Don't ask where people go

Chapter 546 Confirmation

Chapter 546 Confirmation
Mo Han's expression was gloomy, but he still took a step back, stood outside the door and bowed, "Mr. Laowen has to worry about it."

"Mr. Mo, the person inside is Miss Fang San. She is not someone you can care about, let alone someone you should worry about." Wen Ya said calmly: "If you don't go back, you will be afraid of disaster and fortune." The person who expected it would be you."

"I understand." Mo Han lowered his eyes and said, "Thank you Mr. Wen, I'll go back right away."

Qiu Chan was stunned to the side, and only after Mo Han left did she timidly ask, "Mr. Wen, can I go in?"

"Not for the time being." Wen Ya's tone softened a bit, "It won't be too late for the girl to come in after I give Miss Fang the needle."

"Okay." Qiu Chan nodded hurriedly, then thanked her again, and stayed outside.

Wen Ya turned around and went back to the wing room, seeing Fang Zilan sitting up again, holding her chin in her hand and said thoughtfully: "They all found this place."

"King Rong'an only has a precious daughter like the princess, and his majesty is generous, so he has not implicated the whole of Yue's mansion, so he will be sentenced to death." Wen Ya said softly: "If this is the case, if King Rong'an can't confirm the killing The chief culprit of the princess has been killed, how can I feel at ease?"

"On the day of the execution, if King Yuning hadn't stopped him, wouldn't King Rongan have confirmed it long ago?" Fang Zilan said it as a matter of course, but Wen Ya asked back: "With your dexterity, didn't you notice something wrong?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, "It's not completely absent."

Speaking of which, she was near the execution ground that day, and she felt strange when she saw this scene. It stands to reason that with Wen Ya's disguise technique, King Rong An must not be able to find a flaw, and she had a poisonous attack in the last few days in prison. There was not a drop of water in, and she was so thin that she lost her appearance, so she changed it out in advance.

The matter of prisoner replacement and death was very secretive, and few people knew about it, except for her, Li Shengxuan, Fang Chongzheng, Wen Ya, and Ji Ningtian who received Wen Ya's tip-off, no one knew about it.It is impossible for King Rong An to know, otherwise he would have had an attack long ago, why would he need to wait for the day when he would be executed everywhere?

When King Rong An came out, he was obviously looking for peace of mind, but he was stopped by Ji Ningtian.If he didn't know about Ji Ningtian and the ghost gate, he wouldn't feel anything if he thought about it, but not only did he know, but he also knew that Fang Zilan had a close relationship with the ghost gate.

In this way, Ji Ningtian's blocking seemed extremely deliberate, and if one thought about it deeply, it seemed that there were ulterior motives.

Seeing that Fang Zilan was silent, Wen Ya stopped talking and started administering acupuncture and medicine to her.

Feeling the pain in her arm, Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and finally swallowed what she wanted to ask.She never figured it out, Ji Ningtian knew about the exchange of prisoners and death, if he used this to attack Li Shengxuan, it would definitely have a better effect than the current suspicion.

But Ji Ningtian didn't do this, Fang Zilan once suspected that he was reluctant to let her die, but after thinking about it, he was really not this kind of person.He is the one who will do anything for the sake of his ambition and give up everything. The biggest possibility is that he will benefit more from the current situation.

However, what kind of benefits did Ji Ningtian gain?

"Miss Fang San, although the Gu poison in your body has devoured all the Gu worms that Princess Erya laid down, but you have suffered a lot and need to recuperate." Wen Ya warned a few words, and Fang Zilan dragged her voice: " Got it, I'm going to take a rest."

Wen Ya shook his head helplessly, but heard A Wan's voice outside the door, "Master, I've cooked Miss Fang San's medicine."

"Bring it in." As soon as Wen Ya finished speaking, she saw Awan pushing the door and entering, followed by Qiuchan who followed suit.

Fang Zilan leaned on the bed, looking half asleep and half awake.A Wan leaned forward, and just as she was about to hand over the medicine bowl, she saw Qiu Chan stretching out her hand, "Girl, let me take care of the medicine for Miss."

A Wan was stunned for a moment, and Qiu Chan took the medicine bowl from her hand, and fed Fang Zilan the medicine thoughtfully.

"Mr. Wen has been in for so long, isn't Miss Fang San still awake?" A voice of dissatisfaction suddenly sounded, accompanied by hurried footsteps, making Qiuchan's hand holding the medicine bowl tremble involuntarily.

Fang Zilan raised her hand to support the medicine bowl, "Is it still stable?"

Qiuchan nodded quickly, but she still couldn't hide the fear on her face. Fang Zilan simply took the medicine bowl from her hand and drank it down, "Let's go, help me out."

With Qiuchan's support, Fang Zilan slowly walked out of the wing room, and as soon as she went out, she saw King Rong An standing with his hands behind his back, followed by many guards, and the young servant who cleared the way in front was cursing.

Mrs. Wang Quanrui, who came over after hearing the sound, looked displeased. Wang Xianhui, Xu Yi and the others were also standing beside her. The servant girls stood in front of them, blocking the way of Wang Rong'an and his party.

The two sides couldn't stand each other, Fang Zilan walked over unhurriedly, seeing her coming out, Mrs. Wang rushed up to meet her, "Good boy, how are you? But what's wrong?"

"Thank you Madam for your concern." Fang Zilan saluted delicately and weakly, but she couldn't even stand firmly, relying on Qiuchan's support to prevent her from falling.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wang also took advantage of the opportunity to support Fang Zilan's arm, and then realized that her body was unusually hot, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Do you have a fever?"

King Rong An dismissed it, and casually nodded to the person beside him, "You, go and get Miss Fang San's pulse."

The doctor who was pointed out answered yes, but before he got close, Qiuchan yelled, "What are you doing? Mr. Wen just gave my lady an injection..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was grabbed by King Rong An's guards.Without her support, Fang Zilan staggered two steps and fell to the ground.

The doctor stepped forward and grabbed Fang Zilan's wrist, made a diagnosis with concentration, and suddenly changed his expression, "This..."

Wen Ya and A Wan followed, "Dr. Cai Cheng, what did you find out?"

After being called out by Wen Ya's name, Cai Cheng broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, hesitating and daring not to speak.

King Rong An, who had been watching all this time, lost his patience. The servant next to him understood and yelled, "Speak up if you have something to say, why hesitate!"

"This...Miss Fang San loses both vitality and blood, I'm afraid she won't live forever." Cai Cheng was terrified, closed his eyes and stomped his feet, and said, "Even if we can survive this winter, I'm afraid it will be difficult for thirty."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Qiuchan's eyes turned red on the spot, and she was about to rush out to fight Cai Cheng desperately.

Fang Zilan stared at Cai Cheng in disbelief, two lines of tears came out of her eyes, "How could it be..." The despair in her eyes did not seem to be fake, and everyone present sighed.

The guards of King Rong An loosened their strength for a moment, Qiu Chan tried her best to break free and ran to Fang Zilan's side, "Miss..."

With Qiuchan's support, Fang Zilan struggled to stand up, tears brimming over her firm expression, "Thank you, Dr. Cai, for telling the truth."

 Fang Zilan: Is age eternal?Awan Wenya said every day, I am immune, but scaring others is effective...

(End of this chapter)

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