Don't ask where people go

Chapter 555 Pretending to be a God

Chapter 555 Pretending to be a God
"Aren't you alive?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, the man was stunned, and retorted: "Of course..."

"Shh, it's coming!" The man next to him interrupted the man, and the man hurriedly dragged Fang Zilan to squat behind the bushes, motioning her not to make a sound.

Fang Zilan looked around curiously, and saw a black shadow flashing past, which looked like a whole piece of black gauze with the width of two people, but there were faint patterns flickering in it, as if sprinkled with gold powder.

The man pressed Fang Zilan, who was restless, and whispered: "You don't want to die?"

"Have you heard a word?" Fang Zilan stood up abruptly, and said arrogantly: "A person with high skills is bold."

Before she finished speaking, she leapt forward, pointed the plum sword in her hand at the black veil, and the speed was not slow at all, making everyone tremble with fear.

"Be careful!" The man couldn't help reminding, Fang Zilan didn't care about piercing the black gauze with the plum sword, causing it to fall straight down.

Only then did everyone dare to step forward to take a look, only to find that it was a giant flying kite made of black gauze. When they were stunned, Fang Zilan lifted the black gauze with a sword and unfolded it in front of everyone. A picture of plum branches sprinkled with gold.

"Pretending to be a ghost." Fang Zilan looked disdainful, and her eyes fell on the silk thread at the lower corner of the black gauze. If she is not mistaken, this silk thread...

"This plum branch pattern..." Someone shouted, attracting everyone's attention, "It's exactly the same as your sword hilt..."

Fang Zilan lifted the plum sword in his hand, glanced at the crowd who suddenly fell silent, and asked: "The ghost you are talking about, what else is there besides this black gauze flying kite?"

"There are many more." The man took a step forward, as if seeing a savior, "What is the sound of whimpering at night, the inexplicable appearance of banners..."

"Stop." Fang Zilan cut off the man's words impatiently, and said coldly: "What I mean is, is there a ghost behind it? Like killing someone or something."

"Yes!" The boy next to him screamed and cried as if stimulated.

"What kind of evil?" Fang Zilan asked indifferently, and the woman who hugged the young man turned her head away, "What are you asking for?"

Fang Zilan looked at the pattern of plum branches on the black gauze, thought of a plan, coughed lightly, and Zhuang Rong said solemnly: "I am a disciple of Kunlun Mountain, and I am going down the mountain under the order of my master to eliminate evil spirits. .”

She said, holding a sword flower, "I think everyone has seen it, the pattern on this black gauze is exactly the same as my sword hilt, it is because Yaoxie stole the treasure of Kunlun Mountain from me. If not, how could I be sure that Yaoxie To kill someone?"

Everyone was skeptical and exchanged glances with each other, but because of Fang Zilan's skill, they naturally believed what she said to her, and they simply turned dead horses into a living horse doctor and told everything.

Because of the remoteness of Yuzhou, there are some legends about ghosts, but the laws of Dajing do not allow gossip to confuse the public, so no one has always believed it. Unexpectedly, since the continuous rainstorm, people have always disappeared, and people have been found. There were so many wreckages that people panicked.

At this juncture, a landslide blocked the road, and Mr. Su Heng was also trapped in Shi County. The local people lost their backbone for a while. I heard that Zhizhou also sent a letter to Beijing, but there was no reply.

And this group of people are all villagers from the nearby Taoyuan Village. They are the closest to Shixian County, so they decided to clear the road and asked Mr. Su Heng to take charge of the overall situation.

So about a month ago, when the rainstorm first stopped, they worked together with the people in Shi County to clear the damaged mountain road, but for some reason, it was blocked by falling rocks again the next day, and at the same time, a flame shot into the sky from Shi County , the village also began to have strange things one after another. First, children disappeared, then headless corpses were found, and there were erratic black gauze flying kites...

"This is exactly the same as in the legend!" The man became more and more excited as he spoke, his eyes were almost crazy.

Fang Zilan frowned and asked, "What legend?"

"We have a legend about flying kites in Yuzhou." The old man next to him said quietly: "It is said that there were many flying kites in Yuzhou in the past, but they were hunted and killed. Fei kites are closer to the sky than humans, so they prayed to the gods Reborn, turned into a black bird of revenge, pecking at people and drinking their blood..."

The hoarse voice was indescribably ghastly, and Fang Zilan felt a thin layer of goosebumps on her body. She originally wanted to say "it's just a legend of ghosts and monsters, so I can't count them", but when she thought of the fact that she was a Kunlun disciple just now. The name lied to everyone, so he swallowed these words back.

After all, which flying kite can be so unique, with a pattern of plum branches sprinkled with gold on its body?What's more, the plum branch pattern is exactly the same as her Zixiu's logo, so it's not an exaggeration to say it belongs to her.

Therefore, she knew very well that all of this was caused by ghosts, trapping Su Heng, blocking news, pretending to be ghosts, and harming the people.

If this approach takes effect, the land of Yuzhou will be barren in the future.Is the prosperity that Su Heng spent so much effort and hard work for several years going to be ruined...

"Old Mr. Su..." Fang Zilan read it softly, and asked everyone as if thinking of something: "Since you have cleared the way, why didn't Mr. Su Heng come out of Shi County?"

"This..." Everyone looked at each other, and it took a while before someone whispered: "I heard that Mr. Su wanted the people who were injured by the falling rocks to evacuate first, but they refused, and the effort was delayed. No one expected the next day... ..."

"That is to say, no one has left Shi County?" Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, and no one spoke, until she broke the silence again, "Apart from your Taoyuan Village, is there any other way to Shi County?"

"Of course there is." Someone responded immediately, and then his voice weakened, "But the roads that are easy to walk are all blocked, otherwise why would you appear here?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, as if she had made up her mind, "How long will it take to clear the road again?"

"This..." Everyone showed embarrassment, and one of them stood up and said: "Girl, we are still haunted by ghosts now, I'm afraid it's not good to clear the road?"

"As long as you can clear the way, I will eradicate all the evil spirits and ghosts." Fang Zilan pointed to the sky and the earth, and vowed: "Kunlun disciples swear here, if you don't wipe out the evil spirits and ghosts in the world, and feel ashamed of your ancestors, then you will use it Apologize to death."

Sure enough, soon some people were encouraged by the oath she made and clapped their chests to say that there was no problem with clearing the way, while some were suspicious and refused to speak out, and some didn't believe it at all, and the word "warning" was written all over their bodies.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Fang Zilan went back to Taoyuan Village with everyone. It was already the top of the moon when she arrived. I walked around the village and asked about the situation.

Fang Zilan hardly slept all night, but everyone in the village slept soundly, which was a rare peace.

 Fang Zilan: On the self-cultivation of the patron saint...

(End of this chapter)

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