before saying: "Others... Can His Majesty really keep them?"

"Although it is impossible to escape completely, it is not difficult to save one's life." Li Shengxuan said while deliberating: "After ransacking the house, demote the other people in your house as slaves and temporarily place them in various houses that I trust. Stay out of the limelight for two years and you'll be free."

Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy. It turned out that Li Shengxuan didn't make a sudden decision, but had already thought about the way out, so she had no reason to refuse, but...

She didn't understand why Li Shengxuan wanted her to live even though he didn't hesitate to find someone to die for him.

You must know that the risk of changing the prisoner instead of death is no less than her risking the world's disgrace to kill Princess Rong'an, or even worse.

Once it is exposed, not only the courtiers will attack it, but the people all over the world will also question the justice of the law. At that time, Li Shengxuan's throne will not be guaranteed.

 Can this desperate move earn a way out?
(End of this chapter)

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