Chapter 551
"It's the Mid-Autumn Festival, why did such a thing happen at this juncture?" Qiu Shui was worried, Fang Ziqin didn't seem to care about her words, but looked at Fang Zilan who was sitting by the window without saying a word, and asked: " How long has Lan'er been sitting there?"

"It's been a day and a night." Qiu Shui whispered: "It's been like this since I received the news yesterday."

"Where did Qiu Chan go, and I don't know how to comfort him?" Fang Ziqin frowned slightly, and Qiu Shui hurriedly said: "Qiu Chan is soft-tempered, what does Miss San say and what does she do, how can she comfort her? At this time, I think it's time to go I went to Mr. Wen to get the medicine."

Fang Ziqin waved his hand, indicating that he knew, and Qiu Shui withdrew with a wink.

"Although I don't know where you got the news from, I think it's faster than the court's posthorse." Fang Ziqin walked to Fang Zilan's side, "The death of King Rong'an's illness is very important, and when the news spreads all over the world, it will be after the Mid-Autumn Festival ..."

"What does elder sister want to say?" Fang Zilan cut off Fang Ziqin's words in a low voice, and she was not bothered, "You don't have to worry about things that bother your heart and mind."

"As the lord of the harem, Eldest Sister regards cleaning up the palace as her duty, and you really don't need to worry about others." Fang Zilan still looked out of the window and said word by word: "But I can't. Even if it's just the third lady of the Fang family, some I have to think about it too."

Fang Ziqin laughed softly, "I used to worry about the affairs of the world, but it's a pity..."

She didn't go on, Fang Zilan finally turned her gaze to her and asked, "What's the pity?"

"Birth is less than a hundred years old, and I often worry about being a thousand years old." Fang Ziqin changed his voice, "Lan'er, don't you feel bitter?"

"Just get used to it." Fang Zilan turned her face back, "Isn't it bitter that elder sister locked herself in this harem?"

"Is it bitter?" Fang Ziqin looked out of the window thoughtfully, Fang Zilan followed her line of sight, but couldn't see anything except a sycamore tree in front of her.

"Your Majesty seems to be going to Baiye Temple to offer incense today." Fang Ziqin's voice was very soft, like a raving.

Fang Zilan heard it in her ears and was suspicious in her heart.Well done, why did Fang Ziqin suddenly mention Baiye Temple?
She suddenly realized that this window was right, it seemed to be in the direction of Baiye Temple...

"The wind is blowing, you haven't recovered yet, so don't sit here for too long." Fang Ziqin warned, then turned and left.

Fang Zilan looked at her back, hesitated to speak, and finally looked out the window again.

At this moment in Baiye Temple, Li Shengxuan was sitting opposite Master Yuan Yuan, the steaming hot tea on the table in front of him was emitting a faint aroma of tea smoke.

"The Jiangnan Camp and the Southwest Camp have not yet been established. If the news of King Rong An's death spreads again, the southeast land may not be stable." Li Shengxuan sighed lightly, and Master Liao Yuan brought the teacup, " The southeast battalion cannot be supported alone, so we might as well ask the Xiahou family who stayed in the old Baiyue area to help, Zhao... General Xiahou will definitely not refuse."

Li Shengxuan was silent for a moment, looked at Master Yuan firmly, and said in a deep voice: "Ah Jun, your mind is disturbed."

Since becoming a monk, Master Liao Yuan not only gave up the name of Zhuge Jun, but also never missed any common names, and has always been an adult benefactor, polite and polite.

But just now, he clearly wanted to say something about Aunt Zhao, but he reacted abruptly and changed his words.

Master Liao Yuan's hands trembled imperceptibly, and a drop of the tea in the cup splashed on the back of his hand, but he didn't notice it.

Li Shengxuan reached out and grabbed Master Yuan's wrist, "Aunt Zhao has already lost too much for me, let alone the southeast land..."

He didn't continue, Master Liao Yuan understood, "It seems that the poor monk is not the only one who is disturbed."

Such a frank admission made Li Shengxuan stunned, "Ah Jun, you..."

"The poor monk heard that Miss Fang San entered the palace." Master Liao Yuan pushed Li Shengxuan's hand away calmly, changed his voice almost abruptly, and asked, "Is... is she okay?"

The she he was talking about was naturally not Fang Zilan.Li Shengxuan's heart was shocked. After so many years, he still missed her so much, even though she was already the queen of the middle palace, not the eldest lady of Fang's family.

"Ah Jun, I have sworn that no matter if it is King Xiang or the Lord of the Great Capital, Fang Ziqin is the only wife." Li Shengxuan spoke firmly, but Master Liaoyuan rarely asked: "If it is Li Shengxuan, what should we do? "

Li Shengxuan took a deep breath, and suddenly smiled, "Ah Jun, this seems like something you would ask."

There are no taboos, flying and escaping, this is Zhuge Jun, not the master Liaoyuan that the world worships.

Master Liao Yuan put the teacup back casually, but didn't speak any more, as if he was waiting for Li Shengxuan's answer.

"If it's Li Shengxuan..." Li Shengxuan paused, as if he had made up his mind, "I want to marry Fang Zilan as my wife, and I will live forever, and my ambition will never change."

"Sure enough." Master Liao Yuan closed his eyes slowly, Li Shengxuan collected his expression, "So, can Ah Jun feel at ease?"

"How to feel at ease?" Master Liao Yuan opened his eyes with a sharp expression, "After the death of Princess Erya, Di Rong's department continued to strife. Hatum was assassinated by his subordinates last month, and this month the new leader tore up the relationship with Dajing. In addition to the covenant with King Rong An's illness and the fact that the three camps are separated, I'm afraid the banditry will be difficult to calm down."

When he heard the word banditry, Li Shengxuan couldn't help clenching his fists. Master Liao Yuan looked calm, "The poor monk is willing to write a letter himself, asking General Xiahou to come out of the mountain."

"No need." Li Shengxuan took the teacup in his hand and drank it down. "The three major battalion generals are already in place, and the deputy generals are also being re-elected. It will take shape in a short time, so there is no need to bother Aunt Zhao."

Master Liao Yuan stopped talking, he knew that banditry was a thorn in Li Shengxuan's heart.

The first time Li Shengxuan led an army was to quell the banditry, but due to lack of experience, Xiahou Yunzhao lost the generals around him, and even Brother Xu, who grew up with her, died during that quelling. .

At that time, Master Liaoyuan was still Zhuge Jun who was learning the art of war in Xiajiajun Middle School. When he arrived overnight with the army, he saw a few coffins that had not yet been buried in the ground, Xiahou Yunzhao's lonely back, and standing behind Xie Chen, bowing his head. Li Shengxuan.

There are many bandits in the south. From the former general Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang to the current Xiahou Yunzhao's southeast camp, it has always been difficult to eradicate.There is no other reason, but once the mountain becomes king, it will be able to rely on geographical advantages to confront the imperial court for a long time. It will be even more difficult if there are people from the rivers and lakes who have fallen into bandits and become bandits.

In addition, after Fang Zilan took over the southeast government office, some accounts have not been clarified, which is related to banditry.The general banditry is a climate, but the banditry in the south is mostly caused by collusion with the government.

When King Rong An was alive, he could at least maintain the balance between local officials and bandits, but now that he has died of illness, the banditry is imminent.

 Eventful autumn, people's hearts are in chaos
(End of this chapter)

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