Don't ask where people go

Chapter 547 Entering the Palace

Chapter 547 Entering the Palace
"Miss Fang San, I'm really sorry..." Cai Cheng couldn't hold back, but Fang Zilan suddenly calmed down a lot, "Since you call me Miss Fang San, you should know that I am the daughter of the Fang family of Xiangfu. Although I am weak I can’t take care of myself, but I’m not someone who can intimidate me with a few words.”

Cai Cheng hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Miss Fang San, I am not threatening, but your body is indeed in a state of exhaustion..."

"So what?" Fang Zilan interrupted him, her voice trembling slightly, but she still said word by word: "Do your best and obey the fate. No one can say how long I will live."

Mo Han in the crowd suddenly raised his head when he heard these words.For some reason, at this very moment, Miss Fang San, who seemed weak, seemed to overlap with his sister Lan, as if they had never left.

Fang Zilan met Mo Han's gaze, although it was only for a short moment, but they had already understood each other, then she saluted, and solemnly said: "The flowers are blooming very well today, but I am very tired, so I will not be here Disturbing everyone's pleasure."

After she finished speaking, she bid farewell to Mrs. Wang, and bowed to everyone present one by one, but before the ceremony was over, she couldn't hold on anymore and fell over again.Amidst the exclamation of everyone, she was finally sent back to the prime minister's mansion.

Early the next morning, Empress Fang Ziqin summoned Wang Quanrui's wife and a group of wives who attended yesterday's flower show into the palace.In addition, as long as there is an imperial order, the female family members of high rank and high grade in Beijing will also be called into the palace.

Fang Ziqin did not bluntly say that Fang Zilan was in trouble repeatedly yesterday, but no one spoke out to help her, but went from house to house, sisters and sisters-in-law beat each other, forcing all the female relatives to break into cold sweat, even the most stupid ones could hear it implication.

Until noon, although Fang Ziqin tried to persuade her to stay, none of the female family members dared to stay for lunch, and left the palace in a hurry, which was a sigh of relief.

It is widely spread in Beijing that Fang Ziqin was in charge of the family at the age of ten, married as Princess Xiang at the age of 14, and is now in command of the harem, so everyone knows that she is not comparable to the daughter of an ordinary family.Usually it doesn't show mountains and dews, but once it is rectified like today, it will hit the nail on the head.

Everyone in the Fang family protects their shortcomings, and Fang Ziqin is clearly telling the world that no one can bully her sister.

The female relatives who returned to the various mansions all had long memories, and they unanimously removed Fang Zilan from their list of daily banquet activities.As for the princes and lords, after King Rong An made such a fuss, they knew in their hearts that Miss Fang San, who had lost both vitality and blood, could never be the Duke of Yue, who was decisive in killing and attacking, so they gradually turned the matter over. The article was written, and King Rong An also sadly left the capital and returned to the southeast fiefdom.

Unexpectedly, as soon as King Rong An left Beijing, Fang Ziqin announced Fang Zilan into the palace on the back foot, under the pretense that he wanted to keep this sick sister by his side so that he could take care of her.

Now all the female relatives in the capital can't sit still. In Li Shengxuan's harem, there is only Fang Ziqin, a queen. The identity of the queen's younger sister is about to enter the palace.

Even if Fang Zilan did not enter the palace as a concubine, who can tell what will happen after entering the palace, if the pair of sisters from the Fang family used any means, wouldn't the harem be completely named Fang...

Li Shengxuan readily agreed after learning about this, but Fang Zilan was reluctant. She originally wanted to stay in the prime minister's mansion leisurely, why would she want to enter the palace and be bound by the rules every day?
However, one person is no match for the royal power, Fang Zilan comforted herself that the most dangerous place is the safest place, and then she carried her little luggage and brought Qiu Chan into the palace.

A Wan was overjoyed when she heard the news. After all, Wen Ya, as an imperial physician, spent most of her time in the palace. She followed Wen Ya, so it was naturally the same. Therefore, if Fang Zilan entered the palace, it meant that they could often see each other. see you.

So, on the first day Fang Zilan entered the palace, Awan followed Wen Ya into Fengyi Palace, thinking that the empress was asking for her pulse, and looked around all the way just to see Fang Zilan.

Naturally, Fang Zilan could see A Wan's careful thinking, and she took the initiative to appear beside Fang Ziqin. After Wen Ya routinely asked for the queen's pulse, A Wan also took Fang Zilan's pulse.

In order to deceive everyone during the flower festival, Wen Ya purposely used needles to mess up Fang Zilan's pulse. Now that the effect has passed, Fang Zilan's pulse is no longer as dangerous as it seemed at the time, but he still can't be careless.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of precious medicinal materials in the palace, no matter what medicine Fang Zilan needs, she can get it.Occasionally, in order to confuse the public, Wen Ya and A Wan would deliberately take a few more medicines, so even if someone deliberately paid attention, it would be difficult to get a glimpse of them.

The first two days before Fang Zilan first entered the palace, she hid in Fengyi Palace and could not come out, it was considered quiet, who knows that these days did not last long, the Queen Mother sent someone over on the third day, asking to see her by name, Inside and outside, she was accused of not knowing the rules, and didn't know how to greet the elders first after entering the palace. By the way, even Queen Fang Ziqin was picked on a few mistakes.

As long as you come, you will be safe. Fang Zilan, with the mentality of correcting if you know your mistakes, humbly accepts the teaching, and went to Yugui Palace the next day to greet the Queen Mother.

Fang Ziqin was worried that Fang Zilan would not be able to cope alone, so she accompanied her to the Yugui Palace. Unexpectedly, they saw Li Shengxuan as soon as they entered the palace, as if they had just greeted the Queen Mother.

Seeing this, Fang Ziqin couldn't help being stunned, and Fang Zilan was also stunned. It stands to reason that Li Shengxuan and the empress dowager, the concubine, are not close. If it is not necessary, I have never heard of him coming to pay her respects. Today is the sun coming out from the west Yet?

Li Shengxuan was not surprised to see them, he just nodded slightly as a signal.Fang Ziqin quickly reacted, Shi Shiran saluted, and Fang Zilan followed closely behind, also saluting.

The Empress Dowager looked displeased, and raised her hand to signal them to stand up straight, then her eyes fell on Fang Zilan, and she snorted coldly, "The Ai family should have expected that there is no one worrying about a woman named Fang Zilan. .”

Fang Zilan still had a delicate and tender appearance, and asked in confusion: "Please excuse my obtuseness, I don't know what the empress dowager means?"

"What do you mean?" The Queen Mother raised her eyebrows, "Your Majesty is here today, why do you pretend to be confused in front of Ai's family?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was very helpless, but in order to maintain her delicate personality, she suppressed her temper and did not refute, allowing the queen mother to continue, "Since you have obtained His Majesty's approval to enter the palace, it is natural to have a place in the harem, otherwise How could His Majesty come to see Aijia in person today? How could the Empress personally accompany you to Yugui Palace?"

These words...

Fang Zilan felt that she couldn't put it into words. In the eyes of everyone, she entered the palace to be Li Shengxuan's woman, to fight for favor and control the harem for her elder sister?

(End of this chapter)

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