Chapter 617 Love
"Miss Zixiu, it's not a good habit to turn your face and deny people." The second master smiled, "You might as well listen to my so-called ransom, and then make a decision before it's too late."

"It's not necessary." Fang Zilan's face turned frosty, "Isn't it ridiculous that you want to negotiate a ransom with me after you kidnap someone as a hostage?"

She paused, and a sneering smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "Or, in your eyes, I, Zixiu, am so talkative?"

"From Miss Zixiu's words, you don't know this person?" The second master's eyes were a little more tentative, and Fang Zilan said in a low voice: "Whether you know each other or not has nothing to do with you."

She said, pulling out the plum sword impatiently, "Enough nonsense, since your boss refuses to invite me to talk, then I have nothing to say to you, just kill me."

"Miss Zixiu, wait a minute." The second head's expression froze for a moment, he obviously didn't expect that Fang Zilan didn't care about the life and death of the hostages in his hands, and even cherished words like gold, and never said a word to him...

"It's the same whether it's slow or slow, you're going to die anyway." Fang Zilan casually pulled a sword flower, "Don't worry, I'm fast, you won't have any pain."

Hearing that the second master was stunned, as if unwilling to give up, he said a little stiffly: "Miss Zixiu, do you really not care about this person's life or death?"

"You care so much." Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and said coldly: "Do you want me to help and kill him as well, so that you can have a companion after you go down?"

"Miss Zixiu, you..." The second leader was choked and speechless, Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently, "Why, don't you want to? Then you can kill him yourself, don't say I didn't give you a chance. "

The second leader looked at Fang Zilan in disbelief, and it took a while to react, turned to Li Shengxuan who was being held hostage, and said angrily: "You have the guts to lie to me?"

His yelling made Fang Zilan frowned, and plucked his ears in disgust, as if he had been disturbed.

Li Shengxuan didn't pay attention to the second leader at all, just stared at Fang Zilan, pretending to be heartbroken, and said: "You took advantage of me, but now you want to deny it? You have always abandoned me, won't your conscience hurt? "

Fang Zilan coughed lightly, thinking to herself that such a well-behaved little girl, how could she be charged with the crime of rebellion and abandonment?However, his face remained calm, "Did I do anything to you?"

She asked this innocently and naturally, Li Shengxuan was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said: "You gave me a purse, and even shared the bed with me..."

Before he could finish his words, Fang Lihui's expression changed and he coughed violently. The hand holding the folding fan trembled uncontrollably, and he even forgot the polite gesture of covering his face with the fan.

Fang Zilan was indifferent, "Give you a purse? It's just a random thing. If I'm interested, it's common to give away ten or eight a day, not to mention the pledge of each other to share the same bed. In a word, it's just a bed. What? If all the people who shared the bed with me who gave me the purse to each other, were chasing after me like you, crying and scolding, how sad would I be? How about killing them all with one sword, so as to be happy and clean? .”

"You treat me..." Li Shengxuan swayed, as if he had been greatly shocked, "Don't you have the slightest affection for me?"

"It's all a play on the spot, and it's a bit extravagant to talk about love." Fang Zilan took the time to turn and turn the plum sword in his hand, and finally turned towards Li Shengxuan, "In this world, love is rare, but it is also the most worthless."

Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, and he said quietly: "You really think so?"

Fang Zilan nodded, and with lightning speed, pressed the plum sword in his hand to Li Shengxuan's heart.

Rao even the Second Master who was watching the excitement from the sidelines was taken aback.Not only because of Fang Zilan's ruthlessness, but also because of her staggering speed, which makes the target have nowhere to escape.

"If love is the least valuable, why are you looking for the whereabouts of the King of the Wheel?" Li Shengxuan said fearlessly, "For the King of the Wheel, you are willing to bet your life and even go to war with bandits..."

"Have you said enough?" Fang Zilan interrupted Li Shengxuan unceremoniously, "I thought you were a sensible person, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant and unreasonable."

Li Shengxuan stared blankly at Fang Zilan in front of him, as if he had never known her before.And the moment her words fell, the plum sword in her hand had already been stabbed out.

A silver light flashed past, and the person holding Li Shengxuan fell straight over, his eyes wide open, full of shock.

Blood spurted out and splashed on the Erdangjia's body. He couldn't dodge it, so he could only watch helplessly as the corners of his clothes were stained red, and couldn't help but sternly said, "Miss Zixiu, what are you doing?"

"A dying person, what are you asking so much for?" Fang Zilan gently shook off the blood on the sword, her pupils were stained red, and flashed with a strange light.

The second leader involuntarily took a step back, "Miss Zixiu, if you came here for the Wheel-Turning King..."

"Do you believe what he says?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "It's not enough to be cheated once, and you have to be cheated a second time to have a long memory?"

"I..." The second leader opened his mouth, seeing the plum sword in Fang Zilan's hand, and at the very moment, he had an idea: "Miss Zixiu, if you fake the name of Qianjinfang, if they find out, I'm afraid... "

"So what if Qianjinfang knows about it?" Fang Zilan intercepted the words behind Erdangjia, and said with a half-smile: "Your Fei Lingshan's hand has already reached into Zuiyue Tower, do you still want to get your hands on Qianjinfang?"

"Miss Zixiu, if you join forces with us, what is a mere Qianjinfang?" Seeing that the plum sword in Fang Zilan's hand stopped, the second master secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "But if we join hands with Qianjinfang, Zixiu must The girl's life will not be easy."

"You still dare to threaten me?" Fang Zilan laughed out loud as if she had heard a big joke, "It's as easy as crushing an ant to death if I squeeze you to death. What qualifications do you have to threaten me?" I?"

"Miss Zixiu, there are many people who want you to die in the world." The second leader said in a persuasive way: "Once the Qianjinfang announces your whereabouts to the public, countless people will flock to you. Two fists are no match for four hands. Even if you are skilled in martial arts, you have no choice but to lose against the people from the rivers and lakes who have stepped up and succeeded."

He prolonged his voice on purpose, and asked almost provocatively: "Or, Miss Zixiu decided to hide for the rest of her life and never show herself in front of others?"

"You know how to provoke." Fang Zilan curled her lips and said mockingly: "I just don't know, is this your idea, or your boss's idea?"

 Dajing version of misplaced love——

  Fang Zilan, who is holding the scum girl book, and Li Shengxuan, who is holding the white lotus book, have a romantic show tonight, see you there~
(End of this chapter)

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