Chapter 550 Death
"Your Majesty..." Fang Zilan opened his mouth, but seeing Li Shengxuan wave his hand, he swallowed the rest of the words.

"I still have something to do, so I won't stay any longer." Li Shengxuan stood up, and Fang Zilan saluted, "Send off Your Majesty."

Not long after Li Shengxuan left, Fang Ziqin walked in, "Going to Yugui Palace to greet you today has been a lot of trouble. I think you are tired too, you might as well go to rest earlier."

"I'm fine." Fang Zilan still stood where she was, Fang Ziqin sat down on the main seat without forcing, Qiu Shui quickly cleaned up the tea set, replaced the tea cup, and poured a cup of tea for her.

"If I knew today, why bother?" Fang Ziqin shook the teacup in his hand lightly, letting the clear tea surface stir up waves, "You stayed after all."

"I didn't stay here for His Majesty." Fang Zilan sat back and said with downcast eyes: "At least not now."

"Lan'er, have you ever regretted it for a moment?" Fang Ziqin took a sip of tea, Fang Zilan was stunned, and blurted out: "What do you regret?"

"Refused to marry." Fang Ziqin's eyes were full of inexplicable sadness, "If you hadn't refused to marry at the beginning, then today..."

"Today I'm a boudoir woman trapped in a high wall, and I know it's meaningless." Fang Zilan interrupted Fang Ziqin's words, which made her startled for a while, before saying: "You don't remember ?"

"Remember what?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and said while thinking: "I have an impression of the marriage contract, but I don't remember much about the specific circumstances."

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember." Fang Ziqin said in a low voice: "It's all in the past, and it's useless to remember, but it will only increase your troubles."

"Increasing troubles?" Fang Zilan repeated these four words, always feeling that Fang Ziqin meant something, and before asking further questions, she heard her start another topic: "When you are walking around in the palace, if you meet De Jia Princess, avoid it if you can, if you really can't avoid it, try not to conflict with her."

Fang Zilan showed a look of inquiry, Fang Ziqin met her gaze, and said bluntly: "Although Princess Dejia's temper has been spoiled by pampering, she is the only princess of Emperor Ningshun, the empress dowager's beloved daughter, and the sister of King Yucheng. Even His Majesty will give her a little favor."

"Since the eldest sister has ordered, then I should obey." Fang Zilan collected her expression, but Fang Ziqin said again: "However, if Princess Dejia bullies you recklessly, you don't have to bear it, even if you fight back .No matter what happens, I will support you."

Fang Zilan laughed softly, "Elder Sister thinks, who can bully me?"

"Others can't, it's just..." Fang Ziqin paused, "You always like to ask for trouble, and the one who bullies you the most is probably yourself."

Fang Zilan couldn't help but pursed her lips when she told her the truth, "Why am I asking for trouble?"

The corners of Fang Ziqin's lips curled up slightly, without saying a word, she just looked at Fang Zilan with a smile on her face, until her scalp tingled and she lost the battle, "Elder Sister is right."

"Okay, let's go back and rest." Fang Ziqin waved his hand, "When Qiu Chan comes back with the medicine, I will order her to take it directly to your room."

Fang Zilan nodded, and went back to her room after paying all the courtesy.For several days after that, she lived in seclusion in the palace. Rao Princess Dejia Li Qianning came to Fengyi Palace to pay her respects, and she had never seen her, let alone outside of Fengyi Palace.

So Fang Ziqin had never had the conflict with Li Qianning that Fang Ziqin mentioned, but her heart was still in suspense, just because the news, big or small, from outside the palace was enough to make her uneasy.

First, King Rong An fell ill shortly after returning to the southeast land, and then several newly appointed officials in the southeast land were assassinated, and the whole family lost their posts, and some went to the Jiangnan camp and the southeast camp to take up their posts. Several lieutenants were killed at the same time and died on the road.

Finally, there is frequent rain in summer, and the area under the jurisdiction of Mr. Su Heng is remote, located in the mountains, and landslides block the mountain roads, so his return to Beijing can only be postponed, and it may be indefinitely...

All of a sudden, people were in panic, and officials both inside and outside the capital were in panic all day long.It was only a year since Wu Sheng, Yang Zhiqing and others were assassinated last time, and so many adults died in the blink of an eye, no one knew who would be the next to die.

Fang Zilan heard that Cao Hong came to Ren's peace of mind, but the lieutenants assigned to him were severely damaged, and only one came to the post normally, and from the news she got, it was all the work of ghosts.

Everyone in the world knows that assassinating an imperial official is a felony, and this is the first time that the ghost gate has left traces everywhere with such a big fanfare.

Suddenly, Fang Zilan understood why Ji Ningtian saved her life for her benefit.

Among the ghost gates, apart from Zixiu, the King of Hades of the Ten Palaces is the most respected.Since he has the name of the King of Hades, he is definitely not a good stubble. No matter how obedient the Ten Palace is, he will never appear in front of others.

If Ji Ningtian wants to make trouble one day, the first thing before that is to clean up the ghost gate.It's okay to use cunning methods, but they can't be turned on the bright side, let alone fall into the tongue.

Only when the gate of ghosts and the king of Hades in the Ten Palaces disappear can Ji Ningtian feel completely at ease, and he will not be criticized for causing trouble in the future.

But ordinary Jianghu people can't destroy the ghost gate at all, let alone kill the king of Hades.

The only possibility is to borrow the hand of the imperial court.

Therefore, Ji Ningtian allowed the ghost gate to do evil everywhere, ordered Hades of the Ten Palaces to kill the court officials at will, and left evidence on purpose, just to put them to death.

But even if the imperial court makes a move, it is easy to lose to both sides when facing the Jianghu people.At this time, she has a use for saving her life...

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan slowly closed her eyes.At the beginning Li Shengxuan saved her life regardless of the consequences, it was probably beyond Ji Ningtian's expectation, so Ji Ningtian planned the second half of the game.Not only can it kill her, but it can also disrupt the court situation and destroy the ghost gate, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

However, if Ji Ningtian has the intention of ruining the ghost gate, it means that he no longer needs people to do the secret deeds, which means that his power on the surface is stable enough.

Murong Qing of Miluo and Di Rong's tribe are all allies of Ji Ningtian, but in Dajing, the attitude of the royal family in the north is not clear, King Rong'an in the southeast fell ill, these two allies are not foolproof... …

Could it be that Ji Ningtian also controls other forces that she doesn't even know about?
The unknown is always scary, let alone the unknown enemy?Fang Zilan has been busy for more than ten days, but she is still at a loss. Earlier, Qianjinfang lost many people because of Chu Bin's search for evidence in the south. Some people are still looking for Chu Bin's whereabouts, and their whereabouts are scattered. Not as fast as it used to be.

Just as Fang Zilan was hesitating whether to concentrate on Qianjinfang to conduct an in-depth investigation, news of the death of King Rong An suddenly came from the southeast.

 A new round of hunting for the King of Hades has begun, are you afraid?

(End of this chapter)

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