Don't ask where people go

Chapter 545 Notification

Chapter 545 Notification
Xu was too flustered, everyone didn't notice, and they were quite excited to follow A Wan who was going to the wing room.Maybe someone noticed it, but it was only because Fang Zilan was in critical condition and no delay was allowed.

In short, no one looked closely at A Wan's expression, but Wen Ya's expression was so serious that one couldn't help but feel suspenseful.

In the wing room, when there was no one around, A Wan shook Fang Zilan's arm, "Okay, I know it's you, stop pretending."

Fang Zilan opened her eyes, sat up and looked at Wen Ya, "Mr. Wen, I didn't expect you to be so impatient and tell Awan so soon."

"I also want to keep it from her." Wen Ya stood with his hands behind his back, and said in a low voice, "But I'm afraid that if it takes a few more days, my stupid apprentice will lose his life for you."

"Master!" A Wan couldn't hold back, and turned her head away involuntarily.

Lose your life?Fang Zilan stared at A Wan thoughtfully, "Our little A Wan didn't hide in the pharmacy and cried for days, did he? His eyes still look a little swollen now."

"No!" A Wan retorted anxiously, but subconsciously touched her eye sockets with her hand, but the next moment, she caught the smile on Fang Zilan's lips, and scratched her angrily, "Okay, you lied to me again!"

Seeing this, Wen Ya coughed lightly, and reminded: "Be careful that the wall has ears."

A Wan immediately fell silent, looked around cautiously, leaned into Fang Zilan's ear and asked, "Is there no one outside?"

"No." Fang Zilan shook her head, "If someone was there, I wouldn't wake up at all."

A Wan curled her lips, and was about to ask something more, but covered her mouth with her hand, took a deep breath at last, stood up, "I'll make you some medicine."

"Awan, don't you ask?" Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, and Awan twisted her fingers, and said unnaturally: "I want to ask, but I don't want to force you, and I don't think you should say it. Now I can see It is enough for you to appear in front of me alive."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left. Fang Zilan looked at her back and sighed softly, "Our little Awan has indeed grown up."

"Miss Fang San, are you planning to attach to the Fang family?" Wen Ya's face showed a touch of inquiry, and Fang Zilan calmly said: "Who knows, just take a step and see."

She said seriously as if remembering something: "However, I will do what I promised you. As long as I live for a day, A Wan will be fine."

Wen Ya breathed a sigh of relief, moved a round stool and sat on the side of the couch, and said in a deep voice, "Master doubts me."

"Normal." Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently, "Over the years, who have you seen him really trust?"

Wen Ya pursed her lips, "On the day Di Rong's mission entered the capital, Young Master sent me out of the capital. When I came back, you had already entered the prison."

"It's not really a suspicion." Fang Zilan pondered for a while and said, "He just doesn't want to have a capable doctor around me who can control the poison in my body. As for other doctors, he knows that I can't trust him, and he doesn't dare to expose himself. There is Gu poison, you can only stand next to it, so that the situation he set up can be effective."

"You don't have to comfort me." Wen Ya said helplessly, "I know what kind of person he is."

"Really?" Fang Zilan was noncommittal, "Speaking of which, I have always been curious whether his illness is true or not."

Wen Ya looked a little cold, "You don't have to test me. There are some things I can say. There are some things that I would rather bring into the coffin than say a word."

Fang Zilan laughed dumbfounded, "Then what do you want to tell me today?"

"Two things." Wen Ya said directly: "The first thing is that Cong Rong belongs to the son, and is also one of the few daughters of the Huan family left in this world."

"I knew this a long time ago." Fang Zilan's voice was muffled, and Wen Ya looked at her in disbelief, "You knew it a long time ago, but you didn't kill her?"

"Xu Shihuanyan is kind to me, I am reluctant to kill the little sister she misses so much." Fang Zilan couldn't see any expression on her face, but there was a little nostalgia in her eyes.

"You are truly a woman." Wen Ya shook his head in disapproval and said, "If I had known this, I shouldn't have asked A Wan to help you recover your memory."

"Mr. Wen, didn't you just tell me about it today?" Fang Zilan teased, "If I really killed Cong Rong early in the morning, would you be willing?"

Wen Ya's expression became even colder, Fang Zilan put it away when she saw the situation, sat upright, and asked seriously: "What's the second thing?"

"The second thing is about the King of Wheels...Chu Bin." Before Wen Ya finished speaking, Fang Zilan asked anxiously, "Did you find him?"

"Never." The simple two words shattered Fang Zilan's hope, she murmured expectantly: "Then..."

Wen Ya didn't answer but asked instead, "Have you ever thought that the Gu poison in your body is overbearing and powerful, it is the best in the world, why Princess Erya can temporarily control your mind with other Gu insects?"

"What do you want to say?" There was an imperceptible tremor in Fang Zilan's voice, Wen Ya couldn't bear it, but he still said bluntly: "I want to say that the Gu poison in your body has shown signs of weakening, which means that the secondary Gu is not Death is serious injury, you have to be mentally prepared."

Fang Zilan clenched her hands in her sleeves tightly, "I believe in Chu Bin, he will be fine..."

"Miss Fang San." Wen Ya emphasized his tone, and said word by word: "You have worked for the young master for many years, and you should know his methods better than anyone else. Is it really possible for Chu Bin to survive?"

"Live to see people, die to see corpses." Fang Zilan said coldly: "Before I see him, I don't believe anyone's words."

Wen Ya opened his mouth, and before he could say anything, Fang Zilan added: "I don't believe a single word."

"Forget it. You always..." Before Wen Ya finished speaking, she heard a hasty knock on the door, followed by Qiu Chan's shout, "Mr. Wen, how is my miss?"

Wen Ya walked over to open the door, and saw Qiu Chan holding the door frame out of breath, looking into the room, "Miss?"

"What happened?" Wen Ya blocked Qiu Chan's sight, only to realize that Mo Han was still following behind her, "Mr. Mo, you..."

"Mr. Wen, King Rong An is here." Mo Han frowned, "The lord wants to meet Third Miss Fang by name."

Wen Ya's expression froze, and he turned around to see the people in the wing room, Mo Han and Qiu Chan looked over together, only to see Fang Zilan lying on the couch, still unconscious.

Qiu Chan immediately burst into tears, "What should I do..."

"Girl, don't worry, A Wan has already gone to decoct the medicine." Wen Ya comforted her, "I gave Miss Fang San an injection, and then I took the decoction, and I should be able to wake up."

"That's good." Qiu Chan said gratefully, "Thank you sir..."

"Mr. Wen, but King Rong'an is still outside..." Mo Han didn't continue, Wen Ya knew it in his heart, "Mr. Mo, if the lord must meet Miss Fang San, you might as well ask him to wait for a while."

 King Rong An came as soon as he said, the seeds of doubt finally germinated
(End of this chapter)

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