Don't ask where people go

Chapter 558 See Through

Chapter 558 See Through
All of a sudden, the sound of "Ouch" sounded one after another in the ancestral hall, and many people fell to the ground and rolled into a ball, all of them looked poisoned.

Fang Zilan walked to the nearest person and grabbed his wrist, only to feel that the pulse was extremely chaotic and disorganized, and she was not proficient in medicine, so she had no clue.

"Is there anyone who practices medicine in the village?" Fang Zilan asked loudly, and a man stood up, "Girl, I used to be an apprentice in a medical center in the town."

Fang Zilan didn't hesitate, bowed like a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and said: "Please see the doctor."

"I don't dare to take it." The man saluted back, and then concentrated on his pulse. After a while, he lowered his head and said: "Girl, I'm sorry, I'm not good at learning, I really can't see..."

"It's okay." Fang Zilan walked behind the man, lifted the back of his neck, and said coldly, "As long as you hand over the antidote, it will be fine."

The man gasped, "Girl, what are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm saying, so why pretend to be confused in front of me?" Fang Zilan's eyes fell on the man's hands, and she raised her eyebrows, "This is not the first time I've seen your hands."

Those were a pair of almost perfect hands, with well-defined joints, long and soft.But in Fang Zilan's eyes, it was a pair of fake hands that could no longer be fake, they were just covered with a layer of fake skin.

The man's hand trembled imperceptibly, and Fang Zilan raised the hand on the back of his neck slightly, "Why, just poisoning is not enough, what else do you need to do?"

"I..." the man murmured, looking quite aggrieved, "Girl, I used to be an apprentice in the medical center, but now I just stand up with good intentions. If I can't save someone, why don't you kill me?"

"It's okay." Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "If you refuse to hand over the antidote, after I kill you, it won't be too late to search."

"What did you say?" The man stared at Fang Zilan dumbfounded. She looked calm, "I'm impatient. If you delay for no reason, I'll have to do it."

"This is the ancestral hall!" The person next to him couldn't help interjecting, "What do you want to do, girl?"

Fang Zilan glanced at the speaker, and snorted coldly, "It's just a bunch of carved wooden signs, do you think I'm afraid of them?"

She paused, and grabbed the man's neck fiercely, "If it offends me, it's okay to set it on fire. Tell me, am I right? Lu Tian."

The man named Lu Tian froze for a moment, then raised the corners of his lips, and said with a sinister smile, "I am so lucky to be remembered by Miss Xiu."

"Perform this kind of trick in front of me, don't you want to live?" Fang Zilan looked around at everyone in the ancestral hall, "And you, how long do you plan to perform?"

"Miss Xiu played the Kunlun disciples so well, how dare we not cooperate?" Lu Tian said, with a wider smile on his face, "Miss Xiu may as well guess, how many people in this ancestral hall are real?" Taoyuan villagers?"

"Sure enough, there are not many people left alive in Taoyuan Village." Fang Zilan's expression became colder, "Tell me, what is the current situation in Shi County?"

"Miss Xiu wants to know so much, why don't you go and see for yourself?" Lu Tian blinked innocently, and Fang Zilan suddenly chuckled, "You all expected that I wouldn't do anything to you until I didn't know the situation in Shi County, right? ?”

Lu Tian also laughed, "Miss Xiu, of course you can kill everyone present, and then what? There will never be an answer to what you want to know."

"Really?" Fang Zilan was noncommittal, "Are you, you, or the ghost gate, so afraid of me? I'm really flattered to mobilize so many people to deal with me alone. It's just a pity..."

She changed the voice, Lu Tian was stunned, and blurted out: "What's the pity?"

"I'm not alone." Fang Zilan calmed down and said: "Natural disasters and man-made disasters, the imperial court has always sent people to pay compensation, and the matter of Yuzhou can't be kept secret for long."

"Imperial court?" Lu Tian's expression turned serious, "Zixiu, when did you become a lackey of the imperial court?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's the imperial court or the ghost gate." Fang Zilan casually tugged on Lu Tian's collar, "They're both dogs, so what's the difference? As long as it's profitable."

"You are Zixiu!" Lu Tian roared angrily, "Zixiu is number one in the world..."

"So what?" Fang Zilan interrupted Lu Tian's words, "Learn literary and martial arts, and sell the goods to the emperor's family. If the price is higher than that of the emperor's family, it is not impossible for me to sacrifice my life."

She deliberately dragged her tongue, but the murderous intent in her eyes gradually revealed, "How about it, do you consider offering a higher price?"

"Are you kidding..." Lu Tian was about to struggle when Fang Zilan pinched his throat tightly, making him unable to make a sound.

"Who's joking with you?" Fang Zilan slowly increased her strength, watching Lu Tian's face flushed and her breath getting weaker and weaker, "It seems that you can't even afford to buy your own life, and you can't afford it. What face do you have to bargain with me?"

Lu Tian tried his best to grab Fang Zilan's arm with both hands, trying to break free of her hand, but it was in vain.

On the other side, Lu Tian's accomplice standing behind Fang Zilan saw the right time and was about to launch an attack, but unexpectedly, she was already prepared, and threw a short dagger with her backhand, piercing his chest.

"What are you standing there for?" Fang Zilan said contemptuously, "Either go together, or wait for me to kill you one by one, don't say I didn't give you a chance."

Before she finished speaking, someone charged up with a knife.But she calmly threw Lu Tian out, who was only breathing. The man was too late to close the knife, and the blade pierced Lu Tian's shoulder straight, and there was a scream.

"Dignified man, why is it like killing a pig with a little injury?" Fang Zilan frowned in disgust, and stood with folded arms, "If you are a Taoyuan villager, immediately stand behind me, turn your back and face your own spirit card, and protect it. , without looking back.

Sparse people stood up, and some of them gritted their teeth and walked behind Fang Zilan after being poisoned.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan thought to himself, no wonder he didn't need to kill him with a knife, but used the method of poisoning. It turned out that there were not many real villagers in the village, and most of them were ghosts.In order to facilitate the control and arrangement, poisoning is indeed the most effective way.

If it wasn't for her to see through the failure of success, when the imperial court sends people to investigate, it is unknown what will happen.

"Zixiu, you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!" Lu Tian roared, grabbed Xia'er and held her hostage, threatening: "If you persist in your obsession, I will kill her!"

"Her?" Fang Zilan sneered, every word was extremely cold, "What does she have to do with me?"

Lu Tian pursed his lips, and boldly mentioned Xia'er, "I will really kill her..."

"Please do yourself." Fang Zilan raised her hand and made a gesture of invitation. Xia'er seemed to have been stunned, her eyes were straightened, and she timidly called "Sister Fairy".

 Fang Zilan: Threat?The person who can threaten me hasn't been born yet.

(End of this chapter)

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