Chapter 544
"Isn't that Master Mo, why are you following Mr. Xu?" The voice was deliberately raised with a gun and a stick, revealing an indescribable sneer, "Oh, I forgot, there is no such thing as Master Mo for a long time."

There was a burst of laughter around, and A Wan, who was standing in the corner by the wall, was furious, and was about to rush out, but was stopped by Wen Ya, before he could speak, he heard someone from the other side say: "Mr. The servant girl seems unusual, could it be that she has taken a fancy to her?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" A Wan turned back and glared at the speaker, Wen Ya reached out and pulled her behind him, and said softly: "A Wan is quite talented in studying medicine, I have planned to pass on the mantle to her, please Lord Lu, speak carefully."

The man who was called Mr. Lu was stunned for a moment, and before he had time to say anything else, he heard a gentle voice from the center of the courtyard, saying: "Mr. Xu is well."

Everyone was quiet for a while, and looked at the source of the sound in unison, only to see Fang Zilan bowed and greeted Xu Yi, the eldest son of Xu You's family opposite.

Mo Han, who was following Xu Yi with his head down, was stunned when he heard the voice, and looked over subconsciously.The person in front of him was extremely thin, with a slight blush on his pale cheeks, and his shy and timid appearance was very delicate. Although his appearance was eighty percent like his sister Lan's, his words and deeds were different. It seemed that he was indeed thinking too much.

His sister Lan is no longer here.

Fang Zilan observed Mo Han's reaction calmly. In order to make everyone believe it was true, she didn't even tell Mo Han and A Wan about the prisoner replacement. She was so helpless that she couldn't bear to show her feet on purpose.

But even so, she never really told Xiao Xuan'er what happened behind the scenes, but the two of them tacitly knew that the third lady in the prime minister's mansion was Fang Zilan, Duke of Yue.

"Miss Fang San is really rare to see." Xu Yi returned the salute, Fang Zilan half covered her face with a round fan, and said with a light smile: "Mr. It was Madam Wang who did it, how dare I not give her face?"

Xu Yi was stunned, Mrs. Wang Quanrui held flower fairs every year, but she didn't see them in previous years, but she showed her hospitality this year. How can anyone change so much?It's not that they couldn't receive invitations in previous years, but this year everyone wanted to see the fun, so they invited her over.Give Mrs. Wang face?Does she know how much she weighs? Does she really think she is a noble girl?

Sure enough, someone sneered and said, "In terms of talking and joking, who can compare to Miss Fang?" The speaker's voice was quite loud, and he walked towards this side while talking.

Fang Zilan raised his eyes and felt familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he remembered that it was Wang Xianhui, the son of Wang Quanrui. This time the flower fair was organized by his mother. .

"My lord, I'm ashamed and dare not take it." Fang Zilan was well-mannered and polite, but Wang Xianhui's expression suddenly darkened, "My lord? Third Miss Fang is too ignorant."

Fang Zilan sneered secretly, she deliberately showed her flaws, and the little fool fell for it.When she acted in the New Year's Society drama before, Wang Xianhui played Yaoxie with her. At that time, she knew that Wang Xianhui had an official position, but was ridiculed by Wei Subaru for being unworthy. It's Zhima Da's official, Hai Da's temper.

However, she pretended to be shocked, and said cautiously: "I...did I say something wrong, to annoy the prince so much?"

"You!" Wang Xianhui seemed to have punched the cotton, but the little girl opposite saw him stare, and her eyes turned red with fear. She looked innocent and pitiful, as if she had been bullied by him.

Seeing this, Xu Yi hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Miss Fang, don't be afraid, it's just that Mr. Wang already has an official position, so the title of son is not appropriate."

Fang Zilan immediately understood: "So, I didn't even know that Mr. Wang is already Mr. Wang."

Actually?Furious, Wang Xianhui took a step forward, but before he could speak, Fang Zilan staggered in fright from his aggressive appearance, rolled his eyes and passed out.

Qiuchan, who had been following Fang Zilan, couldn't help but turn pale, hurriedly supported her body, and exclaimed: "Miss!"

Both Wang Xianhui and Xu Yi were dumbfounded. They knew that Miss Fang San was a sick child, but they never thought that she was so delicate, but she could be scared faint by talking too loudly?
"Little girl, what's the matter with your lady?" Xu Yi was the first to react, and looked at Qiu Chan suspiciously, but the little girl met his gaze without fear, but her voice was trembling, "My family Miss, she...she fell into the water before, and she couldn't bear the fright..."

When she said this, everyone in the courtyard had an impression. It was said that an adult lost his morals after drinking and tried to belittle Fang Zilan in vain. It took a lot of effort to get it up, and half of his life was lost at that time, and he never appeared in front of people afterwards.

Thinking about it this way...Xu Yi and Wang Xianhui exchanged glances, and they both saw panic in each other's eyes.Even if Fang Zilan is insignificant, she is still the daughter of the Prime Minister's family. If there are any problems, her father who is the prime minister is not a vegetarian.

Most of the onlookers saw the seriousness of the matter, so someone called out "Mr. Wen", and saw Wen Ya approaching slowly, crossed the crowd, and walked to the unconscious Fang Zilan.

"Mr. Wen, how is Miss Fang San?" Wang Xianhui couldn't help asking, Wen Ya unhurriedly withdrew his hand to check Fang Zilan's pulse, and called A Wan, "Come and see."

A Wan stayed where she was, until someone urged her to walk over, and put her hand on it blankly, but the moment she felt her pulse, she suddenly understood Wen Ya's intentions.

The sudden surprise almost dazzled A Wan's head, she jumped three feet high like a frightened rabbit, "She! She..."

Everyone was frightened by A Wan's words at once, Wen Ya didn't dare to speak out, and this little girl reacted like this, could it be that Fang Zilan was scared to death?
Xu Yi was taken aback by his own thoughts, and without regard for etiquette, he grabbed Fang Zilan's wrist, and just after confirming that he still had a pulse, Awan yelled, "What are you doing?"

"Awan, don't be rude." Wen Ya stood up slowly, bowed to Wang Xianhui and said, "My lord, Third Miss Fang was quite frightened, and she still needs to find a secluded place for proper treatment."

"Yes, what Mr. Wen said is true." Wang Xianhui hurriedly called a few maids, and together with Qiu Chan, helped Fang Zilan to the back room where guests change clothes and rest, and said solemnly: "Everything, please Mr. Wen."

 Fang Zilan: I can't pretend to be gentle, so I can only pretend to be weak→. →
(End of this chapter)

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