Don't ask where people go

Chapter 557 Poisoning

Chapter 557 Poisoning
People's hearts are ghosts, this is what Fang Zilan's master told her when she was young, so she rarely acts recklessly by relying on the best martial arts in the world.

But later, she, who came here through time travel, exhausted all her abilities in order to gain a place, but in the end she ended up with "death and fame".

At that time, she knew that a hero can't do it.

But in the end, she still managed to be strong again and again, no matter whether it was voluntary or forced, she was always open to criticism.

"Sister Fairy..." The little girl trembled, Fang Zilan simply hugged her tightly, buried her face in his arms, and did not face these malicious adults.

"Girl, you claim to be a disciple of Kunlun, what is your real name?"

"That's right, and the pattern of the flying kite is exactly the same as your sword hilt. Could it be that you are the one possessed by the flying kite?"

"Or, there is more than one flying kite, and you are all humanoid flying kites?"


Fang Zilan's face sank like water, and she said word by word: "If I am the incarnation of Feiyuan, what can you do to me?"

Everyone's expressions froze, and their voices gradually weakened until they became completely silent.

"If I were the incarnation of Feiyuan, you would all die." Fang Zilan said, approaching step by step, "I just said, if you don't want to live, feel free to suspect me."

She stood in front of the leading man, with the plum sword in her hand on his neck, "I have been doing things all my life, and the most annoying thing is that someone is standing in the way. I killed all the people who got in the way before. If you are the same, I don't mind doing things in the future." Before Feiyuan, kill you first."

"You..." The man looked at the sword that was close at hand, his voice trembled involuntarily, "You are a disciple of Kunlun, how dare you..."

"How dare you?" Fang Zilan cut off the man's words, and smiled evilly, "There is no proof of death, who knows what I did?"

She leaned close to the man's ear, and said in a soft voice, "Do you think that the Kunlun disciples are well-known and decent, so they will accommodate you in every way? I won't."

After she finished speaking, she distanced herself from the man, and said loudly: "Tonight, everyone will spend the night in the ancestral hall of Taoyuan Village. After I count the number of people, there must be no mistakes."

The man was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted angrily and said, "Whatever you say is what you say..."

"If there is one more person, I will kill one." Fang Zilan interrupted the man lightly, as if saying that the weather is good today, "If there is one less person, I will kill all of you. Do you hear me clearly?"

The man took a step back, unable to speak for a long time.

"Aren't you going to do it?" Fang Zilan showed his murderous aura, "Are you waiting for me to kill you all?"

Everyone was intimidated by Fang Zilan's momentum, you pushed and turned around and ran out, for fear that if you ran a step slower, you would be killed by her.

The room quickly quieted down, Fang Zilan patted the back of the little girl who was afraid, and comforted: "Okay, it's all right."

"Sister Immortal..." The little girl lifted her head with sobs, and said intermittently, "Did Xia' hated..."

"No one hates Xia'er." Fang Zilan wiped away tears for the little girl named Xia'er, while comforting her: "It doesn't matter what other people say, as long as Xia'er lives well, the most important thing is to be happy."

Xia'er seemed to understand, but she still nodded seriously, "I listen to Sister Fairy."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan couldn't help laughing, "I fight and kill all the time, yet you still call me Sister Fairy?"

"Sister Fairy is Sister Fairy." Xia'er's strict look amused Fang Zilan, she couldn't help nodding her head and said: "Okay, Xia'er is right."

"Sister Fairy, why do you think Feiyuan came to my house?" Xia'er asked her doubts, Fang Zilan sighed faintly, "Probably got lost."

"Lost?" Xia'er frowned and asked, "What is getting lost?"

Fang Zilan took Xia'er's hand, and walked towards the ancestral hall, talking one after another.

A six or seven-year-old girl is just at the time when she is full of curiosity. Although she is not very sensible, she has somewhat vague concepts.

Fang Zilan didn't want Xia'er to know too much, and she didn't want to perfuse her, so this journey was quite troublesome.In the ancestral hall, a woman came out and offered to take care of him, so she handed him over temporarily.

Xia'er was reluctant to let go, Fang Zilan coaxed her for a long time before she obediently followed the woman and sat in a corner.

After that, Fang Zilan counted the number of people. Except for old man Wang, it was the same as yesterday.

"Sister Fairy." Xia'er ran up to Fang Zilan with the porridge bowl when the woman was helping to deliver the food, and held the bowl in front of her with both hands, "You eat first."

"Sister is not hungry." Fang Zilan shook her head and said softly, "Xia'er eat by herself."

Xia'er pursed her lips, but when she heard her stomach growl, she lowered her head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "Then... Xia'er ate?"

Just as Fang Zilan was about to respond, she noticed a little white powder on the side of the bowl with sharp eyes, and immediately changed her expression, and snatched it away, "Wait a minute."

Just as Xia'er was about to say something, she heard someone "Ouch" not far away, and then fell over.

"Sister Fairy!" Xia'er panicked and was about to throw herself into Fang Zilan's arms.

However, Fang Zilan didn't have time to look at Gu Xia'er, and yelled, "The porridge is poisonous, don't eat it!" Then he hurriedly took out a silver needle and stirred the porridge in the bowl.

"Damn it." Fang Zilan cursed in a low voice. She originally felt that this kind of practice of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for rabbits was really not the usual style of doing things in the ghost gate, but she couldn't keep up with her energy, so she didn't have the time to think about it.

Thinking about it now, the black gauze flying kite was just an introduction, and the man in black at Old Man Wang's house was also an outpost, the purpose was to let her gather everyone together.

Once everyone is gathered, it is easy to kill or cut.Just as she said just now, no one knows what the truth is if there is no proof of death.

But if it's a method like poisoning... She has Gu poison in her body, any poison will kill her, isn't it aimed at her?
But even if the Ghost Sect is Tu Village, there is absolutely no need for a little-known village like Tu Taoyuan Village...

Between the lightning and the flint, the conversation last night came to mind, and Fang Zilan suddenly understood—Taoyuan Village is the nearest village to Shi County, and it is the most convenient to clear the road for rescue, and there is a large population in the village, so working must not be a problem.After being poisoned, the sick and dead in the village, how could anyone care about Shi County?

But she always felt that something was wrong, the method of poisoning was too tortuous.They are all villagers with little fighting power, so why bother the ghost gate?One knife, one life is the best policy.

 In the predicament, people's hearts are in chaos.Will the poisoning incident be the last straw that overwhelms everyone?
(End of this chapter)

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