Chapter 549
Li Shengxuan finally couldn't help laughing, "It's because of this that you have to leave the palace regardless of your health?"

"Otherwise, what am I for..." Fang Zilan frowned, and Li Shengxuan's smile grew wider, "You, you have always worked so hard, but have you ever thought of a way out?"

"The back road?" Fang Zilan's expression faded, looked at Li Shengxuan, and asked, "Has your majesty ever thought about the back road?"

She asked this question very presumptuously, but Li Shengxuan was not annoyed at all, and still said with a smile: "This is something I will never have in this life, but I hope you have it."

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and said, "If that's the case, I don't have to."

Li Shengxuan was stunned, Fang Zilan said decisively: "At that time, in Wind River Valley, Your Majesty and I were friends of life and death. If there is a way out, Your Majesty is my way out, and I am also His Majesty's way out."

"With your words, I'll be your backdoor for the rest of your life, so what's the problem?" Li Shengxuan stretched out her hand and pinned Fang Zilan's messy temple hair behind her ears. She didn't dodge and let him move, "This is what His Majesty said Yes, no regrets."

"Naturally..." The words "Won't regret it" came to his lips, but Li Shengxuan swallowed it, and replaced it with a question, "If I go back on my word, what will you do?"

"If Your Majesty repents, I will hide and I will never see Your Majesty again." Fang Zilan blurted out an answer that she didn't even expect. She thought that according to her cold temper, she would probably say that she would kill Li Shengxuan, but she didn't.

Li Shengxuan looked serious, "Under the whole world, could it be the king's land. Where can you hide?"

"Your Majesty is trying to suppress me with royal power?" Fang Zilan's eyes were a little chilly, and before Li Shengxuan could answer, he said to himself: "If you can't hide, you will be a stranger to Your Majesty."

Li Shengxuan laughed dumbfounded, and subconsciously told the truth, "I don't want to see you again, so I certainly won't regret it."

"I believe in you." Fang Zilan said without hesitation, and the title of Li Shengxuan changed from His Majesty to you.

Li Shengxuan heard clearly, coughed lightly to hide his smile, and said bluntly: "It's just that if you leave the palace for old Mr. Su Heng, there's no need to."

"What does Your Majesty mean?" Fang Zilan showed doubts, and Li Shengxuan explained: "After Mr. Su Heng heard that Duke Yue was beheaded, he took the initiative to hand over the note and agreed to return to Beijing for his reinstatement."

Fang Zilan asked in shock: "Your Majesty is saying that Lord Su Heng is willing to return to Beijing for me?"

"That's right." Li Shengxuan walked to the table, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Fang Zilan, "After Xiahou's family stayed in the old land of Baiyue, King Rong'an couldn't be restrained by the southeast camp. It just so happened that after you took over, you handled several major events one after another, won the hearts and minds of the people, not to mention fighting against King Rong An, officials big and small did not dare to make mistakes, it was considered safe, but the situation is different now."

Fang Zilan took a sip of tea, and thoughtfully said: "It seems that Master Su Heng is not a person who holds grudges, but he always feels that it is not time to leave the mountain."

"When I was young, I was fortunate to hear a few words from old Mr. Su Heng. He never holds grudges, let alone strives for merit." Li Shengxuan picked up another cup of tea and sat on the main seat. "He doesn't want to go out of the mountain. I think it is because there are talented people coming out from generation to generation, and the situation is stable, so there is no need for his old bones to support him. But if there is a day when the wind and rain are turbulent, even if he breathes his last breath, he will try his best to turn the tide."

"Is the wind and rain precarious?" Fang Zilan repeated the word, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, "Then... shall I personally pick up Mr. Su Heng back to the capital?"

"No need, I have already ordered Xia Houzhang to send the imperial guards." Li Shengxuan looked at the worried person sitting across from him, and comforted him, "You stay in the palace and heal your wounds at ease, don't let me... Your eldest sister is worried."

Fang Zilan thought for a while, and finally let go, "Okay, I will stay in the palace. It's just Mo Han..."

She didn't go on, Li Shengxuan knew it in his heart, "Although Xu Yi is a bit of a dandy, his father, Xu Youtong, knows how to behave. Mo Han will be fine in Xu's residence, so you can rest assured."

"Since Your Majesty said so, then Mo Han can stay in Xu's residence for now." Fang Zilan's voice was a little lower, and Li Shengxuan raised his eyebrows, "If you are so worried, I will give Xu Yi a palace position. Let him often bring Mo Han into the palace to meet you..."

"Who does Your Majesty think I am?" Fang Zilan's expression turned cold suddenly, "As long as Mo Han is safe and sound, it doesn't matter whether I can see him or not."

"If you really think so, why don't you send Mo Han back to Mushan Pass?" Li Shengxuan asked involuntarily, but Fang Zilan asked instead, "If someone important to His Majesty, would His Majesty be willing to leave him far away, or stay behind?" In front of your eyes?"

"Keep it in front of you." Li Shengxuan looked at Fang Zilan steadfastly, and said word by word: "It's like now, right in front of you."

Fang Zilan took a big sip of tea unnaturally, and coughed several times due to choking, "Speaking of which, whose intention is it that I enter the palace?"

"It's your elder sister's idea, but I'm happy to see it come true, so I'll just go with the flow." Li Shengxuan said with a half-smile, "Why, do you think it's what I meant?"

Fang Zilan pretended to be calm and replied: "It's not impossible to listen to the Queen Mother's words in Yugui Palace just now."

"You said a long time ago that if you don't want to be a member of the harem, how can I force you?" Li Shengxuan resignedly added tea to Fang Zilan, "In your heart, is I a foolish king who bullies others with royal power?"

"It's not like Hunjun, it's just..." Fang Zilan pursed her lips and stopped talking.

She knows that there is no real equality in this world, but she has always only hated the monarchy under the feudal system.Perhaps Li Shengxuan is an exception, but he is only a wise gentleman, not a person who can talk to each other.

It's just... to this day, she asks herself, has she really never wavered, has she ever had a heart-to-heart with Li Shengxuan?

She didn't want to lie to herself about this answer.However, if he really moved his heart, he would have to go through mountains of swords and seas of fire, which is even worse than what he did to Shang Ji Ningtian before.

For Ji Ningtian, she was already entangled in poison, if it was for Li Shengxuan...she dare not think about it.

She thought she was not a cowardly person, and she could walk back and forth in the gate of hell for the sake of Dajing, which was the price she had to pay for her life.In the past, she always felt that she would not be able to break through once, so she could only stay behind the gate of hell, so she never thought about her children's love, and now she has fallen into a boudoir girl, and what she sees the most in the future is probably because her parents are short-lived. The love between children has grown.

"After all, you didn't fully trust me." Li Shengxuan casually put the teacup back on the table, "It's okay, I won't force you."

 Each other's back road...

(End of this chapter)

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