Chapter 556
"Sister Fairy!" The childish words awakened Fang Zilan in her sleep. She straightened up instantly, clenched the plum sword in her hand, and realized that she was in Taoyuan Village the next moment.

When did you fall asleep on the table?Fang Zilan thought in a daze, stood up and opened the door, and looked at the little girl standing not far from the door. There was a glaring bloodstain on her body, which was shocking to see.

Fang Zilan woke up completely, walked over quickly, knelt down and carefully checked the blood on the little girl's body, "Are you injured? Where did the blood on your body come from?"

The little girl stood there in a daze, letting Fang Zilan move, but seemed ignorant.

Only then did Fang Zilan realize that something was wrong, "Little sister, where are the adults in your family? Why did you run out alone?"

When she returned to the village with the villagers last night, she specifically told them to close the windows and doors, and not to go out at will. Even if the adults are like this, let alone children, how could they run out by themselves?
"I..." The little girl wrinkled her face and cried out loudly, "Zuzu's head is gone..."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan was startled, and picked up the little girl, "Little sister, where is your home?"

"Over there." The little girl stretched out her finger and pointed in the direction, Fang Zilan hugged her and rushed over quickly.

Sure enough, as soon as they arrived in the courtyard, the door was wide open, and a strong smell of blood gushed out.

"You wait for me here, don't move around." Fang Zilan put the little girl at the door, then walked in, and saw a headless corpse.The blood was still warm, and it was estimated that he had been dead for less than half an hour.

That is to say, during the time she was resting, someone committed another crime with sophisticated and ruthless methods...

"Ah!" An exclamation interrupted Fang Zilan's thoughts. She looked back and saw a man in black capturing the little girl and walking towards her step by step.

"You've been playing tricks for so long." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Aren't you showing your true colors in front of me?"

"Miss Xiu, long time no see, don't come here without any problems." The man in black said, slowly taking off his veil.

Fang Zilan stared intently at the person in front of her, subconsciously clenched the plum sword in her hand, and asked coldly, "What exactly does your lord want to do?"

"It's rare that you are still willing to call him son." The man in black mocked: "Since you have betrayed the ghost, why bother so much."

"Betrayal?" Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips and smiled contemptuously, "The ghost gate is not worthy."

"You..." The man in black was furious, "Don't think that you are number one in the world, so you can do whatever you want!"

"I'm going to tell you today." Fang Zilan raised his sword and dropped it, "The number one in the world is that you can do whatever you want."

The last word was pronounced, and the man in black in front of him also swallowed his breath, and the blood splashed on the girl's skirt, which made her tremble and fainted.

Fang Zilan hugged the little girl over, feeling like a stone was pressed against her heart.Although she couldn't recognize the name of the man in black, he was very familiar, at least he was considered a respectable figure in the ghost gate, but now he died so easily in her hands.later……

"Killed!" A wailing caused the villagers to run out of their homes. Fang Zilan's expression changed imperceptibly when she heard the sound. Just now, she didn't notice that there were people nearby. Why did she suddenly...

In the blink of an eye, Fang Zilan had no time to think, and slipped out the back door with the little girl in her arms, and hid outside the courtyard wall.Then I saw the villagers rushing in, and when they saw the headless corpse and the corpse of the man in black, they exploded——

"Who is this man in black, who actually died in Old Man Wang's house? Could it be that Fei Yuan became a human?"

"Hey, that little granddaughter of old man Wang's family, who of you saw it? It's all right, why is someone missing again?"

"And that girl last night, I just passed by where she lived, and the door was open, it seems that she disappeared too!"

"Didn't that girl claim to be a disciple of Kunlun and come down the mountain to eliminate evil spirits? How could such a thing happen?"

Everyone talked to each other, and finally led the conversation to Fang Zilan. Her face was gloomy, and the worrying thing finally happened.

In the current situation of pretending to be gods and ghosts, there must be someone trusted by everyone in order to truly save them.

But Mr. Su Heng, the most popular, was trapped in Shixian County. Even if she pretended to be a Kunlun disciple, it would be difficult for her to win everyone's trust.If this continues, I'm afraid she will be kicked out of Taoyuan Village, and it will be a matter of time before everyone is killed.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan tightened her arms holding the little girl, stood up without hesitation, and said loudly: "I have brought back the little granddaughter of the old man Wang."

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the blood-stained person in front of them, "Did you kill Feiyuan?"

Seeing that everyone believed that the dead man in black was transformed by Fei Yuan, Fang Zilan didn't bother to explain, and simply followed their words, "There is more than one Fei Yuan. If you want to survive, you must gather everyone together."

"Why should we believe you?" A voice of doubt erupted from the crowd, like a ignited fuse, igniting an overwhelming fire of doubt, enveloping Fang Zilan in it.

"You don't have to believe me." Fang Zilan's eyes flashed a stern look, "If you don't want to live anymore."

"What are you talking about..." Everyone was full of astonishment. Fang Zilan's appearance sounded like a Kunlun disciple, and he sounded like a decent school, and his reputation as a fairy was quite different.

"What are you talking about?" Fang Zilan raised her eyes and glanced at everyone present one by one, "If I hadn't been here today, the little granddaughter of Old Man Wang's family might not have survived. I might not be able to keep the entire Taoyuan Village safe and sound, but at least I can keep one person safe. one person."

She looked at the little girl who was waking up in her arms, put her on the ground and stood up, "If you really don't want to believe me, I won't force you. From now on, you go your own way, and I take my single-plank bridge. It doesn't matter anymore." .”

Immediately someone came forward and said: "Yesterday you were the one who said you wanted to get rid of the evil spirits, now you just leave, how can it be so easy? If you want to leave, let's get rid of the evil spirits."

Others echoed, Fang Zilan raised his eyebrows, neither refuted nor rejected everyone's near-rogue behavior.

However, her silence did not silence the crowd, on the contrary, it fueled their arrogance. After a while, some people became suspicious: "Speaking of which, why did Feiyuan hurt old man Wang, but let his little granddaughter go?"

This voice aroused the suspicion of others, and someone interjected: "It is said that Feiyuan has a spirit, could it be attached to her body?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone backed away and looked at the little girl who was at a loss by the corner of Fang Zilan's clothes in horror, and the next moment someone shouted: "Kill her!"

Fang Zilan's expression was turned cold by the appearance of all the grass and trees, and he said sharply: "Enough, that's it."

 Good intentions may not be rewarded, Fang Zilan: Tired...

(End of this chapter)

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